Incorrect points showing on nodes, much lower when game ends

Slarow Posts: 204 Tile Toppler
This has happened a number of times recently, and it is incredibly frustrating. I almost lost out on the 5th blue Prof X (sorely needed) because of this, instead I blew all my extra HP to get it after this issue happened.

The # of points that show when you load an enemy are not being updated on the display after they are loaded, so if they are loaded, then I shield (or loaded during a shield) and they lose a ton of points, then when I go to attack them it shows a large number of points, but then when the game ends, I only end up with a fraction of the points it said I would get.

This is even worse, in that if a stack of enemies are loaded in the background, and I shield and attack them later, even skipping an enemy doesn't guarantee that the new enemy is showing his true point value.

I was at 970, and attacked two enemies (after skipping a few), the first one showing 37, who resulted in 12 points after the game ended. The second one showed 27 points, but resulted in another 12 points. I was also attacked during the second game for -60, so that was awesome. I should have been able to shield up over 1k after the first attack, but due to this issue, I ended up having to shield up well below, then come back and burn a bunch of extra HP during the dangerous <8hr time period to get the 1k cover.


  • Slarow
    Slarow Posts: 204 Tile Toppler
    So I haven't been around the forums much recently, but I now see that this is a known issue.

    D3: I understand you are reluctant to refresh these points more often due to the extra strain it would put on the server, but if this is the case, then your other option is to grant the attacker the points promised initially if the target has lost points since being loaded. Either way, something needs to be done or you will lose higher end players to frustration.