Oh god no



  • NorthernPolarity
    NorthernPolarity Posts: 3,531 Chairperson of the Boards
    starsrift wrote:
    ...I would like there to be an iso-farm event to be running at all times at least, so that I can make more progress on my 3*s.

    It's called SHIELD Training. icon_e_smile.gif

    Shield training just feels soulless... it's an endless grind without a goal in sight. High end progression rewards are pretty much unobtainable, so you hit a brick wall over time. I like having an end-goal when it comes to grinding for iso, such as the 100 point progression reward in LRs or the 500 iso reward from missions.
  • starsrift wrote:
    ...I would like there to be an iso-farm event to be running at all times at least, so that I can make more progress on my 3*s.

    It's called SHIELD Training. icon_e_smile.gif

    Shield training just feels soulless... it's an endless grind without a goal in sight. High end progression rewards are pretty much unobtainable, so you hit a brick wall over time. I like having an end-goal when it comes to grinding for iso, such as the 100 point progression reward in LRs or the 500 iso reward from missions.

    I agree, I think the rewards there need to be updated.
  • I think everything about Shield training needs to be updated. The format isn't compatible with the standard tournament format, since losing more points than you win in a strictly progression-based structure means you're just spinning your wheels the whole time.

    I wish there was some way they could abandon MMR altogether for that one room. Like, I pick my team, hit fight, and get paired with 3 characters of similar level to my own team. That way I could try out some of the under-leveled characters I have, and grind away while I'm waiting on medkits and healing for my main team. But I guess since people suck, you'd get a lot of teams with a 141 Patch, 1 Bullseye and 1 Yelena for an average level of 40-50.
  • I think everything about Shield training needs to be updated. The format isn't compatible with the standard tournament format, since losing more points than you win in a strictly progression-based structure means you're just spinning your wheels the whole time.

    I wish there was some way they could abandon MMR altogether for that one room. Like, I pick my team, hit fight, and get paired with 3 characters of similar level to my own team. That way I could try out some of the under-leveled characters I have, and grind away while I'm waiting on medkits and healing for my main team. But I guess since people suck, you'd get a lot of teams with a 141 Patch, 1 Bullseye and 1 Yelena for an average level of 40-50.
    I think it at least shouldn't affect your persistent rating. Per-event matters more than it used to, but it's still not everything. SHIELD Training's so dead you can't tank in there, anyway. I've had a semi-serious Bag-Man team in there for over a day at 900-1000 or so and been hit maybe twice.

    Even something that just spits up randomized teams based on your current persistent MMR would probably be an improvement. It's not as if it being attached to a real player means anything in the match.
  • NorthernPolarity
    NorthernPolarity Posts: 3,531 Chairperson of the Boards
    I think everything about Shield training needs to be updated. The format isn't compatible with the standard tournament format, since losing more points than you win in a strictly progression-based structure means you're just spinning your wheels the whole time.

    I wish there was some way they could abandon MMR altogether for that one room. Like, I pick my team, hit fight, and get paired with 3 characters of similar level to my own team. That way I could try out some of the under-leveled characters I have, and grind away while I'm waiting on medkits and healing for my main team. But I guess since people suck, you'd get a lot of teams with a 141 Patch, 1 Bullseye and 1 Yelena for an average level of 40-50.

    Shield training just needs to be modified such that it actually does what its supposed to do: act as a bridge for new players to transition into PvP. I feel like the easiest thing to do here is to raise the break-even point to about 1kish, get rid of the 3* rewards, and modify the progression rewards to make the 2* covers prizes for reaching that point. While there are other ways to actually make this tournament relevant for high-end players, I feel like this change is incredibly easy to implement, and fills a niche of providing a way for newbies to transition into 2* covers. Demiurge also stays happy because they aren't handing out a ton of 3* characters.
  • Devs, this would pretty much be as close to perfect a time as you can get for implementing balance changes.
  • gobstopper wrote:
    Devs, this would pretty much be as close to perfect a time as you can get for implementing balance changes.

    Lol seriously
  • Truly, we are in the darkest timeline.
  • Kelbris wrote:
    Can't we just have a weekend with only one tournament and no PvE like the good ol' days? This game isn't meant to be 24/7, otherwise health packs would have like, a 15 minute recharge

    Waiting can be nice. It'll make the game last longer; ask forgrim what it's like when you max everyone.

    Hell, I miss when PvP wasn't always a double shot. Those 5 day tournaments where people could actually get to 800 and stay there? Good times.

    Is it even possible to max everyone? X-force wolvie and IW must take ages to level to 230. I would like there to be an iso-farm event to be running at all times at least, so that I can make more progress on my 3*s.

    Even just a double ISO weekend (iso=xp)
  • Kelbris
    Kelbris Posts: 1,051
    Kelbris wrote:
    Can't we just have a weekend with only one tournament and no PvE like the good ol' days? This game isn't meant to be 24/7, otherwise health packs would have like, a 15 minute recharge

    Waiting can be nice. It'll make the game last longer; ask forgrim what it's like when you max everyone.

    Hell, I miss when PvP wasn't always a double shot. Those 5 day tournaments where people could actually get to 800 and stay there? Good times.

