Four Star characters

WEBGAS Posts: 474 Mover and Shaker
edited September 2015 in MPQ Suggestions and Feedback
Instead of release a new 4 star character almost every two weeks, it should be better to launch a PVE in wich is rewardered one of the existing (like you did with Carnage, months ago). This will be a chance for those who miss the character during the first launch and for all the other players a chance to build them. In fact, for those player like me that aren't able to reach the 1000 score in pvp it's impossible to have a decent 4 stare levelled character and so the new quest for DDQ it's impossible to afford. At the meantime, you will have more people excited to play PVE because the reward are not the same 3 star characters on rotation (Hulk, Sentry, and so on). icon_e_biggrin.gif


  • cletus1985
    cletus1985 Posts: 276 Mover and Shaker
    If you can't reach 1000 in PvP you're not in the 3-4* transition yet, work on your 3*'s and you'll get there.
  • cletus1985 wrote:
    If you can't reach 1000 in PvP you're not in the 3-4* transition yet, work on your 3*'s and you'll get there.
    It's a new dogma here. If you can't reach 1000 in pvp you can't speak a word of 4*. So memorize it and shut up until you bring here proof of 1000.
  • cletus1985
    cletus1985 Posts: 276 Mover and Shaker
    shurak wrote:
    cletus1985 wrote:
    If you can't reach 1000 in PvP you're not in the 3-4* transition yet, work on your 3*'s and you'll get there.
    It's a new dogma here. If you can't reach 1000 in pvp you can't speak a word of 4*. So memorize it and shut up until you bring here proof of 1000.

    It's just a proven fact that a good 3* roster can obtain the 1000 pt progression in PvP reliably, which has been the only transition to 4* for months. If you can't reach this benchmark then you're most likely still in the 3* phase.

    Why should people be able to work on 4*'s if they haven't even made their 3*'s competitive? It's a good benchmark and really only hinders those who **** their rosters to try and game PvE. What do you suggest we use to deviate who is into a 3-4* transition?
  • simonsez
    simonsez Posts: 4,663 Chairperson of the Boards
    shurak wrote:
    It's a new dogma here. If you can't reach 1000 in pvp you can't speak a word of 4*.
    You can speak about them all you want. Just don't complain that they're too hard for you to get, as if the mere existence of 4*s means it's ok to skip past 3*s.
    WEBGAS Posts: 474 Mover and Shaker
    cletus1985 wrote:
    If you can't reach 1000 in PvP you're not in the 3-4* transition yet, work on your 3*'s and you'll get there.

    I can t reach 1000 in PVP because I prefer to do PVE and don t want to waste HP into shielding me.....My roster has a full 3 star covered but cap-levelled at 123 in order to avoid a worst scaling in pve. It's not fair (in my point of view) to be forced to fight (in PVP) players who have characters levelled at 166 or even more, when mine are at 123.

    If this doesn't change I prefer not to waste my time, HP and efforts into impossible fights on PVP....

    Anyways is a so bad idea to have a PVE rewarding an existent 4* character instead an old 3* or even new 4* every 2 weeks? I don't think so
  • cletus1985
    cletus1985 Posts: 276 Mover and Shaker
    WEBGAS wrote:
    cletus1985 wrote:
    If you can't reach 1000 in PvP you're not in the 3-4* transition yet, work on your 3*'s and you'll get there.

    I can t reach 1000 in PVP because I prefer to do PVE and don t want to waste HP into shielding me.....My roster has a full 3 star covered but cap-levelled at 123 in order to avoid a worst scaling in pve. It's not fair (in my point of view) to be forced to fight (in PVP) players who have characters levelled at 166 or even more, when mine are at 123.

    If this doesn't change I prefer not to waste my time, HP and efforts into impossible fights on PVP....

    Anyways is a so bad idea to have a PVE rewarding an existent 4* character instead an old 3* or even new 4* every 2 weeks? I don't think so

    I don't necessarily think PvE for 4*'s other than new ones is bad, in fact with the meta changing it's probably only a matter of time. However, you're just making my point for me. The only people complaining about the current system are people who aren't in transition to 4* land or people who **** THEIR ROSTER to game PvE.

    I participate in both PvE and PvP and I've maxed out my 3*'s to be able to transition, the scaling isn't as bad as the conspiracy theorists make it sound. If you're not willing to buy a couple of shields to hit 1,000 in PvP then you're not going to improve significantly into 4* land.

    My main point is why should the game cater directly to you? You try to game the system and make the a.i. weaker so you can win more in PvE, while those of us who play all aspects deal with higher level opponents because we've kept improving to do so. It's like bowling except you have the bumpers out and we can gutterball, but we all get the same rewards. I have no problem with people who only want to play PvE and handicap their roster to do so, but I have a problem with them complaining they can't compete and it's unfair (even though they've personally chosen that path). If you're going to do that so you only play one mode, it's only worth it if you can take top 2, otherwise you're losing out on way more that you could be getting by simply maxing out your roster.
  • Eh, I'm kinda scared of trying to make a big push in PVP too, because even with a good 3* roster, you don't get to 1000 reliably by just playing. You got to buy a good number of shields, and spend a few hundred HP to get there.

