Again...turn off animations

Deathclaw Posts: 59
edited September 2015 in MPQ Suggestions and Feedback
I've come to grips with the 12k+ damage enemy cascade turns. Happens about 2 or 3 times any given PvP. Fine.

But in this event, the four or five tiles falling were consistently blue. Which, after all the other games, meant about 7 and a half hours of the PvP watching Quicksilvers ability trigger...twice each time. If i'm destined to lose to several bad cascades, I can live with that. When it takes double the time to resolve, thats just annoying.

I just fell one match short of the 1k reward...not because of bad matches, or health packs, or whatnot...but passive ability animations taking MUCH too long to trigger...repeatedly...every match.

Please let us turn off the ability animations. Or make it so the animation will play once a turn. Especially on a trigger passive.

Frustrated that I missed a Jean due to nothing but slow gameplay mechanics. The game just literally stalled me out of a four star cover.


  • brisashi
    brisashi Posts: 418 Mover and Shaker
    To be fair, everyone watches the same animations, including the players that are attacking you.

    By removing the animations you could complete matches faster, but people attacking you could do the same. Instead of having 5-10 minutes before you needed to shield again you might only have 3 or 4.
  • Totally fine with that. If I get attacked more, so be it. My opponent is being efficient and playing well. I'll run that risk. But the fact that his match may take 2 more minutes because of animations on random color drops is unfair.
  • FOADakaSquirrelBoy
    FOADakaSquirrelBoy Posts: 82 Match Maker
    Since it happens to everyone, it is not "unfair".

    Animations give the game some flavor. I really wouldn't want to see them turned off, even optionally; the latter would ensure that anyone playing competitively would have to turn them of too.

    Some of them could be a bit faster though...
  • Some people get more cascades, be it for them or for the AI, and those will take more time than the ones that get a couple triggers (one blue match) per turn.

    Not everyone sees blue cascades, and removing the slow animation for passives will make the ones seeing more to not be in such disvantage.

    Just make the passive name and the owner of it pop in the screen and no animations at all, leave the animations for active powers or real "casts" like the 5th trigger from QS blue.
  • Dayv
    Dayv Posts: 4,449 Chairperson of the Boards
    Moved to Suggestions and Feedback.
  • OzarkBoatswain
    OzarkBoatswain Posts: 693 Critical Contributor
    Two suggestions:

    1. The characters you use a lot are the ones who you see the animations the most of, and the ones that get the most tiresome. Put in an option to turn off your team's animations.

    2. Shorten the animations that occur many times, like Loki's Mischief and Falcon's Redwing. Prof X's Blind Spot strengthen animation is the gold standard here.
  • in pokemon i loved to play with animation on the first play through, however when it got grindy from leveling, or getting through a map i would turn off animations to proceed efficiently with my time, why not have animations be auto turned off in pve and pvp where things are time sensitive and on when they aren't like prologue ddq and events like ant man 30 day event, cause after a while i would like to see them again at least until it got grindy again.
  • blinktag
    blinktag Posts: 157 Tile Toppler
    The only animations that *really* bug me (yes, other thatn Quicksilver, described by OP) are

    * mook animations that have a long pause between when their CD tile drops to 0 and when anything happens. With the sound off it's just a delay. A very long, annoying delay.
    * Valut animations. Because, enough already. Unlike some of the others, I didn't even enjoy it the first time. Please, please, please, turn it off.
  • MrHappyface
    MrHappyface Posts: 38 Just Dropped In
    Even when the animation ends, you STILL can't move the tiles immediately. There seems to be a 1.5 second delay you have to wait BEFORE you can move the tiles. That pisses me off when I try to select a tile, but then nothing happens because I forget to wait for that delay. This becomes even more enraging when I'm trying to game in rage mode.

    Rage Mode = when something bad in the game happens & you put on your game face, thinking to yourself: "that's it! it's on now! i'm gonna fight this through!!!!" D:<

    Going into rage mode, can feel really good. anyone who ever plays fighting games (street fighter, mortal kombat) & FPS (unreal tournament, call of duty) competitively should know what i'm talking about. that decision to not retreat, but to fight with every tooth & nail is a good way to let off steam. that reckless aggressive can even be therapeutic. even if you go into rage mode but you don't perform as well as you hoped, it's still a good way to let off some steam. if i can't let my anger out on the in-game enemies, I will just end up letting the anger out on the game itself.


    Granted, "rage mode" doesn't work as well in a turn based game, but I say that rather than having an on/off switch in the option menu to turn off the all animation permanently, just allow the player to cancel individual animations in game by hitting the space bar. this would at least give the player the illusion of rushing & rampaging at the enemies.