Deadpool Daily Quest - Round 38 - August 22-26
Welcome to Round 38 of Deadpool's Daily Quest.
Savory token week, so dust off your spice rack and cook up some heroes!
Covers for this round will be Quicksilver (Blue), Scarlet Witch (Green), Vision (Red), Black Panther (Black) and Magneto (Blue)
Day One:
Savory token week, so dust off your spice rack and cook up some heroes!
Covers for this round will be Quicksilver (Blue), Scarlet Witch (Green), Vision (Red), Black Panther (Black) and Magneto (Blue)
Day One:
That Guy From That Place -
Hawkeye** (15), Defender (10), Defender(10)
Under The Sea -
Wave 1 Brawler (20), Decoy (22), Defender (25), Brawler(28)
Wave 2 Decoy (40), Decoy (42), Ironman*** (50), Criterion (46)
Third Time's The Charm -
Doctor Octopus*** (74), Loki*** (70), Human Torch*** (71)
Dat Required Character -
Thor** (64), Black Widow** (60), Bullseye** (63)
The Big Enchilada -
Wave 1 Teisatsu (99), Teisatsu (100), Teisatsu (105)
Wave 2 Luke Cage*** (112), Punisher*** (111), Captain America*** (110)
Wave 3 Konran (122), Konran(121), Shinobi (120)
Wave 4 Gorgon*** (130), Deadpool*** (132), Wolverine**** (131)
Reward:Quicksilver (Blue)
Deadpool fun fact about Quicksilver: Not many people are aware of this, but Quicksilver has two siblings - a sister, whom we will talk about tomorrow, and a brother who became quite popular for a while. This brother didn't get any Inhumamutant genes and instead ended up entirely human. This powerless brother looked up to Quicksilver so much that his catchphrase quickly became "Gotta go fast!" and he became a race car driver. His name? Ricky Bobby.*
Day Two:
Hawkeye** (15), Defender (10), Defender(10)
Under The Sea -
Wave 1 Brawler (20), Decoy (22), Defender (25), Brawler(28)
Wave 2 Decoy (40), Decoy (42), Ironman*** (50), Criterion (46)
Third Time's The Charm -
Doctor Octopus*** (74), Loki*** (70), Human Torch*** (71)
Dat Required Character -
Thor** (64), Black Widow** (60), Bullseye** (63)
The Big Enchilada -
Wave 1 Teisatsu (99), Teisatsu (100), Teisatsu (105)
Wave 2 Luke Cage*** (112), Punisher*** (111), Captain America*** (110)
Wave 3 Konran (122), Konran(121), Shinobi (120)
Wave 4 Gorgon*** (130), Deadpool*** (132), Wolverine**** (131)
Reward:Quicksilver (Blue)
Deadpool fun fact about Quicksilver: Not many people are aware of this, but Quicksilver has two siblings - a sister, whom we will talk about tomorrow, and a brother who became quite popular for a while. This brother didn't get any Inhumamutant genes and instead ended up entirely human. This powerless brother looked up to Quicksilver so much that his catchphrase quickly became "Gotta go fast!" and he became a race car driver. His name? Ricky Bobby.*
That Guy From That Place -
Human Torch** (15), Thug (10), Thug (10)
Under The Sea -
Wave 1 Thug (20), Hitman (22), Hitman (25), Thug(28)
Wave 2 Thug (40), Hitman (42), Gamora*** (50), Thug(46)
Third Time's The Charm -
Daken*** (74), Hood*** (70), Rocket&Groot*** (71)
Dat Required Character -
Wolverine** (64), Daken** (60), Captain Marvel** (63)
The Big Enchilada -
Wave 1 Criterion (99), Subject (100), Empiricist (105)
Wave 2 Captain Marvel*** (112), Beast*** (111), Daredevil*** (110)
Wave 3 Control (122), Control (121), Criterion (120)
Wave 4 Invisible Woman**** (130), Black Widow*** (132), Blade*** (131)
Reward:Scarlet Witch (Green)
Deadpool fun fact about Scarlet Witch: It turns out that Wanda is addicted to practical jokes. Much like Jokey Smurf in that regard, because her little pranks always blow up in the face of the victim. This one time, she handed out tasty reality twisting candies at Hallowe'en. Man, that was funny. There's still six kids missing, eleven with unbearable and uncurable agoraphobia, and one that claims he has seen the end of everything and it is elephants. Oh, that Wanda - such a kidder!.*
