
I know the MMR system (however it works) might make this possible, but I wish there was a Vendetta system in place. If you feud with the same player multiple times, you get a bonus against him, offense or defense, or he does, defense preferably. Sometimes Vendettas are good, sometimes they are bad, but they aren't recognized as such. I want to keep track of my enemies! (TOSL how I hate you right now...)


  • Then we just have people attacking each other back and forth, because most teams are weaker on defense than offense.
  • Typhon13 wrote:
    Then we just have people attacking each other back and forth, because most teams are weaker on defense than offense.

    Correct, this is the definition of a vendetta. Right now a weaker team has a strong incentive to attack a stronger team, because presumably in a tournament the stronger team is worth more points, since they have risen further. Even with the higher costs of boots, we still see teams with 1* Storm fighting and winning against 3 * teams, which doesn't make a lot of sense, from a levelling perspective. The solution is not to nerf Storm, but rather rebalance the gameply so that things make a little more sense. Right now you can retaliate back and forth, but this raises the rank of the weaker player and weakens you, other weak players benefit from that as well, so your high ranking leaks to those below you. Now, you could skip the fight, but wait, there is a tax on it...

    Naturally the tax is small, but it's there to discourage skipping. An Alternative would be the Vendetta Perk comes in effect and increases the defense. Making it harder for the weaker team to win. Only on teams of equal strength would there be no penalty to going back and forth, but likewise, the gain in rank would be balanced out, +25, -25, etc. So you get one free shot at a higher rank team, and if they retaliate and you want to hit them back, it's going to get harder. This would also help tournament endings, because right now people Kamikaze themselves in the end just for the chance to place. I think the inability to hold first place and win a tournament without placing a shield is this game's greatest design weakness right now. It's obviously meant to generate money for the parent company, but creates strong secondary effects.

    For example: The best strategy to place in a tournament is to wake up in the middle of the night/ early morning, fight until you get to 600-800 point range, then shield up. Bam, guaranteed top 10 spot. The only thing that prevents you from getting to those coveted rewards are low reward battles and the possibility of a counter. Being attacked y 5 people in the time it takes to win one battle turns a 2 day effort into a "thank you for playing, here is 250 iso for your efforts" business. I'm not saying Vendetta's would fix this, but they could be balanced to deter low player attacking high player over and over scenarios, no?