    Is it even possible to max everyone? X-force wolvie and IW must take ages to level to 230. I would like there to be an iso-farm event to be running at all times at least, so that I can make more progress on my 3*s.

    Even just a double ISO weekend (iso=xp)

    That'd be great. I'm so sick of grinding.
  • Bacon Pants
    Bacon Pants Posts: 1,012
    I think everything about Shield training needs to be updated. The format isn't compatible with the standard tournament format, since losing more points than you win in a strictly progression-based structure means you're just spinning your wheels the whole time.

    I wish there was some way they could abandon MMR altogether for that one room. Like, I pick my team, hit fight, and get paired with 3 characters of similar level to my own team. That way I could try out some of the under-leveled characters I have, and grind away while I'm waiting on medkits and healing for my main team. But I guess since people suck, you'd get a lot of teams with a 141 Patch, 1 Bullseye and 1 Yelena for an average level of 40-50.

    If there were a way to make Shield Training a bot room of varying difficulties that would be useful for players wanting to try out different teams. Basically a slightly toned down version of Heroic Mode...as for the awards, I have no input.
  • 1 event days are like wow there's nothing to do today days. Guess I'll fire hearthstone back up til we get some Pve action.
  • Kelbris
    Kelbris Posts: 1,051
    1 event days are like wow there's nothing to do today days. Guess I'll fire hearthstone back up til we get some Pve action.

    Doesn't bother me a bit. Just gives me more time to play Arkham City so I can move onto Deadpool or BioShock.

    People keep losing to my patch team and giving Mme points :D
  • IceIX
    IceIX ADMINISTRATORS Posts: 4,332 Site Admin
    1 event days are like wow there's nothing to do today days. Guess I'll fire hearthstone back up til we get some Pve action.
    I get the worst pulls on Arena decks... Feel like the game hates me there, although I can rock the heck out of any CPU battle.
  • I'm happy with only one tournament, and the rewards being things I already have (notwithstanding that I only have two IW yellow so far).

    I can take it easy and not really care about my tournament position for once.
  • IceIX wrote:
    1 event days are like wow there's nothing to do today days. Guess I'll fire hearthstone back up til we get some Pve action.
    I get the worst pulls on Arena decks... Feel like the game hates me there, although I can rock the heck out of any CPU battle.

    Yeah I only tried arena a couple times. I don't play it too much because the strategy is more in building the deck than how you play the cards. Decent waste of 30 minutes though.
  • Shield training has 5 stages, its the only one with more than 5 besides that thor ares storm Loki rag tourney they did. I say use those slots. Make it so there are 3 different sections:

    1 slot for training against bots that have a dramatic variance of anywhere between baconmagic to some new bot that runs all lvl 141 of any character. There would be a total of maybe 20 bots on any given day so you would just skip through the ones you couldn't fight. That gives you a good understanding of where you are since thier levels would be tiered basically. Can you beat baconmagic? Sure. What about battleangel? Not too hard? Well then go up against iceIX. Etc. This allows a high lvl to fight a low level team for grinding if they want or for a low level team to build up their team and see how close they are to competing in some new tournement. IceIX could run a maxed for of the 3 most recent characters even as his "thing" so ppl can get a feeling for what its like go fight a lvl 141 daredevil or that newly buffed xforce. Bots have a very low set value so they don't give you a lit of shield points.

    2 slots for low variance play. This will find a match that is close to your score and to your team/mmr. This is like the bots except against actual ppl so the points are higher.

    2 slots for great variance. You can get anyone. Lvl 80 team *skip* now its a lvl 35 ironman team *skip* now you have nemek *skip* now me * skip* now you get a lvl 85 thor team *skip* etc. This allows for greater jumping in points if you want as you can find someone above your point threshold but at hour character worth threshold.

    Make the rewards for 2** stuff lower and make it be heroic pack or maybe even special "shield" packs that give 2** guaranteed but only 2**. That way you aren't seeing new players being pigeonholed into a single character like thor wolvie storm due being given only them like in the prologue... and there is no need to update more than adding new covers to the rng as opposed to now where the shield list looks kinda outdated and I am sur many would rather have ares or obw Jr something in those 2** spots (if they were obtainable right now..lol). Remove the 3*** and make a 3*** "shield" pack that gives only 3*** with no chance of 4****. Put it at a level where enough grinding can actually get you there. It's purpose is as a "this is your first 3***!" For new players so they feel the progression in the game.

    With these changes the shield works as it should: a place for New players to grow and old players to jump in for some grinding if they don't like the current event.
  • PhantomFO wrote:
    Truly, we are in the darkest timeline.

    Don't joke man, it's all fun and games until someone loses an arm... or a molotov troll burns their larynx to a crisp.
  • The next PvE event can't land quickly enough.

    I gave the Lightning Rounds another try this time around and I still have too many "____ Attacked You!" messaged burned onto my retinas to want to mess around with Best There Is at the moment.
  • The next PvE event can't land quickly enough.

    I gave the Lightning Rounds another try this time around and I still have too many "____ Attacked You!" messaged burned onto my retinas to want to mess around with Best There Is at the moment.

    Yeah, it's pretty brutal.

    After I threw up my shield I had a "___ Attacked You! -35 points!" I'm being haunted by attacks from the past now.