Day Three:
Human Torch** (15), Thug (10), Thug (10)
Under The Sea -
Wave 1 Thug (20), Hitman (22), Hitman (25), Thug(28)
Wave 2 Thug (40), Hitman (42), Gamora*** (50), Thug(46)
Third Time's The Charm -
Daken*** (74), Hood*** (70), Rocket&Groot*** (71)
Dat Required Character -
Wolverine** (64), Daken** (60), Captain Marvel** (63)
The Big Enchilada -
Wave 1 Criterion (99), Subject (100), Empiricist (105)
Wave 2 Captain Marvel*** (112), Beast*** (111), Daredevil*** (110)
Wave 3 Control (122), Control (121), Criterion (120)
Wave 4 Invisible Woman**** (130), Black Widow*** (132), Blade*** (131)
Reward:Scarlet Witch (Green)
Deadpool fun fact about Scarlet Witch: It turns out that Wanda is addicted to practical jokes. Much like Jokey Smurf in that regard, because her little pranks always blow up in the face of the victim. This one time, she handed out tasty reality twisting candies at Hallowe'en. Man, that was funny. There's still six kids missing, eleven with unbearable and uncurable agoraphobia, and one that claims he has seen the end of everything and it is elephants. Oh, that Wanda - such a kidder!.*
That Guy From That Place -
Captain America** (15), Spy (10), Spy (10)
Under The Sea -
Wave 1 Soldier (20), Pyro (22), Lieutenant (25), Analyst (28)
Wave 2 Assassin (40), Grenadier (42), Psylocke*** (50), Pyro(46)
Third Time's The Charm -
Loki*** (74), Mystique*** (70), Spiderman*** (71)
Dat Required Character -
Bullseye** (64), Spiderman** (60), Thor** (63)
The Big Enchilada -
Wave 1 Decoy (99), Brawler (100), Decoy (105)
Wave 2 Wolverine*** (112), Human Torch*** (111), Thor*** (110)
Wave 3 Defender (122), Decoy (121), Brawler(120)
Wave 4 Doctor Doom*** (130), Elektra**** (132), Squirrel Girl*** (131)
Reward:Vision (Red)
Deadpool fun fact about Vision: Okay, look, Vision's all kinds of messed up. You know how Sentry is kinda nutso and all over the place in that hilarious angsty sort of way? Well, get this - Vision is an android that tries to be human, gets a robo-crush on Scarlet Witch, marries her and has children with her that may or may not have been real (maaaaaagic!), loses his memory, cuts ties to his "family" and gets himself dismantled.
My point? How the hell can I make up a "fun fact" when this dude's like totally spazzy to begin with!? You see what I'm working with here? GAH!
Day Four:
Captain America** (15), Spy (10), Spy (10)
Under The Sea -
Wave 1 Soldier (20), Pyro (22), Lieutenant (25), Analyst (28)
Wave 2 Assassin (40), Grenadier (42), Psylocke*** (50), Pyro(46)
Third Time's The Charm -
Loki*** (74), Mystique*** (70), Spiderman*** (71)
Dat Required Character -
Bullseye** (64), Spiderman** (60), Thor** (63)
The Big Enchilada -
Wave 1 Decoy (99), Brawler (100), Decoy (105)
Wave 2 Wolverine*** (112), Human Torch*** (111), Thor*** (110)
Wave 3 Defender (122), Decoy (121), Brawler(120)
Wave 4 Doctor Doom*** (130), Elektra**** (132), Squirrel Girl*** (131)
Reward:Vision (Red)
Deadpool fun fact about Vision: Okay, look, Vision's all kinds of messed up. You know how Sentry is kinda nutso and all over the place in that hilarious angsty sort of way? Well, get this - Vision is an android that tries to be human, gets a robo-crush on Scarlet Witch, marries her and has children with her that may or may not have been real (maaaaaagic!), loses his memory, cuts ties to his "family" and gets himself dismantled.
