A new twist on old PVE's

TheOncomingStorm Posts: 489 Mover and Shaker
I do not want to make this too long. The idea is very simple. The old PVE's are not going away any time soon. I do not see a tidal wave of new ones on the horizon either. Therefore, it seems the best option left is to find a way to make the old PVE's less redundant. The way I propose is sort of like the Heroic PVE's put on the Prologue chapters.

I suggest creating a roster elimination format for PVE similar to elimination pools in football. The primary change would be that players could only use each character once each sub until all the characters had been used. For example, if an player used hood/hb/fist to plow through the first easy node, all three characters could not be used again until all other characters had been used (or until the player had left than 3 eligible characters left to select from).

The exception would be essential characters are always available for the essential node even if they were used once in a node prior to that. Or essential characters would always be available for the essential nodes, but they cannot be used in any of the other nodes.

This concept would also make the event more puzzle and less fistbuster or winfinite any node you come across.

One variation would be the same character can not be used in the same node twice for each sub. For many reasons, I do not think that particular variation would work. But, it is just one idea how to tweak elimination pve.

There are lots of other variations that could be used with the concept, but I leave that for less lazy people.

I would also set up a sub progression (separate from main progressions) that rewards players that have the rosters to play every node without having to repeat any characters. This will encourage players to have X playable characters, and it will help to make up for players playing an elimination format and not being able to use their best teams on every node.


  • While I agree that the current PVEs need some revitalization, I don't think this is the way to go about it. For one, this is terrible for pretty much anyone who isn't at least well on the way to a 3* roster. For beginners, you're *encouraging* them to sell the few 2* or 3* covers they have because they're just not useful enough. Let's say on average, you can use 1 essential in any given team. Given the fact that essentials aren't chosen to necessarily synergize, and issues with covering or even having the character in the first place, I don't think this is unreasonable. Then you're making 2 characters unusable every node. That means that unless the player has 6*2 = 12 characters usable (more for the end-of-sub grinds), they'll end up either tanking every time they run through all the characters they can use or just selling the useless ones. Neither of which sounds very fun. Especially in the early 2*-3* transition, where you'll probably have 2 core teams of 2* characters to use, and a bunch of poorly covered and underleveled 3*-4*s.

    In short, I feel your suggestion hurts anybody that isn't at least partway through the 3* transition, and doesn't really help those who are. In general, forcing roster diversity is difficult in a game that claims to be f2p, but heavily constrains rosters with high prices. While I'm not too happy with them (I think character selection should be at least slightly expanded), I feel the current Heroic events do better to promote roster diversity and deviation from usual team combinations. However, I'd encourage you to continue along this current line of thinking - keep digging and you may strike oil.
  • simonsez
    simonsez Posts: 4,663 Chairperson of the Boards
    This concept would also make the event more puzzle and less fistbuster or winfinite any node you come across.
    And what about people whose scaling makes those the only reasonable options? No, "scaling will adjust for this new style" is not the answer, because scaling never adjusts itself downward.
  • TheOncomingStorm
    TheOncomingStorm Posts: 489 Mover and Shaker
    Worst case scenario then don't make it a requirement. Just make it where these pves have the progressions based on the original idea. Therefore, if players can't do it for one reason or another, then they aren't penalized.

    However, if other players can meet this extra challenge, they get extra rewards for doing so through the separate sub progression system proposed in the op.

    Easy peasy, both posters concerns addressed. What else ya got?
  • GurlBYE
    GurlBYE Posts: 1,218 Chairperson of the Boards
    I mean its really hard to make everything good for everyone.

    The guys who have the rosters everyone wants go on about how their scaling is tough, while the guys without those, usually also have a single team they can actually complete pve with as well and while their scaling is lower, it's also scaled to be tough on their roster. The attack may not be doing 5000 of 10000 health but its doing 2000 of 4000 health.

    The amount of scaling kinda makes it so the game never gets towards the easy place, the current award structure kinda plays into that.