Deadpool Daily Quest - Round 42 - Sept 11-15
Welcome to Round 42 of Deadpool's Daily Quest.
Savory token week, so dust off your spice rack and cook up some heroes!
Covers for this round will be Falcon(Purple), Psylocke (Black), Beast (Yellow), Bullseye (Green) and Captain America (Blue)
Day One:
Day Two:
Day Three:
OOPS. For some reason, my brain said that I updated this with the whole weeks worth. Apparently I didn't.
Savory token week, so dust off your spice rack and cook up some heroes!
Covers for this round will be Falcon(Purple), Psylocke (Black), Beast (Yellow), Bullseye (Green) and Captain America (Blue)
Day One:
That Guy From That Place -
Hawkeye** (15), Defender (10), Defender(10)
Under The Sea -
Wave 1 Brawler (20), Decoy (22), Defender (25), Brawler(28)
Wave 2 Decoy (40), Decoy (42), Ironman*** (50), Criterion (46)
Third Time's The Charm -
Doctor Octopus*** (74), Loki*** (70), Human Torch*** (71)
Dat Required Character -
Thor** (64), Black Widow** (60), Bullseye** (63)
The Big Enchilada -
Wave 1 Teisatsu (99), Teisatsu (100), Teisatsu (105)
Wave 2 Luke Cage*** (112), Punisher*** (111), Captain America*** (110)
Wave 3 Konran (122), Konran(121), Shinobi (120)
Wave 4 Gorgon*** (130), Deadpool*** (132), Wolverine**** (131)
Reward:Falcon (Purple)
Deadpool's Fun Fact about Falcon: That Falcon fella, you gotta watch out for him. Everyone knows he's not only Falcon, but also Captain America whenever the mood strikes. Fewer people know that he's also Texas Twister, the 10th President of the USA James K Polk and Batman. Practically nobody knows that he's addicted to pineapple on pizza, and only I (and now, dear readers, you) know that Falcon has plans to become the Extreme-sports feng shui champion of the world. A bit of an overachiever, if you ask me.
Hawkeye** (15), Defender (10), Defender(10)
Under The Sea -
Wave 1 Brawler (20), Decoy (22), Defender (25), Brawler(28)
Wave 2 Decoy (40), Decoy (42), Ironman*** (50), Criterion (46)
Third Time's The Charm -
Doctor Octopus*** (74), Loki*** (70), Human Torch*** (71)
Dat Required Character -
Thor** (64), Black Widow** (60), Bullseye** (63)
The Big Enchilada -
Wave 1 Teisatsu (99), Teisatsu (100), Teisatsu (105)
Wave 2 Luke Cage*** (112), Punisher*** (111), Captain America*** (110)
Wave 3 Konran (122), Konran(121), Shinobi (120)
Wave 4 Gorgon*** (130), Deadpool*** (132), Wolverine**** (131)
Reward:Falcon (Purple)
Deadpool's Fun Fact about Falcon: That Falcon fella, you gotta watch out for him. Everyone knows he's not only Falcon, but also Captain America whenever the mood strikes. Fewer people know that he's also Texas Twister, the 10th President of the USA James K Polk and Batman. Practically nobody knows that he's addicted to pineapple on pizza, and only I (and now, dear readers, you) know that Falcon has plans to become the Extreme-sports feng shui champion of the world. A bit of an overachiever, if you ask me.
Day Two:
That Guy From That Place -
Human Torch** (15), Thug (10), Thug (10)
Under The Sea -
Wave 1 Thug (20), Hitman (22), Hitman (25), Thug(28)
Wave 2 Thug (40), Hitman (42), Gamora*** (50), Thug(46)
Third Time's The Charm -
Daken*** (74), Hood*** (70), Rocket&Groot*** (71)
Dat Required Character -
Wolverine** (64), Daken** (60), Captain Marvel** (63)
The Big Enchilada -
Wave 1 Criterion (99), Subject (100), Empiricist (105)
Wave 2 Captain Marvel*** (112), Beast*** (111), Daredevil*** (110)
Wave 3 Control (122), Control (121), Criterion (120)
Wave 4 Invisible Woman**** (130), Black Widow*** (132), Blade*** (131)
Reward:Psylocke (Black)
Deadpool's Fun Fact about Psylocke: Okay, so my editors tell me that I've been a bit mean to ol' Sammy and that I should be nicer going forward. I can dig that. In other news, I fired my editors. From a cannon. Into a swamp of hungry alligator-badgers. What? Alligator-badgers are totes a thing, man. Psylocke...Psylocke...(sound of ruffling through sheafs of paper) aha! Here we go. Tried to break into reality television several times, with shows like her weaponry review "Sais does matter" and relationship counselling self defense "Marital Martial Art Studio", and then into video games with "Dance Dance Kick Stab Disembowel Revolution". Also went into music with an almost-hit country and western ballad called "Psy, Locke the Door" Psylocke just wants to be adored by millions of fans. You know, like me. Is that so bad?