My point? How the hell can I make up a "fun fact" when this dude's like totally spazzy to begin with!? You see what I'm working with here? GAH!
That Guy From That Place -
Daken** (15), Teisatsu (10), Teisatsu (10)
Under The Sea -
Wave 1 Teisatsu (20), Teisatsu (22), Shinobi (25), Teisatsu (28)
Wave 2 Shinobi (40), Konran (42), Squirrel Girl*** (50), Shinobi(46)
Third Time's The Charm -
Daken*** (74), Falcon*** (70), Loki*** (71)
Dat Required Character -
Captain Marvel** (64), Captain America** (60), Magneto** (63)
The Big Enchilada -
Wave 1 Hitman (99), Thug (100), Hitman (105)
Wave 2 Human Torch*** (112), Ironman*** (111), Magneto*** (110)
Wave 3 Muscle (122), Hitman (121), Brawler(120)
Wave 4 Invisible Woman**** (130), Beast*** (132), Storm*** (131)
Reward:Black Panther (Black)
Deadpool fun fact about Black Panther: Heh, this is so sad. When he first started out, he just called himself "The Panther", but people were all like "That black Panther guy" this and "Look! it's that black Panther!" and eventually the name stuck. It's okay though, because he's like a king of Whack-a-mole or something that has lots of awesome resources, so he doesn't care what people call him because he can be all like "I HAS ALL THE VIBRANIUM! SUCK IT, PEASANTS!" except he doesn't, which makes him kinda classy I guess, if you're into that sort of thing.*
Day Five:
Daken** (15), Teisatsu (10), Teisatsu (10)
Under The Sea -
Wave 1 Teisatsu (20), Teisatsu (22), Shinobi (25), Teisatsu (28)
Wave 2 Shinobi (40), Konran (42), Squirrel Girl*** (50), Shinobi(46)
Third Time's The Charm -
Daken*** (74), Falcon*** (70), Loki*** (71)
Dat Required Character -
Captain Marvel** (64), Captain America** (60), Magneto** (63)
The Big Enchilada -
Wave 1 Hitman (99), Thug (100), Hitman (105)
Wave 2 Human Torch*** (112), Ironman*** (111), Magneto*** (110)
Wave 3 Muscle (122), Hitman (121), Brawler(120)
Wave 4 Invisible Woman**** (130), Beast*** (132), Storm*** (131)
Reward:Black Panther (Black)
Deadpool fun fact about Black Panther: Heh, this is so sad. When he first started out, he just called himself "The Panther", but people were all like "That black Panther guy" this and "Look! it's that black Panther!" and eventually the name stuck. It's okay though, because he's like a king of Whack-a-mole or something that has lots of awesome resources, so he doesn't care what people call him because he can be all like "I HAS ALL THE VIBRANIUM! SUCK IT, PEASANTS!" except he doesn't, which makes him kinda classy I guess, if you're into that sort of thing.*
That Guy From That Place -
Hawkeye** (15), Assassin (10), Assassin (10)
Under The Sea -
Wave 1 Soldier (20), Lieutenant (22), Pyro (25), Spy (28)
Wave 2 Commander (40), Lieutenant (42), Blade*** (50), Spy(46)
Third Time's The Charm -
Black Panther*** (74), Ragnarok*** (70), Doctor Octopus*** (71)
Dat Required Character -
Wolverine** (64), Black Widow** (60), Bullseye** (63)
The Big Enchilada -
Wave 1 Empiricist (99), Criterion (100), Control (105)
Wave 2 Luke Cage*** (112), Psylocke*** (111), Magneto*** (110)
Wave 3 Control (122), Control (121), Control(120)
Wave 4 Wolverine**** (130), Deadpool*** (132), Daredevil*** (131)
Reward:Magneto (Blue)
