With lots of new chars- Roster Slot prices need adjustment



  • slidecage
    slidecage Posts: 3,401 Chairperson of the Boards
    Just putting it out there, primarily because I never get tired of reading the same defense of roster slot prices (or even charging money for the right to retain what you "win" in general)...

    Playing a game on your phone with the intensity necessary to gain 1000HP a week is not a solution, it's more akin to taking a second job to pay an unreasonably high and arguably unnecessary bill.

    1000HP is too high, whether you are the grand master of phone video games, some schlub who isn't very good at them, a collector, impatient, or whatever other arbitrary rationales we choose to employ.

    THREE tiers of essentials (will it eventually be four? Five?), the constant flood of new heroes, now including 5*s, the list goes on, but the result is the same. We need far more than all but the most dedicated can muster, let alone having the schedule necessary to do so.


    point isnt to make 1000 per week pt is to make the cost high you either need to play major or pay. Why do people think that they should give you everything for FREE.. People think prices should go DOWN yet they demand new stuff added to the game.. maybe cause people get stuff free from the goverment think everything is Free in life but for most we have to Make money to stay afloat.
  • moogles85
    moogles85 Posts: 186 Tile Toppler
    I think 1000 hp seems steep, but is actually fairly reasonable depending on how often they decide to release new characters. A new character every 2 weeks means 500 hp/week instead of 1000/week.

    For those vets who are in 3*/4*, you really only need 1 extra slot for the rotating essential 2* heroes and earning the hp isn't too difficult given the pvp rewards/placement, pve rewards/placement and DDQ tokens.

    For those who are newer, the game forces you to balance which heroes are actually worth keeping. If you've been keeping Ragnarok, and you need a slot for your new Cyclops/Iron FIst, no need to think twice.
  • If they start dropping slot prices, let's say by 50 hp starting with slot 85 or so, down to 500 a slot, they will be able to contain costs without pissing off people who already paid.
  • They should do it the way they made alliance spots and make em free
  • TxMoose
    TxMoose Posts: 4,319 Chairperson of the Boards
    slidecage wrote:
    point isnt to make 1000 per week pt is to make the cost high you either need to play major or pay. Why do people think that they should give you everything for FREE.. People think prices should go DOWN yet they demand new stuff added to the game.. maybe cause people get stuff free from the goverment think everything is Free in life but for most we have to Make money to stay afloat.
    I'm ok with no new stuff for a while if they dropped prices. I'm probably not in the majority, but that is aok with me. unfortunately those at the top of the game (many of which pay large sums) would get bored and might move on to something else, which would overall be very bad for the game. so, no easy answer there.
  • denouement wrote:
    In PvE, you get sent to a page to buy tokens, which is shady as hell.

    I don't want to have Quicksilver or Ragnarok or Squirrel Girl or a good 1/3 of the 3* on my roster, and I definitely don't want most of the 2* characters either, but I DO want to be able to compete for top 2 and top 10 finishes in the intro events for the new releases. If I don't have one of those essential characters, I'm screwed. In order to have the best chance at the things I DO want, I have to spend HP to keep things I DON'T, because of the way the game is designed. Which is, again, shady.

    I get that they want to have some incentive for people to buy roster slots, but trust me, people will buy them regardless. It's not like they don't tap into a population of people already known for hoarding of superhero-related materials.

    If they start giving out loaners for essential nodes in PvE, and they can charge whatever they want for roster slots, as far as I care. Until then, I have to keep an artificially-inflated roster of outdated and underpowered characters just to have access to the nodes I need to compete for new releases, and that. is. shady.

    100% on the head. Then you have the new 1v1 4* which means that you need every four star if you want to maximize your shots at legendary tokens.

    People can't claim that you can pick and choose who the keep while the best way to progress (soon to be only way for 2* since I hit 800 points last pvp and that wasn't even top 100) for transitioning players is PVE which has a 4*, 3* and 2* essential. Yes, you can cycle out a few two stars but if you are a transitioning player, you need covered 2 stars because it's likely that they will also be pulling a lot of weight.

    The irony is that four star essentials in pve might as well create a hard lockout from top ten, maybe you 25, for those people who need the covers the most.
  • slidecage
    slidecage Posts: 3,401 Chairperson of the Boards
    what i would love to see them do for the 2 year thing even if it was just for a day or two, drop the price of the slots down to say 200 hp per slot or buy a slot and get 1 free.

    or why not even remove one of the 4 stars from the vault

    there are 3 big things in the vault what are 3 4 stars move the 3 big things to

    one slot
    one 5 star
    one 4 star