Human Torch** (15), Thug (10), Thug (10)
Under The Sea -
Wave 1 Thug (20), Hitman (22), Hitman (25), Thug(28)
Wave 2 Thug (40), Hitman (42), Gamora*** (50), Thug(46)
Third Time's The Charm -
Daken*** (74), Hood*** (70), Rocket&Groot*** (71)
Dat Required Character -
Wolverine** (64), Daken** (60), Captain Marvel** (63)
The Big Enchilada -
Wave 1 Criterion (99), Subject (100), Empiricist (105)
Wave 2 Captain Marvel*** (112), Beast*** (111), Daredevil*** (110)
Wave 3 Control (122), Control (121), Criterion (120)
Wave 4 Invisible Woman**** (130), Black Widow*** (132), Blade*** (131)
Reward:Psylocke (Black)
Deadpool's Fun Fact about Psylocke: Okay, so my editors tell me that I've been a bit mean to ol' Sammy and that I should be nicer going forward. I can dig that. In other news, I fired my editors. From a cannon. Into a swamp of hungry alligator-badgers. What? Alligator-badgers are totes a thing, man. Psylocke...Psylocke...(sound of ruffling through sheafs of paper) aha! Here we go. Tried to break into reality television several times, with shows like her weaponry review "Sais does matter" and relationship counselling self defense "Marital Martial Art Studio", and then into video games with "Dance Dance Kick Stab Disembowel Revolution". Also went into music with an almost-hit country and western ballad called "Psy, Locke the Door" Psylocke just wants to be adored by millions of fans. You know, like me. Is that so bad?
Day Three:
That Guy From That Place -
Captain America** (15), Spy (10), Spy (10)
Under The Sea -
Wave 1 Soldier (20), Pyro (22), Lieutenant (25), Analyst (28)
Wave 2 Assassin (40), Grenadier (42), Psylocke*** (50), Pyro(46)
Third Time's The Charm -
Loki*** (74), Mystique*** (70), Spiderman*** (71)
Dat Required Character -
Bullseye** (64), Spiderman** (60), Thor** (63)
The Big Enchilada -
Wave 1 Decoy (99), Brawler (100), Decoy (105)
Wave 2 Wolverine*** (112), Human Torch*** (111), Thor*** (110)
Wave 3 Defender (122), Decoy (121), Brawler(120)
Wave 4 Doctor Doom*** (130), Elektra**** (132), Squirrel Girl*** (131)
Reward:Beast (Yellow)
Deadpool's Fun Fact about Beast: Look, I know what he says but I need to let y'all know that Beast is not, in fact, a mutant at all. He's a regular guy, maybe a bit pompous and overconfident in his abilities, but definitely not a mutant. He's obviously a scientist, that's pretty common knowledge, but the reason he looks like he does is because of an industrial accident at his original workplace - the Acme Cosmetics Factory. Tasked with creating a shampoo that would create bounce and volume, Hank was working late one night when a severe thunderstorm rolled on over and blasted the hell out of his research lab with massive amounts of lightning. Upon waking, Doc Hank was covered with the highly charged experimental cosmetics and shower product research he had been working on. After washing it all off, well, when he looked in the mirror...
...let's just say bounce and volume were the least of his worries.
Day Four:
Captain America** (15), Spy (10), Spy (10)
Under The Sea -
Wave 1 Soldier (20), Pyro (22), Lieutenant (25), Analyst (28)
Wave 2 Assassin (40), Grenadier (42), Psylocke*** (50), Pyro(46)
Third Time's The Charm -
Loki*** (74), Mystique*** (70), Spiderman*** (71)
Dat Required Character -
Bullseye** (64), Spiderman** (60), Thor** (63)
The Big Enchilada -
Wave 1 Decoy (99), Brawler (100), Decoy (105)
Wave 2 Wolverine*** (112), Human Torch*** (111), Thor*** (110)
Wave 3 Defender (122), Decoy (121), Brawler(120)
Wave 4 Doctor Doom*** (130), Elektra**** (132), Squirrel Girl*** (131)
Reward:Beast (Yellow)
Deadpool's Fun Fact about Beast: Look, I know what he says but I need to let y'all know that Beast is not, in fact, a mutant at all. He's a regular guy, maybe a bit pompous and overconfident in his abilities, but definitely not a mutant. He's obviously a scientist, that's pretty common knowledge, but the reason he looks like he does is because of an industrial accident at his original workplace - the Acme Cosmetics Factory. Tasked with creating a shampoo that would create bounce and volume, Hank was working late one night when a severe thunderstorm rolled on over and blasted the hell out of his research lab with massive amounts of lightning. Upon waking, Doc Hank was covered with the highly charged experimental cosmetics and shower product research he had been working on. After washing it all off, well, when he looked in the mirror...
