Hulk Red power bugged?

bmart14 Posts: 10
On multiple occasions, I have seen that the bonus damage on the Hulk's Smash ability (red) does not add damage for team Green AP. It only seems to do the base damage. Has this been reported?


  • Dayv
    Dayv Posts: 4,449 Chairperson of the Boards
    It only does bonus damage for green in excess of the 10 AP it drains. So if you use it while you have 10 or less green AP, it does base damage. But if you use it when you have 20 green AP, it drains you to 10 green AP and does (base damage plus 10x bonus damage).

    Honestly, it's kind of a **** power, IMO. You have to carefully monitor both your green AP and the number of green tiles on the board to get decent use out of it.
  • Thanks for that clarification. The description of the power is not clear then. The text just says - "...consuming up to 10 of the team's Green AP...." Nothing there about having to have 10 or more Green.
  • Dayv
    Dayv Posts: 4,449 Chairperson of the Boards
    bmart14 wrote:
    Thanks for that clarification. The description of the power is not clear then. The text just says - "...consuming up to 10 of the team's Green AP...." Nothing there about having to have 10 or more Green.
    The key part is where it says "remaining" green AP.
  • Ah! ok that makes sense now. Thanks again!
  • They should really consider changing the wording on this power. It's very confusing. Or they could change how the power works so it's not such a **** ability.