Steam UI can't enter final subevent node in Unstable ISO-8


I've been chasing the new 4* cover through the story mode event Iso-8, and now I'm screwed. The problem is that the new node trigger in the UI is too high and it won't accept my click. I can pull the screen slightly up and down, and I can click on the repeatable node "unstable ISO-8", but I can't click on the new node (bullseye icon) to allow access to the final subevent.

This happened last time ISO-8 ran months ago, but I didn't care that much then. This seriously sucks. Any quick fixes or ways to allow me to enter the final sub-event and keep up the chase for overall ranking?


  • Well, after a boatload of pixel-hunting, I found a way to get it to register by clicking just below the icon, about on the outer edge of the border. At least I'm through and able to keep playing, but this was still a very frustrating bug that shouldn't exist.
  • hopper1979
    hopper1979 Posts: 566 Critical Contributor
    Thanks for the find, I was beginning to get worried as well. Right below the node seems to be the spot for those of you who are also having this issue.