PVP spoils the game

Legasher Posts: 67 Match Maker

This is why I seriously consider quitting every time I play this game. This is stupid. I spent an hour and a half last night within 50 pts of the cover progression reward. An hour and a half stuck at the same total, while actively playing and winning! Finally, I absolutely had to go to bed, I wake up to this. I wouldn't be upset if I hadn't spent so much time running the stupid treadmill. I'm really sick of this. I pick an opponent it says is worth 45 pts. or so, then win the battle, only get awarded 27 pts, then the little message pops up saying I've lost 25 in the time my game took. That's complete bull in its own right, because you're wasting my time and resources on a worthless battle. I'm done using shields. I'm not paying for the privilege to sleep and I'm not paying for the privilege of not getting to play. And if this continues and the progression rewards are this frustrating and upsetting to obtain, I may as well take my infinite free shields and walk away. It's a bummer because the mechanics are interesting, and I enjoy the actual matches and I was excited to see and obtain some of the new characters - you can see I bought gold for roster slots because I stupidly also bought shields to help me win the Jean Grey a couple weeks back, only to find that it was impossible to actually make any progress at all. Today has been a super **** day, and the loss of that hour and a half of sleep and waking up to this were a big part of it.

TL;DR - As interesting as playing the game is, the events are too frustrating to put effort into. There needs to be a point loss cap and the point rating for the battle need to be accurate - otherwise, it's just too frustrating and pointless to continue playing.


  • slidecage
    slidecage Posts: 3,395 Chairperson of the Boards
    you have to buy shields its the only way they make money off this game... icon_e_smile.gif

    really though if you dont care about your season score try to hit a bracket in the last hour could get up to 600 to 700 pts and attacked maybe 1 or twice
  • Legasher
    Legasher Posts: 67 Match Maker
    A few reasons I don't do that.

    1. I actually enjoy the gameplay. When I have free time, namely the time I spend on the lightrail during my commute (2hrs a day), that's when I want to play the game. I don't want to be sitting there wanting to play and thinking, "Nope, can't play right now, I'll get too many points and get locked out later."
    2. My commute is one of the few times I'm free to play. I can't stay up until 1AM every day. I need to get up for work. I can't play at all between about 9am and 6pm, so there goes most ending times. That means I can only sign up for one specific time slot for the event, and keeps me from playing for a couple days.
    3. That's 100% locking me out of the 4* Rewards. Taking first without immense, uberluck is basically right out. I have two options - sign up way in advance and try to keep my totals up to keep plugging away for the the progression rewards only to hit a treadmill when the game starts sabotaging my abilty to pick battles that are worth anything and never win 4*s, or be happy I can screw other players at the last minute, fast grab my tokens and never win 4*s (yes, I can pull them, and have, but it's not the same).

    Also, they make money off the roster slots, and on top of that, if I could break a shield and actually have a chance to make points, I'd consider buying shields more often to keep me safe during shield recovery times. But as it is, there's no point buying any shields. I'll either hit the treadmill before I rank high enough to make it worth shielding vs. the reward i'd be shielding to reserve or the shield will be way to long or just too short - i.e, you need an 8 hr shield for 4hrs to the event end, or you'll loose 300-400+ in that last hour - or I'm again paying to avoid playing, when I do actually want to play.
  • MarcusGraves
    MarcusGraves Posts: 495 Mover and Shaker
    sorry but if you're shooting for 4* rewards you're going to have to shield, have a fast clearing team with the featured character obviously being decently covered and climb at the correct times since there are certain points near the end of a PvP where it will be a bloodbath of people hitting each other to climb up. Also if the team you have out on defense is low level/easy to beat in AI's hands or doesn't include any of the boosted characters of the week you're going to be easy pickings.

    getting up to 725 progression in PvP provides enough HP for a 3 hour shield with 25 left over and after you hit the 800 progression for the 3* its going to be very hard to stay afloat unless you have a strong enough team to reach 1/1.3k. If however you are already having a hard time hitting 800 progression in PvP's then that means your roster isn't good enough yet to even think of shooting for the 4* rewards and you need to work on your 3*s more.