...let's just say bounce and volume were the least of his worries.
That Guy From That Place -
Daken** (15), Teisatsu (10), Teisatsu (10)
Under The Sea -
Wave 1 Teisatsu (20), Teisatsu (22), Shinobi (25), Teisatsu (28)
Wave 2 Shinobi (40), Konran (42), Squirrel Girl*** (50), Shinobi(46)
Third Time's The Charm -
Daken*** (74), Falcon*** (70), Loki*** (71)
Dat Required Character -
Captain Marvel** (64), Captain America** (60), Magneto** (63)
The Big Enchilada -
Wave 1 Hitman (99), Thug (100), Hitman (105)
Wave 2 Human Torch*** (112), Ironman*** (111), Magneto*** (110)
Wave 3 Muscle (122), Hitman (121), Brawler(120)
Wave 4 Invisible Woman**** (130), Beast*** (132), Storm*** (131)
Reward:Bullseye (Green)
Deadpool's Fun Fact about Bullseye: Psychotic assassin by day, exotic dancer by night. Oh, wait, that's me. Bullseye actually spends most of his downtime playing World of Warcraft. He's totally Alliance, the fiend, and plays a female gnome rogue with pink pigtails named xX420UberAssassinYOLOXx. On Moonguard. I know there's not much to say after getting a brain-jolt like that, is there? Let's move on and let his thing.
Day Five:
Daken** (15), Teisatsu (10), Teisatsu (10)
Under The Sea -
Wave 1 Teisatsu (20), Teisatsu (22), Shinobi (25), Teisatsu (28)
Wave 2 Shinobi (40), Konran (42), Squirrel Girl*** (50), Shinobi(46)
Third Time's The Charm -
Daken*** (74), Falcon*** (70), Loki*** (71)
Dat Required Character -
Captain Marvel** (64), Captain America** (60), Magneto** (63)
The Big Enchilada -
Wave 1 Hitman (99), Thug (100), Hitman (105)
Wave 2 Human Torch*** (112), Ironman*** (111), Magneto*** (110)
Wave 3 Muscle (122), Hitman (121), Brawler(120)
Wave 4 Invisible Woman**** (130), Beast*** (132), Storm*** (131)
Reward:Bullseye (Green)
Deadpool's Fun Fact about Bullseye: Psychotic assassin by day, exotic dancer by night. Oh, wait, that's me. Bullseye actually spends most of his downtime playing World of Warcraft. He's totally Alliance, the fiend, and plays a female gnome rogue with pink pigtails named xX420UberAssassinYOLOXx. On Moonguard. I know there's not much to say after getting a brain-jolt like that, is there? Let's move on and let his thing.
That Guy From That Place -
Hawkeye** (15), Assassin (10), Assassin (10)
Under The Sea -
Wave 1 Soldier (20), Lieutenant (22), Pyro (25), Spy (28)
Wave 2 Commander (40), Lieutenant (42), Blade*** (50), Spy(46)
Third Time's The Charm -
Black Panther*** (74), Ragnarok*** (70), Doctor Octopus*** (71)
Dat Required Character -
Wolverine** (64), Black Widow** (60), Bullseye** (63)
The Big Enchilada -
Wave 1 Empiricist (99), Criterion (100), Control (105)
Wave 2 Luke Cage*** (112), Psylocke*** (111), Magneto*** (110)
Wave 3 Control (122), Control (121), Control(120)
Wave 4 Wolverine**** (130), Deadpool*** (132), Daredevil*** (131)
Crash of the Titans -
Cyclops (270) - X-Force Wolverine Required
Rewards legendary token.
