Rebuilding the universe after Secret Wars

Malcrof Posts: 5,971 Chairperson of the Boards
edited August 2015 in MPQ General Discussion
Spoiler Alert.. if you are not caught up on Secret Wars.. skip the link.
I thought i would share this for 2 reasons... this has been one of those books that has been foreshadowed and waited on for months now during Secret Wars...

but did they get a 5 year old to draw it??? Why would you take one of the penultimate issues in the series.. and not even try.. /sigh Marvel, we love you, but lose the cartoon network artists, please!


  • Michael and Laura Allred are contemporary comic legends - I love their work. Their non-Marvel work on Madman and the Atomics is extra-ginchy. But they've also done more than their fair share of Marvel work, including the reality tv version of X-Force that introduced Doop, and the subsequent X-Statix series - both of which were fantastic. Their style is intentionally reductive (compared to newer comic standards), and I think is purposefully patterned after early superhero comics from the 60's.

    I had no idea they were doing Silver Surfer, gotta check that out - thanks for the link!
  • Malcrof
    Malcrof Posts: 5,971 Chairperson of the Boards
    Sterno wrote:
    Michael and Laura Allred are contemporary comic legends - I love their work. Their non-Marvel work on Madman and the Atomics is extra-ginchy. But they've also done more than their fair share of Marvel work, including the reality tv version of X-Force that introduced Doop, and the subsequent X-Statix series - both of which were fantastic. Their style is intentionally reductive (compared to newer comic standards), and I think is purposefully patterned after early superhero comics from the 60's.

    I had no idea they were doing Silver Surfer, gotta check that out - thanks for the link!

    Glad to provide it..

    I am not looking for Liefield or Platt type over the top detail.. but seriously.. doesn't it look like a kids coloring book? Yes i am familiar with their work, and i have seen them do some amazing art.. this just looks like they were given 20 minutes to do an entire book.

    BUT, a good read is better than good art any day when it comes to important story arcs.
  • Guess they are going for a "classic" look on what appears to be an influential story. My favorite Surfer artist is still Ron Lim from the mid-90's - he had that book nailed down!
  • Malcrof
    Malcrof Posts: 5,971 Chairperson of the Boards
    Sterno wrote:
    Guess they are going for a "classic" look on what appears to be an influential story. My favorite Surfer artist is still Ron Lim from the mid-90's - he had that book nailed down!

    This, is still my #1 all time favorite cover of any book ever made.


    just found a quick pick, my copy is out for grading right now, hoping for a 9+ on it, got it at a garage sale over 30 years ago, in a huge box of many delights.. spent $5 for the box.. about 300 comics.. my Journey into Mystery 83 came back at 8.5, the jewel of my collection (from the same box)
  • GMadMan040
    GMadMan040 Posts: 207

    Not related to the OP, and not related to the game (other than can we please get a version of Namor?), but this was my favor cover as a kid.
  • Malcrof wrote:
    Spoiler Alert.. if you are not caught up on Secret Wars.. skip the link.
    I thought i would share this for 2 reasons... this has been one of those books that has been foreshadowed and waited on for months now during Secret Wars...

    but did they get a 5 year old to draw it??? Why would you take one of the penultimate issues in the series.. and not even try.. /sigh Marvel, we love you, but lose the cartoon network artists, please!

    This isn't the end of secret wars, its the end of Silver Surfer. As others have pointed out, part of the art is due to it being the Allreds, and part is due to the nature of the story.

    They had one of the most epic Secret Wars related moments however in the previous issue. When I get home, I'll post it, but it was probably the most telling example of "Oh, the marvel universe is hoooooooosed"
  • Dragon_Nexus
    Dragon_Nexus Posts: 3,701 Chairperson of the Boards
    Haetron wrote:
    Malcrof wrote:
    Spoiler Alert.. if you are not caught up on Secret Wars.. skip the link.
    I thought i would share this for 2 reasons... this has been one of those books that has been foreshadowed and waited on for months now during Secret Wars...

    but did they get a 5 year old to draw it??? Why would you take one of the penultimate issues in the series.. and not even try.. /sigh Marvel, we love you, but lose the cartoon network artists, please!

    This isn't the end of secret wars, its the end of Silver Surfer. As others have pointed out, part of the art is due to it being the Allreds, and part is due to the nature of the story.

