Goon Bug? Sniper generates 2 green AP/turn (ability costs 0)

eShock Posts: 42
Goon characters (i.e. characters that don't match3) generate AP in the colors necessary to activate their abilities (i.e. drop cooldown tiles). Active characters don't automatically generate AP since on their turn they can match3 to get AP.

The Sniper goon generates 2 greentile.png AP per turn, even though the Sniper's only ability is Deadly Shot which costs 0 AP. This seems like a design oversight/bug.

The Sniper character doesn't need any AP to activate its ability, so I expect that it should generate zero greentile.png AP per turn. This usually doesn't have an impact on the game, but it can be extra annoying (compared to a greentile.png generating AND using Goon) if the AI team includes another Green active (match3-making) character, or uses a green-dependent team-up (Ares' Onslaught, 2*Storm's green, etc).


  • MojoWild
    MojoWild Posts: 765 Critical Contributor
    All goons generate AP, always have.
    The fact that they may generate AP for other characters is part of the challenge, and yes, some matches are more challenging than others...
  • MojoWild wrote:
    All goons generate AP, always have.
    The fact that they may generate AP for other characters is part of the challenge, and yes, some matches are more challenging than others...

    I have no problem with goons generating AP in the colors required to activate their abilities. My beef is with the specific Sniper goon because it's ability costs 0. If they changed the Sniper's green ability to require a cost of 1 greentile.png to activate then I'd be fine with them generating green AP.

    Here's another argument: goons with passive skills don't generate AP for the color of the passive, e.g. the iso-8 mutants that have that black self-destruct cd tile when they get below 50% don't generate black AP. My argument is that since the Sniper green ability costs zero it shouldn't generate green AP.
  • Malcrof
    Malcrof Posts: 5,971 Chairperson of the Boards
    eShock wrote:
    MojoWild wrote:
    All goons generate AP, always have.
    The fact that they may generate AP for other characters is part of the challenge, and yes, some matches are more challenging than others...

    I have no problem with goons generating AP in the colors required to activate their abilities. My beef is with the specific Sniper goon because it's ability costs 0. If they changed the Sniper's green ability to require a cost of 1 greentile.png to activate then I'd be fine with them generating green AP.

    Here's another argument: goons with passive skills don't generate AP for the color of the passive, e.g. the iso-8 mutants that have that black self-destruct cd tile when they get below 50% don't generate black AP. My argument is that since the Sniper green ability costs zero it shouldn't generate green AP.

    The deadly shot is an odd passive. Only 1 tile can exist on the board at a time, even if multiple snipers are present (odd, i know).. I have to agree with the OP on this one.. the goon should not generate AP for a passive.