Trouble changing to new phone

Hi, I have been a MPQ player since the very early days and have amassed a good and fun team. My old Galaxy S3 has not faired so well, so today I got a new Galaxy S6 Edge. The Verizon folks loaded up all my apps. Started up MPQ and it makes me part of Goolge Games - and then starts me from the very begining - ouch. I never dealt with Google games on the s3. I havebeen using it with Facebook and sending and recieving prizes etc. How can I get my team back?
Thanks - my user name is mike


  • Dayv
    Dayv Posts: 4,449 Chairperson of the Boards
    Could an Android user help out here? I'm not sure where the Facebook sign-in is done there.

    Alternatively, you could open a customer support ticket and have them walk you through it.
  • Hi mike,

    I had the same issue switching phones (also android to android).
    If I remember correctly I had to play through the first guided missions to be able to access the settings. After that I could reconnect with facebook.
    The message I received made me really nervous because it asked me if I want to a save game because I can´t keep both. I accepted to do it and had my old save game back on the new phone. From the message text it would have been possible that I override my facebook save with the newbie save.

    hope that helps,
  • This makes me really nervous, buying a new Samsung tomorrow and I have 450 days in this game already.

    If I lose all my progress I will immediatly quit this game, although its been the most fun in years!