    They had one of the most epic Secret Wars related moments however in the previous issue. When I get home, I'll post it, but it was probably the most telling example of "Oh, the marvel universe is hoooooooosed"

    I'm feeling I made a huge mistake jumping into Secret Wars. I'm understanding stuff as I go along but I'm not sure if the event is poorly written or if I just miss out on back story.

    It is *kind of* explained why the characters I know already don't act the same way, but it takes a while for them to do that. They don't seem to establish any of the places, they just start in medias res. I've been getting A-Force and Thors along side Secret I'm probably not best placed for this. A-Force is enjoyable, but the sequential art can be a little confusing. Thors, while only 2 issues so far, is enjoyable and I'm looking forward to seeing where it goes.

    I was looking forward to Secret Wars issue 5 to expand on what's going on but it only made me more confused. I understood the premise of how Doom became as poswerful as he did and how Battleworld was created. That much makes sense (though why the exposition guy was expositing to the very person who was involved in the story he was expositing about baffles me). I figured what happened in issue 4 was the lead in to all the tie-in books, explains how the characters got to where ever. But in SW issue 5 Thoress is there just...not doing anything. She's being hunted by Doom and she's just chilling out in his palace without a care. (Frustrating enough she's had maybe 3 lines in 5 issues. Her job so far has been to take up background space).

    Maybe it'll all become clear later. It's bugging me a little that the main storyline isn't complete within the Secret Wars book itself. I don't mind other books having a "What the other guys are doing while this is going on" story, but to have some of it be mandatory to understanding the plot of the main book is...odd.

    That and I have no idea what the timeline is in these stories. Thors seems to take place some time after A-Force...maybe. And goodness knows when compared to Secret Wars.
  • Malcrof wrote:
    lose the cartoon network artists

    where's the downvote button? how can you talk about CN like that?
  • Omega Red
    Omega Red Posts: 366 Mover and Shaker
    Malcrof wrote:
    Sterno wrote:
    Michael and Laura Allred are contemporary comic legends - I love their work. Their non-Marvel work on Madman and the Atomics is extra-ginchy. But they've also done more than their fair share of Marvel work, including the reality tv version of X-Force that introduced Doop, and the subsequent X-Statix series - both of which were fantastic. Their style is intentionally reductive (compared to newer comic standards), and I think is purposefully patterned after early superhero comics from the 60's.

    I had no idea they were doing Silver Surfer, gotta check that out - thanks for the link!

    Glad to provide it..

    I am not looking for Liefield or Platt type over the top detail.. but seriously.. doesn't it look like a kids coloring book? Yes i am familiar with their work, and i have seen them do some amazing art.. this just looks like they were given 20 minutes to do an entire book.

    BUT, a good read is better than good art any day when it comes to important story arcs.

    Dude, are you serious?! How can you even dare to compare the Allreds artwork with Rob Liefeld?!! icon_evil.gif

    I love Mike Allred's work. It's dynamic, immediate, consistent and so damn polished and distinctive. The man is an artist!

    I'll take advantage of this thread to say I would love to see X-Statix characters in the game.
  • Omega Red
    Omega Red Posts: 366 Mover and Shaker
    Also on a related note, words can't express how much of a bore the main series "Secret wars" has been for me. Amazingly slow, dull and full of irrelevant events for a series that is ending the Marvel universes.
  • GothicKratos
    GothicKratos Posts: 1,821 Chairperson of the Boards
    Actually, I kind of dig the "colorific" vibe, just Silver Surfer himself looks, uh, bad.
  • Square
    Square Posts: 380 Mover and Shaker
    Sterno wrote:
    Michael and Laura Allred are contemporary comic legends - I love their work. Their non-Marvel work on Madman and the Atomics is extra-ginchy. But they've also done more than their fair share of Marvel work, including the reality tv version of X-Force that introduced Doop, and the subsequent X-Statix series - both of which were fantastic. Their style is intentionally reductive (compared to newer comic standards), and I think is purposefully patterned after early superhero comics from the 60's.

    I had no idea they were doing Silver Surfer, gotta check that out - thanks for the link!
    They are certainly awesome. It's not to the taste of everyone, but there's a certain realism/coolness/seriousness that a lot demand from super-hero comics these days, and some people just don't like fun art. I really like Kevin Wada's Marvel work these days too, and I've seen some ridiculous critiques of him too. I'll take Allred over the majority of the people working at DC any day of the week.

