ISO Shortage: Please review and correctin some form.

John Wayne74
John Wayne74 Posts: 71 Match Maker
edited September 2015 in MPQ General Discussion
Let's talk ISO for a moment. With all of the recent releases and ridiculous amounts of conversation about how bad or good they might be to the game everyone keeps skirting around one simple fact. We all need ISO!!

This is a simple breakdown of the problem

8 - 1 Stars currently available @ 28420 ISO each to top out to level 50 = 227,360 ISO

14 - 2 Stars currently available @ 69524 ISO each to top out to level 94 = 973,336 ISO

40 - 3 Stars currently available @ 119919 ISO each to top out to level 166 = 4,796,760 ISO

17 - 4 Stars currently available @ 365,896 each to top out to level 270 = 6,220,232 ISO

1 - 5 Star currently available @ 550,000 ISO to top out to level 450

That grand total is 12,767,688 ISO needed to have all characters topped out to their max level. Given that it is obtainable to average a net ISO gain of 100,000 per week under a slightly higher than moderate gameplay that works out to be 2.45 years just to obtain the ISO required to top out the currently available characters. This does not include the two future 5*'s, Iceman, or future additions.

I do understand that this is a long term game but at that rate plus rate of releases it would be virtually impossible to acquire a topped out full roster ever without additional supplimentation. In other words, loads of cash on way overpriced minute amounts of ISO.

I have mentioned this in the past without a response in other threads so Ice/devs could someone please do something about this.

Possibly a revolving story/prologue mode that rewards plentiful amounts of ISO that is refreshed on a monthly basis. Personal scaling so that is it somewhat difficult to everyone but the rewards would be worth it. There are plenty of avenues in which to relieve the ISO burden in which everyone from new to old is facing.

p.s. An actual response would be greatly appreciated.


  • A good start would be if they addressed the 20 ISO reward!

    Am sure I read a good suggestion elsewhere to change it to a % of the combined levels of characters you just faced = ISO rewards to scale instead.
  • wiz_biz
    wiz_biz Posts: 166 Tile Toppler
    and more LRs in the weekly cycle...
  • wiz_biz wrote:
    and more LRs in the weekly cycle...
    On weekends, please.
  • John Wayne74
    John Wayne74 Posts: 71 Match Maker
    wiz_biz wrote:
    and more LRs in the weekly cycle...
    I would love that too. Or as mention before you replacing the 20 ISO with a scaled ISO. There have been hundreds of great ideas posted but all I ever see in response is that "we" as in the devs are looking into it.

    Personally I have been looking into my phone for over a year now at this game and just looking at it hasn't ever won me a match or leveled a character that I am aware of. Usually it takes action on my part lol.

    Not trying to be a smart **** but seriously looking for a valid response to if we will ever see some improvement beyond the once annual double ISO week.
  • fmftint
    fmftint Posts: 3,653 Chairperson of the Boards
    You break this down as if EVERY character is worth maxing. They're not.
  • Azoic
    Azoic Posts: 269 Mover and Shaker
    Yes, but they can still be fun if they could be maxed out. That is why i love balance of power...i can use any comp i want for fun since iso isnt holding me back.
  • John Wayne74
    John Wayne74 Posts: 71 Match Maker
    fmftint wrote:
    You break this down as if EVERY character is worth maxing. They're not.

    So if someone was going to give you a million dollars and half of it was freshly printed crisp and clean and half of it had been in circulation, would you refuse $500,000.00 because it wasn't as pretty and a little smudged?
  • mohio
    mohio Posts: 1,690 Chairperson of the Boards
    I'm torn on this. On one hand I feel like it's a good thing to have to pick who you want to level, in what order etc. Without that youd just see everyone with basically everyone maxed out, cause why not? On the other hand I would love to know if elektra or starlord are fun to play, but I don't really get that chance since it would take 100+k iso to even get to a point where they're remotely good enough and I don't want to drop that much iso just to see. Maybe they should make early levels even cheaper so we can have an idea about true power level and make better decisions on where to spend the rest of our iso.