    That doesn't exactly sound like reliably and consistently hitting 1000 when you have to use shields to do so.

    Thankfully, you can get 4*s in PVE with Legendary Tokens now, at least.
  • cletus1985
    cletus1985 Posts: 276 Mover and Shaker
    colwag wrote:
    Eh, I'm kinda scared of trying to make a big push in PVP too, because even with a good 3* roster, you don't get to 1000 reliably by just playing. You got to buy a good number of shields, and spend a few hundred HP to get there.

    That doesn't exactly sound like reliably and consistently hitting 1000 when you have to use shields to do so.

    Thankfully, you can get 4*s in PVE with Legendary Tokens now, at least.

    It's really not as difficult as it seems. I used to think the same way, but the truth is you can do it reliably with 1 3hr and 1 8hr shield. Possibly just 1 3 hr if you're not protecting points. If you join a top 50-100 alliance your looking at -25 to -75 HP to hit 1000 with those 2 shields. A 4* cover costs 2500 HP to buy it outright, so i'd say you're getting a pretty good deal. Even without the alliance it's only -75 to -125 HP. Honestly even if you're spending 200-300HP it's way cheaper than any other route outside of luck.

    I'm F2P outside of the $25 or so I've spent mostly for roster slots over the year I've played. Now that I have all the 3*'s roster slot expenditure doesn't stranglehold all my HP, hence why I'm able to play PvP successfully and transition into 4* land.
  • Quebbster
    Quebbster Posts: 8,070 Chairperson of the Boards
    I can usually hit 1000 points in PvP with level 166 boosted three-stars with just a single shield - in fact I rarely bother to shield before hitting 1000. It's a matter of finding your equilibrium point (where you don't get hit more than you can recover easily - for me it's usually around 800 points) and then do a good run when all your characters are rested, you have plenty of health packs and a single shield will last until the end of the tournament.
    Having underleveled characters make you a huge target in PvP though, but consider the rewards you can get there - lots of ISO from won games, HP progressions and so on. It's easy to come out on top as long as you don't set the bar too high.
    I also don't think underleveled characters is much of an advantage in PvE. The opposition will increase, sure, but so will your ability to deal with them.
    In short: Don't be afraid to level your characters. Fourstar covers aren't much use anyway when you still need to work on your threestars. Once the threestars are done it shouldn't be an issue getting more fourstar covers.
  • BlackSheep101
    BlackSheep101 Posts: 2,025 Chairperson of the Boards
    You're not "wasting" HP on shields when you're picking up 125-150 HP in progression and placement awards even before you factor in alliance awards. Even if you net -25 HP and come away with a 3* and a 4* cover from the event, that's super cheap.
  • You're not "wasting" HP on shields when you're picking up 125-150 HP in progression and placement awards even before you factor in alliance awards. Even if you net -25 HP and come away with a 3* and a 4* cover from the event, that's super cheap.

    Problem being, that's far from guaranteed.

    I tried the shield up plan trying to get to 800 with 94s, got to 750ish, started getting attacked a ton, shielded up, waited a few hours... and came back to try and take it again only to be spanked down with retaliations again, and ended up with no cover to show for the efforts.

    And with all the new 4*s coming out, well, I still feel like I'd rather have a slot for Iceman (if I make it) then take a risk trying to reach a high up Scarlet Witch on one or two shields.

    And considering I'm trying to get more covers out of "Jump into bracket at last minute, get 50HP in progression and hope for the best in covers", I don't think a top 100 Alliance is going to take me just yet.
  • cletus1985
    cletus1985 Posts: 276 Mover and Shaker
    colwag wrote:
    You're not "wasting" HP on shields when you're picking up 125-150 HP in progression and placement awards even before you factor in alliance awards. Even if you net -25 HP and come away with a 3* and a 4* cover from the event, that's super cheap.

    Problem being, that's far from guaranteed.

    I tried the shield up plan trying to get to 800 with 94s, got to 750ish, started getting attacked a ton, shielded up, waited a few hours... and came back to try and take it again only to be spanked down with retaliations again, and ended up with no cover to show for the efforts.

    And with all the new 4*s coming out, well, I still feel like I'd rather have a slot for Iceman (if I make it) then take a risk trying to reach a high up Scarlet Witch on one or two shields.

    And considering I'm trying to get more covers out of "Jump into bracket at last minute, get 50HP in progression and hope for the best in covers", I don't think a top 100 Alliance is going to take me just yet.

    Getting to 800 with 2*'s is going to take a lot of shield hopping because 2*'s that high up are prime targets. 800 becomes much easier with a few 3*'s decently covered and leveled, then you'll start picking up that 800 progression to speed up your 3* transition. Every tier has an equilibrium point and 2*'s are going to fall well below 800.