Reward:Captain America (Blue) + Legendary Token
Deadpool's Fun Fact about Captain America: Hmm. Never even had so much as a parking ticket. Always paid his taxes, patriotic to the point of (but not crossing over into) obsession, honest and all around good guy. God, I hate him. Do you know how hard it is to make up a fun fact for this guy that's actually believable?! Because, you know, all my other fun facts are believable. Totally. God, it's probably something really lame like having six toes on one foot or something, right? UGH! Steve, you're just annoying. Deadpool out, kids!
Hawkeye** (15), Assassin (10), Assassin (10)
Under The Sea -
Wave 1 Soldier (20), Lieutenant (22), Pyro (25), Spy (28)
Wave 2 Commander (40), Lieutenant (42), Blade*** (50), Spy(46)
Third Time's The Charm -
Black Panther*** (74), Ragnarok*** (70), Doctor Octopus*** (71)
Dat Required Character -
Wolverine** (64), Black Widow** (60), Bullseye** (63)
The Big Enchilada -
Wave 1 Empiricist (99), Criterion (100), Control (105)
Wave 2 Luke Cage*** (112), Psylocke*** (111), Magneto*** (110)
Wave 3 Control (122), Control (121), Control(120)
Wave 4 Wolverine**** (130), Deadpool*** (132), Daredevil*** (131)
Crash of the Titans -
Cyclops (270) - X-Force Wolverine Required
Rewards legendary token.
Reward:Captain America (Blue) + Legendary Token
Deadpool's Fun Fact about Captain America: Hmm. Never even had so much as a parking ticket. Always paid his taxes, patriotic to the point of (but not crossing over into) obsession, honest and all around good guy. God, I hate him. Do you know how hard it is to make up a fun fact for this guy that's actually believable?! Because, you know, all my other fun facts are believable. Totally. God, it's probably something really lame like having six toes on one foot or something, right? UGH! Steve, you're just annoying. Deadpool out, kids!
OOPS. For some reason, my brain said that I updated this with the whole weeks worth. Apparently I didn't.
Pineapple on pizza is delicious, paired with jalapeños of course.
Step 1: Don't have Sam Wilson
Step 2: Beat Under the Sea
Step 3: Use taco token
Step 4: Have Sam Wilson
There should be a term/phrase for that, I suggest that I "tacod the required character."0 -
Cody722000 wrote:Pineapple on pizza is delicious, paired with jalapeños of course.
Step 1: Don't have Sam Wilson
Step 2: Beat Under the Sea
Step 3: Use taco token
Step 4: Have Sam Wilson
There should be a term/phrase for that, I suggest that I "tacod the required character."
Personally, I go for a pizza with barbecue sauce, throw some chicken, onion and pineapple on there and boom! You got a tasty treat.0 -
Ugh BE took 3 tries today, and by the third try I said screw it and used +100% to all colors. Jerky ninjas. I must remember though it wasn't long ago I couldn't even pretend to beat the BE, even on a non ninja day.0
Poor Sam... sounds like you are not really a fan of his0
Ice's Coming Up In September thread has this:
Falcon - Purple
Psylocke - Black
Beast - Yellow
Bullseye - Green
Captain America - Blue / Legendary Token0 -
Cody722000 wrote:Pineapple on pizza is delicious, paired with jalapeños of course.
Step 1: Don't have Sam Wilson
Step 2: Beat Under the Sea
Step 3: Use taco token
Step 4: Have Sam Wilson
There should be a term/phrase for that, I suggest that I "tacod the required character."
Done that multiple times. Didn't have bullseye yet. Don't have psylock either so 1 token today and now I ha e bullseye.0 -
Moon Roach wrote:Ice's Coming Up In September thread has this:
Falcon - Purple
Psylocke - Black
Beast - Yellow
Bullseye - Green
Captain America - Blue / Legendary Token
Sure, but this week starts the new required 4* once a round, so who knows what will happen. My personal guess is that the 5th day will just have a 6th node but nobody knows.0 -
Cody722000 wrote:Moon Roach wrote:Ice's Coming Up In September thread has this:
Falcon - Purple
Psylocke - Black
Beast - Yellow
Bullseye - Green
Captain America - Blue / Legendary Token
Sure, but this week starts the new required 4* once a round, so who knows what will happen. My personal guess is that the 5th day will just have a 6th node but nobody knows.
All cool and groovy, but I was referring to the original post which still says:Covers for this round will be Falcon(Purple), Psylocke (Black), ?, ?, 4*?
