Attacked while shielded

Hendross Posts: 762 Critical Contributor
Not the first time I've seen this, but I wanted to throw my complaint on the pile.

I shielded, icon visible in the top left and a -60 attack came through maybe 30 seconds later. I understand there are timing issues and network latency. But it cost me reaching 1300, a legendary token and 300 HP for a shield that did nothing at the time.

There needs to be better client/server syncing or some delays to compensate this unfair behavior.



  • killerkoala
    killerkoala Posts: 1,185 Chairperson of the Boards
    Hendross wrote:
    Not the first time I've seen this, but I wanted to throw my complaint on the pile.

    I shielded, icon visible in the top left and a -60 attack came through maybe 30 seconds later. I understand there are timing issues and network latency. But it cost me reaching 1300, a legendary token and 300 HP for a shield that did nothing at the time.

    There needs to be better client/server syncing or some delays to compensate this unfair behavior.


    right after u shield, go to leader board to force server to know ur shielded. and if you already lost points u lost them before u had a chance to shield up. at least that's the way i've been dealing with the shield latency to server problem.
  • aziraphale
    aziraphale Posts: 31 Just Dropped In
    Yeah, just shielded then somewhere 30-60 seconds later I lose 122 points, it really feels like I just wasted the 75 HP when I specifically shielded to stop that from happening.
  • Malcrof
    Malcrof Posts: 5,971 Chairperson of the Boards
    One other cause could be this.. if someone is in the middle of fighting you while you finish your match them shield, those fights can still count against you. If you were visible in a small queue late in an event, many people may have been tackling your team when you shielded.
  • XandorXerxes
    XandorXerxes Posts: 340 Mover and Shaker
    I've been shielded for 45 minutes - seen lots of people bounce off me. 3 people have hit me through the shield, one not 5 minutes ago. I've only lost 50 points from it (took me from #1 to #6, but I wasn't really expecting to stay #1), so it's not like it was huge and I already got my progression... it's just really odd.
  • udonomefoo
    udonomefoo Posts: 1,630 Chairperson of the Boards
    I've been shielded for 45 minutes - seen lots of people bounce off me. 3 people have hit me through the shield, one not 5 minutes ago. I've only lost 50 points from it (took me from #1 to #6, but I wasn't really expecting to stay #1), so it's not like it was huge and I already got my progression... it's just really odd.

    One of those was me, you got me to 1k. Had you in queue for a long time before hitting so I'm prob one of the bounces.
  • GuntherBlobel
    GuntherBlobel Posts: 987 Critical Contributor
    I'm a little concerned about this, because it seems like new behavior. I've been playing a long time and only recently have I been losing points after sheilding.

    The most recent event was particularly frustrating. I was climbing to 1K, but apparently not visible to everyone, because I could only see 3-5 very tough, modest gain matches available. I scored 995 and saw that I was now visible to everyone, so I shielded immediately.

    5 min after sheilding, I lost 60 pts. Clearly, I had been hit by a team that could only see me once I arrived to 995. Apparently, I had mere seconds to shield before the zombie hordes could enter a match against me.

    Once you hit that shield button and it registers, you should no longer lose points. I just purchased a 300 HP sheild and now I'm down 2-3 matches. I might as well unshield and try again... except cooldowns are forcing me to wait it out.

    Whatever, I know what I sound like... I'm whining. But still, something has changed with the sheild mechanic and it's annoying when anything works in such an unintuitive way as this.
  • TheRealJRad
    TheRealJRad Posts: 309 Mover and Shaker
    Just happened to me, as well. -52 after shielding, you shouldn't have to "trick" the server into knowing not to dock your points. The amount you lose is bad enough without having to worry about losing when you should be protected.

    Late edit: This ended up costing me the 1000 point progression.
  • mr_X
    mr_X Posts: 375 Mover and Shaker
    Yeah I just got the same treatment five minutes after I shielded.

    Got stuck in a loop with the same five targets so dropped a shield at 800 because I did not want to double tap anyone and five minutes after get the red writing pop up with a 50 something loss.

    You would think shielding would be instantaneous. Well at least I used to think that.