Vision's density for the AI

Platzy Posts: 77 Match Maker
Made a new thread as it seems sufficiently different from the Vision bug reported here
If it fits better in there, apologies and please merge my thread in there.

When playing in the Vision event yesterday, I noticed an oddity:
The AI had a "density: light" tile out that I happened to match away on my turn. Immediately after, on its turn, the AI fired vision's red, but instead of it being the regular Attack Protocol, it was the Solar Beam. Now, for me that was fortunate, as I didn't have any special tiles out, but shouldn't the AI's power status have been updated? I can imagine that could be really annoying if you want to deprive Vision of an attack mode only to find out it doesn't work...

I was cruising on autopilot through an wasy match, so I only realized what had happened 2 turns later, so no photos and there is a chance that I might have misperceived it.
Did anyone else come across this?


  • Platzy
    Platzy Posts: 77 Match Maker
    Oh, umm... - guess that show I haven't used him very much icon_redface.gif

    Move on, nothing to see here!