Deadpool fun fact about Magneto: Oh man, I've been waiting to tell you readers this one ever since I took control of this. I'll untie Dear Bluey one day, of course, and I feed him lots of cheesecake and pizza. He keeps saying something about "Celiac" but looking that up is too boring. He cries a bit sometimes. ANYway, Magneto. Ooooh Magneto, with his Mutant Superiority call to battle. The dude's obsessed with eugenics and is willing to commit mass slaughter for his beliefs. Can't think of anyone else in history like that, can we?* BUT WAIIIIIT I'm rambling and this is supposed to be MAGNETO'S FUN FACT! It's so funny, honest, you'll giggle. Or smile. ....or else. Ahem. Right. Get this, Magneto is actually a founding member of the Friends of Humanity, the Church of Humanity and Humanity's Last Stand - that's right, the HUMANS FIRST groups that are trying to stop mutant rights? He helped start 'em! I asked him about it one day after spiking his breakfast OJ with about ten times the safe amount of horse tranquilizer and he slurred out something that sounded like "nfjjngk bmnnmmmmzzzzzzzz" but is easily translated into "Known enemies are better than unknown ones". He made his own agitators! Now THAT's awesome.*
*Editorial Note: Not a single one of Deadpool's "Fun Facts" can be verified as true, and some are quite mean so calling them "facts" or even "fun" is a bit of a fib. (IE: Totally untrue.)
Hawkeye** (15), Assassin (10), Assassin (10)
Under The Sea -
Wave 1 Soldier (20), Lieutenant (22), Pyro (25), Spy (28)
Wave 2 Commander (40), Lieutenant (42), Blade*** (50), Spy(46)
Third Time's The Charm -
Black Panther*** (74), Ragnarok*** (70), Doctor Octopus*** (71)
Dat Required Character -
Wolverine** (64), Black Widow** (60), Bullseye** (63)
The Big Enchilada -
Wave 1 Empiricist (99), Criterion (100), Control (105)
Wave 2 Luke Cage*** (112), Psylocke*** (111), Magneto*** (110)
Wave 3 Control (122), Control (121), Control(120)
Wave 4 Wolverine**** (130), Deadpool*** (132), Daredevil*** (131)
Reward:Magneto (Blue)
Deadpool fun fact about Magneto: Oh man, I've been waiting to tell you readers this one ever since I took control of this. I'll untie Dear Bluey one day, of course, and I feed him lots of cheesecake and pizza. He keeps saying something about "Celiac" but looking that up is too boring. He cries a bit sometimes. ANYway, Magneto. Ooooh Magneto, with his Mutant Superiority call to battle. The dude's obsessed with eugenics and is willing to commit mass slaughter for his beliefs. Can't think of anyone else in history like that, can we?* BUT WAIIIIIT I'm rambling and this is supposed to be MAGNETO'S FUN FACT! It's so funny, honest, you'll giggle. Or smile. ....or else. Ahem. Right. Get this, Magneto is actually a founding member of the Friends of Humanity, the Church of Humanity and Humanity's Last Stand - that's right, the HUMANS FIRST groups that are trying to stop mutant rights? He helped start 'em! I asked him about it one day after spiking his breakfast OJ with about ten times the safe amount of horse tranquilizer and he slurred out something that sounded like "nfjjngk bmnnmmmmzzzzzzzz" but is easily translated into "Known enemies are better than unknown ones". He made his own agitators! Now THAT's awesome.*
*Editorial Note: Not a single one of Deadpool's "Fun Facts" can be verified as true, and some are quite mean so calling them "facts" or even "fun" is a bit of a fib. (IE: Totally untrue.)
Never been so happy i dont have a character. No QS, so no ninja day
Rest of the week is exciting though0 -
Those ninjas didn't have a chance! Although at the end of the first round torch almost died without me noticing. I thought we were doing fine, sure a couple CD tiles went off but all seemed reasonable until I look and torch has like |--| health! Paying more attention got him through to the end with storm and magneto.
Also this should be my best week yet, 4 out of 5 days I have the character rostered. I have 22 out of 40 characters. 1 x 4 star, 5 x 2 star and an iron man 35 in a pear tree..0
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