100 Days Of Play - My story so far...

edited September 2015 in MPQ General Discussion
I have just hit my 100 day reward a few days ago and am starting to use the forums and wiki a lot more so I figured with all the wonderful information you guys have provided me I will attempt to give something back and tell you the story of my, somewhat protracted, 100 days of play.

First to say that I started MPQ a lot more than 100 days ago, probably closer to 2 years ago I would say. I can’t remember when I first started playing but I can say that back then you could use Spiderman to heal the whole team and play forever and you could buy +3 boost to all colours for ISO and not HP. I know this because when these two things were changed was when I first stopped playing (somewhere around 70 days of play). I am a F2P player and was heavily relying on a little exploit which enabled me to win most games without the opponent taking a turn, yes I know it needed fixing but unfortunately fixing it left me with not a lot to do so I moved on. I came back to the game about a year later and was gutted when my first roster didn’t load and had to start again, from memory I think I made it to about day 40 on that play through before getting bored of not really having much to do and again moved on. I then started again, again about 3 months ago and was just about done with the prologue, I remember that the AntMan event was running and I had just managed to get through it and claim the antman pack. A friend of mine started playing the game so I clicked the button for the first time to share through facebook and low and behold, boom my first ever roster loaded back up lol (Back when I first played I had obviously shared something and my roster was stored unbeknown to me) So yeah I wasted a ton of time through idiocy but I swallowed it up and started to sort my roster out. The weird thing was still having all the boosts that were long outdated like extra damage to maggia and even the +3 boosts, I was still able to use them all. It also appeared to put me in a beginners bracket for that season which was about half way done because even with my team of nonmaxed 2 stars I was easily top ten for every event (including a 2nd place) and I finished 8th for the season all without using a single shield. Been severely punished for that this season but hey ho 40 packs definitely did my roster no harm whatsoever.

So from my 3 different rosters and my 100 days of play final being up I would like to say that I think the game is in a very good place right now, the deadpools daily is easily the best addition and something which will keep me playing for sure, I've been lucky enough to pull 2500Hp from that in the last 3 weeks which has made a massive difference to my roster size, I’m up to 35 but can afford the next slot once I have something to fill it, I've managed to max Thor ,Storm and Daken and have grey suit black widow sitting on 110 but with 11 covers, luckily enough its 5,1,5 so she is an absolute beast for me right now.

PVE I'm finding easy enough, I really wanted the grey suit cover from a top 25 placement a couple of events ago so I grinded hard and I got there, I wasn’t too fussed about having a fifth bloody 4star with one cover so I only played the hunt for fun and finished 300ish. Gauntlet I am onto the third section, about 7 in, and it's just starting to get really hard - winnable but it's going to cost me 2 if not 3 health packs each victory. I'm playing it for the challenge rather than the rewards though as one of the very few 3 stars I have yet to come across is Quicksilver so I’m just enjoying pitting my wits against it at the moment.
PVP is a different animal and I think for people like me (F2P, transitioning) you just have to accept what you can and cannot get and what you're prepared to bust a gut for - again for the Greysuit cover I sent myself crazy trying to get the 800 because every time I got to 750 I would get smashed for 100+ because my team was so easy to beat but I just brushed myself down and went again, I got there eventually but from then on I made the 725 hero points my aim - I jump in with about 8 hours to go, climb my way up and then once I've hit it I move on - I get smashed generally back down to about 350 - if I’ve got the time and energy then I can fight at the end and back 600 but really it’s not worth it - top 100 without shields is my aim and don’t have the roster for it yet - that’s fine just gives me something to aim for and I’m hoping that a lower finish in this season may give me a better chance next season - not sure that’s how it works but last season I could make 800-900 easily and was top ten for that but now the top ten for me is at least 950. Anyway I digress but one point I would like to make is I do think there is some hidden mechanic in play which makes you be attacked at a certain point threshold, 5 times I have been not attacked from 0 through to 700 but then attacked in the 700's every time - I don't believe this could be random. I think people get too stressed trying to gain placement rewards when their roster is just not strong enough to compete, just take the progression rewards and move on – as long as I hit the 4000 season which I will easily I’m happy.

Tips for anyone, I would definitely only use HP for roster slots and don’t ever be afraid to toss away a 1 or 2 star to store a 3 star - this is how I've always looked at it and it seems even more true now - it is so gutting to not have the required for Deadpools so I am really glad now that I’ve always tried to keep the rarer characters - this game to me was always a collectable game - when I first started I just wanted to have all the characters - now I’m a little more competitive, I love syncing characters together for some really sick combinations, favourite team at the moment is 3*Black Widow, 2+Storm and 2* Daken - great little team and a match for really overpowered opponents because there are options as to how you use your green and blue- I know people don't like powers that overlap but I feel in this team it gives me great variety of dealing with how the fight goes - even if someone gets downed I have other strong offensive options - to be honest I only added the 5th cover to BW's green last night and haven’t had much chance to see if this negates having storm at all but I love killing two and leaving 1 stunned and then playing slow for a few turns and letting Daken heal before the big kill - this team or swapping Daken for Thor makes easy work of all Deadpools as well.

So there you go, loving the game, wishing my roster was what it could be from all my play but all in all generally pleased with my progress - can't wait to get a couple more 3 stars over 10 covers though icon_e_biggrin.gif



  • Jam_Adams
    Jam_Adams Posts: 486 Mover and Shaker
    if you send D3 a message they may be able to merge the different accounts for you. that might at least allow you to merge some characters, get some extra iso and even maybe some HP.

    I have not done this, but I have seen some mention it on this forum in the past.
  • gigatilburg29
    gigatilburg29 Posts: 88 Match Maker
    How many character do you have above level 100? I have been playing about 115 days and have 9 characters above 100.
  • Jam_Adams wrote:
    if you send D3 a message they may be able to merge the different accounts for you. that might at least allow you to merge some characters, get some extra iso and even maybe some HP.

    I have not done this, but I have seen some mention it on this forum in the past.

    I didn't know that thank you, mostly it's the watsed ISO and HP that frustrates me but i'm over it to be honest so I might not bother.

    I currently have a grand total of 1 character over 100 lol i have 4 more who could be but i'm not bothering at the moment. Really want to focus on bringing a good core 3 or 4 characters up together and have only taken BW so high to stop Storm taking so much damage.