At least 2 of those ? could be filled in.0 -
It looks like the next two are Bullseye and Steve Rodgers. I have both of them but no open roster slots. Do you think it's worth selling a purple Falcon to recruit either a red Steve or purple Bullseye to be able to do their Deadpool missions? Falcon is my only 3* with a single cover.0
Starsaber wrote:It looks like the next two are Bullseye and Steve Rodgers. I have both of them but no open roster slots. Do you think it's worth selling a purple Falcon to recruit either a red Steve or purple Bullseye to be able to do their Deadpool missions? Falcon is my only 3* with a single cover.
I would sell your 2-cover Spiderman over Falcon. You def will want to roster Steve Rogers0 -
Punisher5784 wrote:Starsaber wrote:It looks like the next two are Bullseye and Steve Rodgers. I have both of them but no open roster slots. Do you think it's worth selling a purple Falcon to recruit either a red Steve or purple Bullseye to be able to do their Deadpool missions? Falcon is my only 3* with a single cover.
I would sell your 2-cover Spiderman over Falcon. You def will want to roster Steve Rogers
Thanks for the tip. Anyone else that would make sense to drop for Bullseye or should I just let his DDQ go this time around?0 -
Starsaber wrote:Punisher5784 wrote:Starsaber wrote:It looks like the next two are Bullseye and Steve Rodgers. I have both of them but no open roster slots. Do you think it's worth selling a purple Falcon to recruit either a red Steve or purple Bullseye to be able to do their Deadpool missions? Falcon is my only 3* with a single cover.
I would sell your 2-cover Spiderman over Falcon. You def will want to roster Steve Rogers
Thanks for the tip. Anyone else that would make sense to drop for Bullseye or should I just let his DDQ go this time around?
Getting BE fully covered was great.. he is definitely one of the single most fun 3*'s to use.
If you are desperate for a roster spot, you can always drop sentry.. simply because you get a free cover for him every time Prodigal Sun runs, and it looks like you only have 2 covers to begin with.. so getting him again is never an issue.0 -
Good to hear about Be, as I just won him from my first ever PvP season 10-pack the day before getting his second card from DDQ's BE.
As for Sentry, I dislike heroes that do friendly damage, so him and Rags are auto-dumps for me. That being said, having thrown away enough of both to likely build one of each, I have grudgingly started building both again recently due to having the roster space, so what do I know?
Don't need tomorrow's BE reward (first time!), so I'm just looking forward to the big unveiling of the "new and improved" DDQ...
DBC0 -
Drummerboycroy wrote:Good to hear about Be, as I just won him from my first ever PvP season 10-pack the day before getting his second card from DDQ's BE.
As for Sentry, I dislike heroes that do friendly damage, so him and Rags are auto-dumps for me. That being said, having thrown away enough of both to likely build one of each, I have grudgingly started building both again recently due to having the roster space, so what do I know?
Don't need tomorrow's BE reward (first time!), so I'm just looking forward to the big unveiling of the "new and improved" DDQ...
DBC0 -
Lvl 270 Cyclops.
Well, I guess I can ignore the new DDQ nodes.0 -
Grantosium wrote:Lvl 270 Cyclops.
Well, I guess I can ignore the new DDQ nodes.
And you're limited to X-Force. And no team-ups.
If he gets enough black, or red, or even yellow, it's all over.
Oh, and he gets a Mjolnir's Might team-up, just in case he's not getting yellow fast enough.
Yes, it's supposed to be hard, but this is just ridiculous. IMO.0 -
Moon Roach wrote:Grantosium wrote:Lvl 270 Cyclops.
Well, I guess I can ignore the new DDQ nodes.
And you're limited to X-Force. And no team-ups.
If he gets enough black, or red, or even yellow, it's all over.
Oh, and he gets a Mjolnir's Might team-up, just in case he's not getting yellow fast enough.
Yes, it's supposed to be hard, but this is just ridiculous. IMO.
i leveled my 5/3/2 XFW to 166, and got very close on one of my 3 losses so far, had him down to 346health.0 -
Moon Roach wrote:Grantosium wrote:Lvl 270 Cyclops.
Well, I guess I can ignore the new DDQ nodes.
And you're limited to X-Force. And no team-ups.
If he gets enough black, or red, or even yellow, it's all over.
Oh, and he gets a Mjolnir's Might team-up, just in case he's not getting yellow fast enough.
Yes, it's supposed to be hard, but this is just ridiculous. IMO.
If this is the set up for all of the 4* Deadpool Quests, then I won't be able to do a single one. I was looking forward to getting more 4*.0 -
Moon Roach wrote:At least 2 of those ? could be filled in.
My bad. I...thought I'd done it all. Not sure why the brain betrayed me.0 -
ridiculous! My Wolv 78 or scratches! only benefits those who are already top level ...0
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