4*s in the high-3*-low 4* transition world

DaveR4470 Posts: 931 Critical Contributor
edited September 2015 in MPQ Suggestions and Feedback
I'm in the 3-4* transition period. I've got at least 1 cover of pretty much every 3*, and many of them are fully covered. I have 7 maxed, three more at 150+, and only 5 of them are below 120.

I also have 9 4*s, only one of which is well-covered (a 5-1-2 X-force Wolvie) and one of which is meh-covered (a 2-3-1 Thoress).

I'm not sure which game you guys are playing... but under no circumstances is the 1000/1300 progression level even moderately accessible for me. I have NEVER gotten to that point, even with shielding, and I'm almost a year in. The best I've ever done is the low 900s, and I immediately lost 100 points within minutes after that.

So I'm not building a roster to make me more competitive in PvP -- I'm stuck, by my reckoning permanently, behind the people who ALREADY have well-covered Hulkbusters/Prof Xs/Carnages/Teen Jeans/etc, who will always outscore me and punish my point total. As they should -- they've got better teams than me. But I don't see a system currently that lets me move up outside of (a) coordinated Line-based strategies that aren't really within the spirit of the game (and which aren't accessible to all players), or (b) random luck in token drops (which = maybe 1 or 2 4* covers a month at most).

Boosted characters were a good idea, but only a stopgap. The fundamental issue is that there's no 4*-level gameplay for the "haves" to move to, leaving the PvP placement/progression awards to the "have-nots" who need them. And alliance/seasonal rewards compound the issue by removing some (or all) of the ability/incentive for "haves" to sit out a PvP event. That's a game design issue, and something that isn't going to change overnight, I know.

But -- it's been stated that the PvP progression awards are intended to be the main source of direct 4* acquisition, now to be augmented by the legendary tokens. So that makes, by my accounting, 4 ways to acquire 4* characters (outside of special events like Ant-man):

1) High (usually #1) placement in PvP events.
2) Progression award/token award in PvP events.
3) Progression award legendary token in PvE.
4) Event award (progression or placement)

#1 is functionally impossible without a fully-covered 4* roster.
#2 is, as discussed above, incredibly difficult without heavy expense in shielding (plus luck) or alliance coordination.
#3 is, per IceIX's comments, achievable, but only with a large amount of grinding, as the progression required will be (apparently) a multiple of the "regular" top progression award.
#4 is achievable for progression awards, but difficult without heavy grinding otherwise; i.e. basically the same as #3.

And this will all get much, much worse as we start seeing 2x5*+featured teams in PvP.

So in my position, I see the "message" being sent by the game as "either game the system by coordinating, or spend all your free time grinding." That's not a really great choice, especially given how radically different the 3* world is. (3*s are difficult to acquire for 2*-max team, but achievable, and then once you have the first cover, it's moderately easy to cover out the character through DDQ + time + tokens.)

My suggestion is: fix this, pretty please. The simplest way would be to divorce progression from placement in PvP -- progression is gross points obtained via wins; placement is net points reflecting wins/losses. (With an appropriate adjustment, if necessary, in the progression thresholds). Or increase the 4* rewards in PvE. Whatever it takes to make sure that a REASONABLE time investment in MPQ with a 3* team leads to REASONABLE rewards and REASONABLE progression. Because right now I don't see that.

Peace, love, etc.!


  • A roster of 20-30 optimally covered 3* characters between levels 120-140 should be able to hit 1000 without too much trouble, with optimal play and shielding.

    Not knocking or judging your experience with the game, but if I had your roster I would be nabbing 1000 per event real easily. As it stands, I'm knocking on the door of that already. I have zero max level 3* characters, though I do have 15 of the top tier characters optimally covered (all level 120-140) and another 10 or so with 9-12 covers (between level 102-120). I am just some ISO away from getting over that hump. I have about the same number of 4* characters as you do, Kingpin being the only semi-useful at 0/2/5 and level 140.

    Side Rant - Oh ISO, how I long for thee with great desperation! Why, oh why great dev gods of the ether do you deprive me?

    Anyway, is it that you are not shielding? The game dynamic currently demands at least one 3 hour shield be used during the course of any PVP event, barring having maxed out-boosted teams. Timing of your attacks, finding the right targets, etc. Not trying to be condescending in bringing these things up, more trying to understand a little of your frustration and what seems to be holding you back.