would you kindly help me ! team advice

edited February 2014 in MPQ Tips and Guides

I want to have the best teams but not sure what I should do. What would be my best 2* and 3* teams ? Any characters I should sell ? I need your help ! Thanks icon_e_smile.gif


Iron Man Level 50 4r 5y 4b

Storm Level 50 4g 4r 5b


Wolverine Level 50 5g 1r 3y

Storm Level 46 1g 5b 3y

Thor Level 30 2r 1y 3g

Black Widow Level 6 1p 1b


Spider-Man Level 41 3y 1p

Wolverine Level 38 2g 2r

Iron Man Level 30 1r 1b 2y

Hulk Level 25 2g

Magneto Level 18 1b 1p

Ragnarok Level 18 1g 1r


  • You're heading in the right direction and I would just focus on building your 2* team for now since your 3* don't have enough covers to be quite effective yet.

    Wolv, Storm and Thor can form a pretty effective team and you have decent number of covers for them, and imo OBW is very good too but again the lack of covers is holding her back. Some combination of those four + whatever buffed event char you need to use should carry you though most of the events well.

    So focus your ISO on those 2*s, and keep collecting 3* covers. For characters to sell if you need roster space, I would only recommend Ironman 35, since Thor/Wolv would pretty much take over his role once they're leveled to 50+.
  • Thanks for the reply icon_e_smile.gif

    What would be a great 3* team with the characters I have ? Just to know which covers I should go after first. Thanks.
  • What is safe regarding 3* is patch (I like 5/5/3) and hulk (4/4/5) mag n spidey r set for nerf so for now they are tbd
  • NorthernPolarity
    NorthernPolarity Posts: 3,531 Chairperson of the Boards
    What is safe regarding 3* is patch (I like 5/5/3) and hulk (4/4/5) mag n spidey r set for nerf so for now they are tbd

    I think the 2 safest 3* covers are Hulk and Punisher. They aren't slated for nerfs, and go into any team composition. Hulk is great as a defensive deterrent and making other players not want to attack you, and Punisher is solid dps that works well with everyone else. I feel like Patch needs to be the centerpiece of the team, and so limits your options when it comes to team-building.

    As for the OP, I would just go with whatever covers you get more of for your 2* team. Since you have a lot of C. Storm and Wolvie covers, either Thor/C. Storm/Wolvie or Widow/Wolvie/C. Storm both work (although the second team is rather squishy). I would look to build towards to Thor/Wolvie/Widow if you end up picking up a lot of Widow covers instead.
  • Is this the best setup for my 2* team ?

    Wolverine 5g 5r 3y

    Storm 5g 5b 3y

    Thor 5r 5y 3g

  • With your covers I think that's probably your best team at the moment. OBW is such a great support char that I would particularly keep a lookout for her covers too. And of course whatever char they buff for the particular tourney/event will be very strong too.
  • elysium wrote:
    Is this the best setup for my 2* team ?

    Wolverine 5g 5r 3y

    Storm 5g 5b 3y

    Thor 5r 5y 3g


    You want Thor at 3/5/5 after his nerfing.
  • Since my last post, my 2* team got better.

    Wolverine Level 54 5g 1r 3y

    Storm Level 51 2g 5b 3y

    Thor Level 49 3r 2y 4g

    Thanks for your help icon_e_smile.gif

    I need your advice for my 3* team. I know I don’t have many covers but I would like to focus on a few characters. Recently, I got (I think) two great covers :

    The Punisher 1g

    Loki 1 b

    I can’t keep everything. I need to choose my best trio. What would you recommend I keep ? Who would the chosen one play best with?

    Spider-Man Level 41 3y 1p

    Wolverine Level 38 2g 2r

    Iron Man Level 30 1r 1b 3y

    Hulk Level 25 2g

    Magneto Level 18 1b 1p

    Ragnarok Level 18 1g 1r

    Thanks again !