Why does Facebook share not work for me?

Platzy Posts: 77 Match Maker

I have started logging in with Facebook and now regularly click to "share" rewards with friends.
Am I correct to assume that I need to be FB-friends with another MPQ player who also logs in with Facebook for this to work at all?
Or would for example Alliance mates who I do not directly know on Facebook, also profit from that?

In either case, In the past few weeks that I am now logging in with FB, I haven't received anything yet and the one FB-friend whom I know also plays tells me he has never received anything from me either.
What am I doing wrong?


  • spatenfloot
    spatenfloot Posts: 663 Critical Contributor
    If you have Facebook friends who play, you should be getting rewards from them. Of course, if they have TOO MANY people on their list, the rewards could be going to someone else. Ideally, you would all have no more than ten friends and play frequently. Send me a request at Spatenfloot Mpq and I will try to send you something.
  • alphabeta
    alphabeta Posts: 469 Mover and Shaker
    If you put the MPQ friends you've made onto your restricted friends list on Facebook then you can't receive shares from them but can send them as Facebook thinks blocking them is what you want