A change of pace

MajinDavid Posts: 234 Tile Toppler
edited September 2015 in MPQ General Discussion
So yesterday there was a LOT of people complaining and going off on our developers who put in a lot of time and work to make this game that we all play. I want to make a thread about what we appreciate about our developers and the best parts of the game. No sarcasm please.

I have appreciated a lot of things they have done. A few it took me a little to like but they grew on me. True healing being one of them. Before true healing all you saw were teams with obw. Then true healing happened and she falls down in use by a lot.

Then we get a lot more characters coming out. And it seems overwhelming. Then they add deadpool daily and a 3* cover at 800 points.

Now we got a lot of 4*s coming out. And while a lot of people thought the node was tough, they had players with lower levels get lucky to beat it, then added a 4* token to pve and pvp and left us the 1k reward also. And they said they are gonna increase pulls for packs and are working on ways to make the transition smooth also. So lets give them the chance.

So thank you to ICEX and all the developers for all the hard work y'all are doing. Please keep up the hard work and communication with us.


  • nwman
    nwman Posts: 331 Mover and Shaker
    With all the griping about the 4* transition, I'm thankful for the new story progression rewards up to and including the legendary token and the upcoming increased 4* draw rate.

    I think all the devs are missing is better communication with us players.

    You can't please everyone but you can set realistic expectations by being clearer so people aren't left feeling disappointed.

    People are happier when something new turns out better than they expect, not the other way around.

    So please be less vague about new exciting things like this in the future or just don't pre announce them at all.

    Imagine they hadn't said anything about this new ddq node at all before hand? I think it would have gotten a better reaction than the one it got.
  • fight4thedream
    fight4thedream GLOBAL_MODERATORS Posts: 1,963 Chairperson of the Boards
    MajinDavid wrote:
    So thank you to ICEX and all the developers for all the hard work y'all are doing. Please keep up the hard work and communication with us.

    Poor IceIX, once again his evil brother IceX gets all the credit icon_lol.gif

    But definitely agree with the OP. I understand the frustration and a large part of it has to do with poor handling of expectations but hopefully in the long run with a few adjustments here and there (here's looking at you cheap AI TU low blow) and better understanding of the 4* challenge people will be able to actually enjoy the experience. I guess only time will tell.
  • Malcrof
    Malcrof Posts: 5,971 Chairperson of the Boards
    But definitely agree with the OP. I understand the frustration and a large part of it has to do with poor handling of expectations

    I disagree here, IceIX was very clear that you would most likely not be able to beat the node with a poorly covered 4*.

    That being said.. yesterday was the biggest bump in my 4* transition ever. I obtained 3 legendary tokens, all netted covers i needed. Before yesterday, the only times i ever received that many was with a T20+ placement w/ alliance reward in a launch event.

    This is definitely going in the right direction.
  • Omega Red
    Omega Red Posts: 366 Mover and Shaker
    I appreciate the devs for creating such a good game that has kept me playing and engaged for two years now, all this despite the multiple times they have enraged me. icon_lol.gif
  • killerkoala
    killerkoala Posts: 1,185 Chairperson of the Boards
    MajinDavid wrote:
    So thank you to ICEX and all the developers for all the hard work y'all are doing. Please keep up the hard work and communication with us.

    Poor IceIX, once again his evil brother IceX gets all the credit icon_lol.gif

    But definitely agree with the OP. I understand the frustration and a large part of it has to do with poor handling of expectations but hopefully in the long run with a few adjustments here and there (here's looking at you cheap AI TU low blow) and better understanding of the 4* challenge people will be able to actually enjoy the experience. I guess only time will tell.

    why is he the evil one? for all we know the IceIX is the evil one. which one has the mirror universe goatee?
  • fight4thedream
    fight4thedream GLOBAL_MODERATORS Posts: 1,963 Chairperson of the Boards
    Malcrof wrote:
    But definitely agree with the OP. I understand the frustration and a large part of it has to do with poor handling of expectations

    I disagree here, IceIX was very clear that you would most likely not be able to beat the node with a poorly covered 4*.

    Just to clarify, IceIX's comments and people's interpretations and misinterpretations are only a part of what I meant of "poor handling of expectations".

    He did say that this was going to be "Ouch level" which is pretty open to interpretation lol

    But more to the point, as has been the case more often than not, very little information is ever given out about new events. Not sure about the reasoning behind it, maybe they like to think the player base enjoys surprises but this usually causes more frustration than elation (save the godsend that is DDQ).

    Obviously, I am not asking the devs to print out a step-by-step guide on how to beat their brand new event. I actually enjoy the forum community coming together to help each other out. But there are things they could have done like announce who the enemy would be, the level of the enemy, that the enemy would have the use of a TU, the overall damage of each of its specials and so on (not necessarily everything, mind you) so that people can better mentally prepare their expectation for victory.

    I understand to some degree the desire to keep things secret but particularly with new events this seems to keep backfiring so I just ask that they consider re-evaluating their new event information release policy. We get information on new characters before release, so why not for new events?

    EDIT TO ADD: I realized I've went off on a tangent from the original spirit of this thread, if anyone wishes to discuss the issue of dev communication on new events further I ask that you simply quote this post and start a new thread. Thank you.
  • I am thankful for my teammate, MajinDavid (op).

    No but there has been some slight changes that we've taken for granted. Such as reward changes. Even Seasons were added although they've been going a while. Free alliance spots and also the reimbursement for past alliance spot purchases. Now we just need free character slots! (I might be dreaming but it only hurts me! Lol)

    One of the most fun mobile games I have played, not just in the gaming aspect but also the spirit of friendship that stems from alliances.