Receiving a LOT less reward after battle than supposed to

laz070 Posts: 93 Match Maker
Dear Support,

Please fix this issue ASAP, because it makes the game frustrating instead of enjoyable. It just ruined my day completely...

I was aiming for 1300 to reach the new legendary token in the WOMEN OF MARVEL PVP. Went up to 1180 shielded for 3 hours. After skipping a LOT, chose 2 opponents with 48 and 50 points. Broke shield, attack. For the first opponent instead of the 48 I got 6(!) for the second, instead of 50, I got 12(!). I was mad already, but shielded for 8 hours, hoping I would still reach 1300. After breaking the shield - and after a lot of skipping again - it happened again, that I got less than half the points I supposed to get after the successful attack. Obviously I wasn't able to make 1300 after this. So I threw away a lot of HPs and ISOs for shields and boosts, for nothing just frustration.

It wasn't the first time, but it started to happen more often recently. Before I was able to make 1300 if I aimed for it, but with this new bug it just not even worth trying anymore...


  • Hendross
    Hendross Posts: 762 Critical Contributor
    +1 this is ****, why can't values be updated based on current scores.
  • laz070
    laz070 Posts: 93 Match Maker
    Well, this is the answer I got from support. And the answer I gave for it...

    D3 Go! Customer Support (DO) (D3 Go!)

    Sep 16, 16:29

    Greetings D3 Go! Customer,

    Thank you for contacting D3 Go! Customer Support.

    There are many factors that go into a player's point value, many of which we are unable to divulge due to policy. While a PvP event is active, the value of players is in constant flux, so while you begin a match with a player worth 'X' points, by the time the match is finished, the player has won/lost many other battles (shielding affects this, too) and their value may have decreased or increased do to them outranking or being outranked while you were engaging them. It may seem a bit confusing, but it is normal game play for multiple matches to simultaneously occur and resolve while you are actively battling a player.

    Please keep in mind that client-server latency can cause a delay in updating the point values as heavy activity by the players can cause points to fluctuate constantly. This is especially evident in the few remaining hours of an event, as the app does not update in real-time. In order to ensure you are seeing the most current values, force close and restart the app and the server will force an update.

    In these cases, here is what happens:

    1) You had X amount of points in the event.
    2) You engaged a player worth Y points, expecting to end up with X+Y points.
    3) During the battle, the matchmaking data of the event was fluctuating due to player activity. This reduced your opponent's point value by the time you finished the battle.
    4) In the Post Fight Progression screen, you are shown to reach X+Y points in the event. However, the client has not yet refreshed with the server, so the fluctuation in matchmaking data has not yet been considered. Therefore, this number is only an approximation.
    5) When your client finally checks in with the server, it "learns" about the fluctuation in matchmaking data, and your score is updated to be accurate.This is the only score that is guaranteed to be accurate. If this score is below a reward threshold, then you have not yet earned this reward.

    Since the game does not update in real-time, the post-fight progression screen does not take into account any fights won or lost while you were in a fight. What this means is that the progression screen can show you reaching a threshold reward, but it will not issue the rewards until it pings the server and makes sure that the threshold was actually reached. Once your "real" score is calculated by the server, the game will know whether or not to send you the progression reward.

    Additionally, it is possible that you are being attacked and the attack reports are not showing up immediately. This is also related to the post-fight progression screen not taking into account any wins or losses that occurred while you were in battle.

    Many questions can be answered by visiting our helpful Marvel Puzzle Quest FAQ at:

    If you require further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact us again and it will be a pleasure to help you.

    Best Regards,
    D3 Go! Customer Support Team (DMO)

    Dear Support!

    Thank you for your answer!
    Unfortunately what you wrote is not new for me - you could have checked from my IGN that I play the game for 670 days.

    I know that while I fight a battle against an opponent, he might lose SOME points. I know that I usually end up gaining less points that I went for. But until recently it was max 5-10 points. Going for 50 pts and receiving only 6-10 is just making the game unpredictable. If it keeps going like this you either just hide the reward before fight, so players just go in blind - as it is already almost like that above 1000pts - or make the game refresh at the enemy picking screen, or give the point to the winner what the game showed when the battle started.
    I know why it happened with me, and I didn't want an explanation for it - because why explain something which is wrong, I was expecting you would say something, that you will address this situation, because it's getting worse and worse, and it is killing the game. In the mean time I see no point going after a high score, because I just can't plan my moves as I get totally unpreictable rewards.