AndersonVision is building a new PVE alliance...JOIN TODAY

edited September 2015 in MPQ Alliances
AndersonVision is building a new PVE and eventual PVP alliance named AndersonVision.

Why? Well, because Chill as F**k isn't allowed to be used by D3.


1) Be ready to play. Don't join and get 800 points and then sit. Don't go nuts, but don't be a bump on a log.
2) Everyone should be able to hit Max Progression minimum. If you do that and go kaput, fine.
3) We're not killing ourselves for that 4 Star reward. The new card game thing is going to take care of a lot of that concern. Plus, after having every 4 card released...I can say that it's a bit underwhelming.
4) We work together as a unit. Three levels of play, everyone coordinating slots. The first few weeks are going to be feeling out play style and working with everyone to level up characters and find strategies.
5) Communication - You talk, I talk, we talk. Whether it is on an FB group or In Game Chat, the group talks to each other.
6) Fun - We're all going to learn not dreading the 8 hour window, group politics and whatever else comes up.

Come if you want to play chill as f**k. Stay away if you want to auction yourself off to get Slot 99 in a land race for a character that you won't use again for weeks, if not months.


  • 17 spots left.

    I'm not interested in mercs. Mercs go against the spirit of what I'm trying to do here.
  • 9 slots are left.

    Group chat has just gone live at Facebook at AV MPQ Chat.

    Once the spots are gone, we go private and begin to work.
  • We have almost reached our limit. Once we do that and everyone is happy, we will be returning to private for awhile. I'd like to thank everyone that has joined up so far.
  • Currently full, but might be shuffling by the weekend for next event.