    I prefer Allred in the Madman days when he had proper black ink rather than the coloured lines he has now, but he's still great in his contemporary work. I was only so so into the Surfer series, but, if you missed it, pick up the series FF he did in 2014 with Matt Fraction. Beautiful, fun, and clever. And a great use of Ant-Man before he became trendy. It's great from start to finish.
  • Square
    Square Posts: 380 Mover and Shaker
    Omega Red wrote:
    Also on a related note, words can't express how much of a bore the main series "Secret wars" has been for me. Amazingly slow, dull and full of irrelevant events for a series that is ending the Marvel universes.
    I think it's alright, but it's just going to get slower with Ribic as the artist. Hickman is an obsessive compulsive writer, so I'm sure it was basically written two years ago, so they should have have Ribic finish it before the first issue came out. But no, Marvel will relaunch months before SW is over. I kind of liked how the '84 series did it: no tie-ins, just a jump in continuity that people picked up the book to see what happened.

    For the rest of the crossover, I'm a long time X-Fan, so those books hit a little stronger, but I've been enjoying the Inferno and E is for Extinction books, as well as X-Men '92. I'm mixed on Years of Future Past, but I'm loving the Art Adams covers at least. Hated the issue of Armor Wars I read. Spider-Man Renew Your Vows was okay, Planet Hulk, Old Man Logan so so. A lot of junk there. It's no Age of Apocalypse, the tightest crossover ever made.
  • Dragon_Nexus
    Dragon_Nexus Posts: 3,701 Chairperson of the Boards
    Omega Red wrote:
    Also on a related note, words can't express how much of a bore the main series "Secret wars" has been for me. Amazingly slow, dull and full of irrelevant events for a series that is ending the Marvel universes.

    It has been odd. The first issue was fantastic, I thought.
    Everything after that has fels like a lot of build up and no actual pay off. Issue 4 was the first time it felt like anything had happened. I don't think they put enough effort into explaining the world so the main comic was tied up with explaining everything instead of doing anything.
  • I love Allred. But I can see where his style might not be for everyone. I'm just so tired of the boxy, depleted look that seems so prevalent in Marvel artists these days. And why Marvel seems to require that artists spill an entire bottle of black ink on a page before they approve it is beyond me. I think Jim Lee and Portacio spoiled me in the 90s. But if you think Allred is Cartoon Network-esque, check out the art for the upcoming Venom: Space Knight. I can't believe I typed that and it's not a bad attempt at a joke. Oh and they just added an extra issue to Secret Wars so now it won't end till December. Le groan.
  • Pylgrim
    Pylgrim Posts: 2,328 Chairperson of the Boards
    Good. I appreciate all those thought experiments of these secret wars, but I wanted to go back to linear, interlocked narrative almost as soon as it started.
  • Because I promised!

    The set up for Secret Wars is, as everyone probably knows, Doom rebuilds the universe after the Beyonders destroy it.
  • Malcrof
    Malcrof Posts: 5,971 Chairperson of the Boards
    Omega Red wrote:
    Malcrof wrote:
    Sterno wrote:
    Michael and Laura Allred are contemporary comic legends - I love their work. Their non-Marvel work on Madman and the Atomics is extra-ginchy. But they've also done more than their fair share of Marvel work, including the reality tv version of X-Force that introduced Doop, and the subsequent X-Statix series - both of which were fantastic. Their style is intentionally reductive (compared to newer comic standards), and I think is purposefully patterned after early superhero comics from the 60's.

    I had no idea they were doing Silver Surfer, gotta check that out - thanks for the link!

    Glad to provide it..

    I am not looking for Liefield or Platt type over the top detail.. but seriously.. doesn't it look like a kids coloring book? Yes i am familiar with their work, and i have seen them do some amazing art.. this just looks like they were given 20 minutes to do an entire book.

    BUT, a good read is better than good art any day when it comes to important story arcs.

    Dude, are you serious?! How can you even dare to compare the Allreds artwork with Rob Liefeld?!! icon_evil.gif

    I love Mike Allred's work. It's dynamic, immediate, consistent and so damn polished and distinctive. The man is an artist!

    I'll take advantage of this thread to say I would love to see X-Statix characters in the game.

    May want to re-read my comment.. i specifically said i didn't want Lifeld type and i have also seen them do some amazing work.. i was just saying, this was not one of those times.