Trick Missed

I know this is a bit late but I think a trick has been missed with the character designs.

Let's face it... everyone gives a big old groan when a brand new character is announced only to find it's another sodding Wolverine. What should have been done is have different costumes that you can buy for each character, not with hero points, but with real money.

You could also add another dynamic to the fighting by stating costumes, so you may have a simple re-skin for like £0.30 then have a premium re-skin for £1.00 which holds a minor stat benefit - something that isn't OP (and therefore Pay 2 Win) - i don't know... like a permanant 2% specific colour match damage increase or 1ap stockpile of a certain colour.

It wouldn't be mandatory to have them so it keeps the free to play aspect in check but i'm sure plenty of people would pay money for a new costume... at under £0.50 I would buy a couple for sure.

The devs can keep adding to the different costumes almost indefinitely whilst avoiding the new (same) character fatigue that most people have with the 4 wolverines, 3 black widows and 2 of almost everyone else. It's not like you would run out of characters to introduce from the marvel universe!

All other mechanics such as cover collecting would still work because you would still have the same amount of characters and the same likelihood of getting said characters so buying new covers with hero points works exactly the same.

It probably wouldn't be much of a development overhead just to re-skin a character so the devs are quids in. And players can opt in or out of purchases whilst still having actual new characters.

Anyway like I said.. it's a bit late now but that would be awesome.