MORE Venom!

Hey everyone! I am a huge Venom fan and a bit upset that Venom is so weak in the game. I would like to see there be an Eddy Brock Classic Venom and an Anti-Venom card.

This is how I see it:
Symbiotic Spiderman star.pngstar.png
1. blueflag.pngWeb-Slinger - Slings a web that wraps 1 tile(s) in a sticky cocoon. These locked tiles stick in place and their special effects are neutralized. The locked effect is removed and tile effects resume if it is matched or otherwise destroyed.
2. purpleflag.pngSnarkey Remark - The wise-cracking web-head befuddles his foe, increasing the timer on a selected Countdown tile by 1 plus 1 for every Web tile (up to 10). Turns all Web tiles to basic tiles.
3. blackflag.pngSpectacular Strategy - Spider-Man uses his wits and webs to overcome incredible odds and win the day. Converts 2 random basic tiles to Critical tiles, then adds a Web tile to the board.

Eddy Brock Venom Classic star.pngstar.pngstar.png
1. purpleflag.pngSymbiotic Snare - Stuns opposing team for one turn.
2. redflag.pngHungry Maw - Target 1 opponent dealing high damage and healing yourself for 20% of damage received.
3. blueflag.pngInfect - Infect 3 black tiles on the board. The infected tile deal medium damage each turn they are on the board.

Eddy Brock Toxin Rare star.pngstar.pngstar.png
1. redflag.pngHungry Maw - Target 1 opponent dealing high damage and healing yourself for 20% of damage received.
2. blueflag.pngInfect - Infect 3 black tiles on the board. The infected tile deal medium damage each turn they are on the board.
3. blackflag.pngDevour - If there are at least 6 Web tiles on the board, Venom grabs his target and eats them whole, destroying all Web tiles. Otherwise, he bites for low damage.

Eddy Brock Anti-Venom star.pngstar.pngstar.pngstar.png
1. blackflag.pngThe Cure [Passive] - Each time you match black or red tiles heal your team for 20% of the damage dealt.
2. redflag.pngHungry Maw - Target 1 opponent dealing high damage and healing yourself for 20% of damage received.
3. greenflag.pngWe are Venom - Each turn Anti-Venom is in play mark one tile on the board. Deal high damage to the opposing team plus an additional damage for each mark on the board.


  • The last two sound OP but the first two aren't too bad.
  • Devour needs re-thinking. I've never seen eating someone whole happen. 6 web-tiles before getting matched away? You would need to partner with Spiderman for this to have a chance of happening.