Backup option without FB

ckempo Posts: 16 Just Dropped In

My seven year old son wants me to root his Android tablet and get him on Lollipop like his Dad is. He's been playing MPQ for a few months now, and is a member of my alliance.

As he has no Facebook account, and the device is not yet rooted so TitaniumBackup etc are unavailable... What are the options available to me to keep his data intact? I'm not keen on him losing everything to start over, and he's already registered the name he wants too!

It's there anything that can be arranged server-side (with more details provided), perhaps?


  • Dayv
    Dayv Posts: 4,449 Chairperson of the Boards
    Customer support may be able to help you, though the process could take a few days -- especially as we're in a holiday weekend in the US. You should open a support ticket.

    They've been able to help people transfer game data on the server side before, and I *think* they can help retain the same player name, but I'm less certain of that. Contacting them in advance may streamline things.
  • ckempo
    ckempo Posts: 16 Just Dropped In
    Cheers - shall raise a ticket and progress it that way. Thanks again.