    Tl;Dr - I don't mind not being able to max everyone, but do mind I can't even make everyone at least playable.
  • John Wayne74
    John Wayne74 Posts: 71 Match Maker
    Clearly I left this way too open for people to understand. It is not the fact of leveling every single character. As I stated currently it would take 2.45 years to do that. That being said without ISO changes two more 4*'s per month in addition to one 5* per month for the next two months put that at 2.95 years. Do the math people it is a growing problem that is only addressed with "we're looking into it" or "we'll get back to you on that". If you can afford to have one child and you and your spouse go forward with that knowing you can only afford one but end up with triplets do you put two back? No you find a way to manage mainly with assistance from the government but you manage none the less. Well a lot of us want some assistance from this government of MPQ. You're giving us more kids than can possibly be managed so give use the revenue to manage them! Is that a better analogy for you?
  • Dystrophy
    Dystrophy Posts: 10 Just Dropped In
    fmftint wrote:
    You break this down as if EVERY character is worth maxing. They're not.

    Sure, that's true. But not everyone has the choice of what covers they get from tokens. I have a couple characters fully covered that I wish weren't and a few characters that have a couple covers that I wish I had fully covered. It's all random, you work with what you're given.
  • John Wayne74
    John Wayne74 Posts: 71 Match Maker
    No need to apologize. I just want to make sure that the people who read this understand the bigger problem posed by the lack of ISO compensation with regard to new releases. This is not some rant cause I got beat in PVP or some cry cause I can't keep up with the big boys. There is an impending imbalance in the status of ISO that is worsening every two weeks with constant new releases. And let me be clear here in that I personally have no issue with however many releases they want to put out. The more the merrier as long as maintaining those is within reason. Currently and forseeably it is not possible without change in how and how much ISO is to be awarded. With the legendary tokens there will be a lot more whales playing PVE than in the past and more people on every front looking to hit PVP just to acquire as many as possible. That means the ones that currently bank on being top 50 or 100 will be luck to place in 500 ISO rewards in the future. Therefore a set back in ISO gains with more characters to level on top of it.
  • mohio
    mohio Posts: 1,690 Chairperson of the Boards
    Not going to argue that you're wrong but just want to make 2 quick comments.

    1) The reason this is not a problem to most people is that the new characters are not an iso backlog TO THEM. Most people are not earning a bunch of new covers for the new characters and fully covering them quickly, thus needing all that iso. To them all these new 4* have given them breathing room to finally finish off those 3* they've been wanting to level. Also, at 1 new cover per character, per 5 weeks (i.e. hitting 1k pvp and that's basically it) the 4* iso bottleneck hasn't hit them yet. Like you say, it represents a huge problem, but that problem only currently exists for the top 2-5% of all players. If they implement something to get vets/4* transitioning rosters much more iso, then ideally by the time you will need the iso to start leveling your 4*s, you will start earning it faster. Which brings me to...

    2) If you want to propose a solution the devs might actually go with, it cannot be a blanket increase to everyone. They already stated that they didn't want a huge iso flow to those just beginning the game and doing the normal 1->2->"transitioning"->3* phases of the game, cause then they might be able to just blast through it faster than intended. So, it would have to be something attainable with an already-developed roster, but not with a 2* roster. Like maybe tack on a large lump sum of iso for beating the 4* node every 5 days?
  • So I think a few options....

    1) Straight up change minimum 20 to a minimum of 50. Psychologically, feels like a satisfactory number - even after a 10 minute slog against over-powered goons. Plus doesn't seem too much of a jump from the Devs perspective, and I assume not a difficult change to execute.


    2) The scaled ISO. Could be something like : add up the levels of the enemies you just defeated and take 10% for example.


    3) The scaled ISO again. The difference in total character levels of your team less the total levels of the enemy team, then multiply by a %. Suppose this would need a minimum value available as often you're team out-levels the enemy at the starting of events.

    Too early in the morning to think about all the repercussions of these...
  • mohio
    mohio Posts: 1,690 Chairperson of the Boards
    When you think about minimums, remember that you can usually beat that level 4 doom node in the prologue with usually just a single move. At 50 iso a pop, that starts to look pretty enticing. Maybe they've put enough code to section off prologue from the rest of PvE to where they could make that change for "Story" but not for "Prologue". The scaled iso options seem good though, and help solve the prologue issue.