4* at 1200 good or bad?

edited September 2015 in MPQ General Discussion
The debs have said that they want to make the transition from 3* to 4* easier so, why won't they change the cover that they give now at 1300 to a 1200 reward? And then just give the elite token as a the 1300 reward.

1. 2* transitioners or players with 3*s only can reach the 1 k reward but with trouble so there is a very strong possibility that they won't reach the 1.1 or even the 1.2 mark.

2. The 1.2 reward can be reached by some players that have already a few
4* in their roster but not all 4* and this would really make the 4* transition faster and easier.

3. From what I read on the forums the epic coin will be a gamble and luck is not always on our side, so to waste hp on something that might be or might not be useful is just wasting hp. Hp that can be put to much better use like buying roster slots.

what do you all think? Should this be brought up on the next q&a? Is this a good or bad idea? All comments are welcome.


  • UNC_Samurai
    UNC_Samurai Posts: 402 Mover and Shaker
    Rewards above 1k have been pretty much irrelevant to me, as once I get above 1000 I become such a target that I can't win fast enough to replace the points I lose. And with my roster slots now costing 900+, I have no desire to waste HP on excessive shielding. So when I load a PvP event, I don't even bother looking at the 1300 reward. I don't think I'd pay too much attention to a 1200 reward, either - maybe an 1100 if it were something worthwhile, like HP or a huge chunk of ISO.
  • Chrono_Tata
    Chrono_Tata Posts: 719 Critical Contributor
    Well, for players, more rewards are always good so if they want to add another 4-star at 1200 I wouldn't complain. icon_razz.gif From the dev standpoint though, they might feel that it puts too many 4-star covers into the game economy. However I do think there should be some rewards between 1000 and 1300 to fill in the gap at least, whether it's a cover or otherwise.
  • Dragon_Nexus
    Dragon_Nexus Posts: 3,701 Chairperson of the Boards
    Rewards above 1k have been pretty much irrelevant to me, as once I get above 1000 I become such a target that I can't win fast enough to replace the points I lose. And with my roster slots now costing 900+, I have no desire to waste HP on excessive shielding. So when I load a PvP event, I don't even bother looking at the 1300 reward. I don't think I'd pay too much attention to a 1200 reward, either - maybe an 1100 if it were something worthwhile, like HP or a huge chunk of ISO.

    The announcement of the 1300 prize was great, I thought. All the fighting can happen higher up the scale, leaving me to snatch a 1000 and run. That's kinda been what happens.

    I hit 1000 the other day and got a red Elektra and shielded straight away. Within 10 minutes I'd been hit 5 times. There's no way I'd ever get anywhere near 1300, so I don't even try. I'm perfectly happy sneaking a 1000 score in every now and then. Let the hardcore slug it out for the 1300.

    I don't see 1300 as a realistic prospect until you start bringing in the level 240 Hulkbusters and Jean Greys.
  • Early in the 4☆ transition those legendary tokens are going to be helpful, since any oull will be worth something. However, at some point you're going to end up fighting for a token which turns out to be useless for you... spending gold on shields to return 1000 iso is going to be a poor reward for building a solid 4☆ roster.

    I also think the named cover reward gives each pvp a variety of sorts. And something to aim for if you know you need a certain cover.

    To me, the optimal solution would be to offer the legendary token OR the current prize. The winner gets a popup asking them to pick which one they want. E.g. for Heavy Metal the 1300 reward would be Elektra purple OR a Legendary token.

    That way you get the benefit of a known/named prize. And you can make a call on whether to take that or swap it for a visit with the RNG gods.
  • wymtime
    wymtime Posts: 3,764 Chairperson of the Boards
    1200 would be a lot more favorable to hit to vert the legendary Tokens. I normally go to 1000 and stop becuase he timing of 3,8,3,8 to try and hit 1300 is brutal for me. It is more about time then actual ability. 1200 would be a lot more achievable and could possibly be done with a 3,8 combo on some PVP's and 3,8,3 on others. Right now if you are just running buffed 3* you can beat the big 4* teams you will probably just take some good damage and run throug health packs.

    I personally would aim for the 1200 if it gave out the lebandaey tokens. 1300 still feels like it takes too much timing for my work schedual. I am probably going to go back to doing all the PVE's for the legendary progression token though. For just progressing you can get a 4* and you probably will not need to grind nodes down to 1 to do it.