Deadpool Daily Quest - Round 36 - Aug 12-16
Welcome to Round 36 of Deadpool's Daily Quest.
Savory token week, and I feel weird leaving out the 'u' in Savoury.
Covers for this round will be Colossus (Red), Cyclops (Yellow), Hood (Blue), Doctor Octopus (Black) and Thor (Yellow)
Day One:
Savory token week, and I feel weird leaving out the 'u' in Savoury.
Covers for this round will be Colossus (Red), Cyclops (Yellow), Hood (Blue), Doctor Octopus (Black) and Thor (Yellow)
Day One:
That Guy From That Place -
Hawkeye** (15), Defender (10), Defender(10)
Under The Sea -
Wave 1 Brawler (20), Decoy (22), Defender (25), Brawler(28)
Wave 2 Decoy (40), Decoy (42), Ironman*** (50), Criterion (46)
Third Time's The Charm -
Doctor Octopus*** (74), Loki*** (70), Human Torch*** (71)
Dat Required Character -
Thor** (64), Black Widow** (60), Bullseye** (63)
The Big Enchilada -
Wave 1 Teisatsu (99), Teisatsu (100), Teisatsu (105)
Wave 2 Luke Cage*** (112), Punisher*** (111), Captain America*** (110)
Wave 3 Konran (122), Konran(121), Shinobi (120)
Wave 4 Gorgon*** (130), Deadpool*** (132), Wolverine**** (131)
Reward:Colossus (Red)
Deadpool fun fact about Colossus: Upon his first arrival in the United States, Colossus ate three times his own weight in fried chicken. His joints oozed fryer grease for a week afterward!*
Day Two:
Hawkeye** (15), Defender (10), Defender(10)
Under The Sea -
Wave 1 Brawler (20), Decoy (22), Defender (25), Brawler(28)
Wave 2 Decoy (40), Decoy (42), Ironman*** (50), Criterion (46)
Third Time's The Charm -
Doctor Octopus*** (74), Loki*** (70), Human Torch*** (71)
Dat Required Character -
Thor** (64), Black Widow** (60), Bullseye** (63)
The Big Enchilada -
Wave 1 Teisatsu (99), Teisatsu (100), Teisatsu (105)
Wave 2 Luke Cage*** (112), Punisher*** (111), Captain America*** (110)
Wave 3 Konran (122), Konran(121), Shinobi (120)
Wave 4 Gorgon*** (130), Deadpool*** (132), Wolverine**** (131)
Reward:Colossus (Red)
Deadpool fun fact about Colossus: Upon his first arrival in the United States, Colossus ate three times his own weight in fried chicken. His joints oozed fryer grease for a week afterward!*
That Guy From That Place -
Human Torch** (15), Thug (10), Thug (10)
Under The Sea -
Wave 1 Thug (20), Hitman (22), Hitman (25), Thug(28)
Wave 2 Thug (40), Hitman (42), Gamora*** (50), Thug(46)
Third Time's The Charm -
Daken*** (74), Hood*** (70), Rocket&Groot*** (71)
Dat Required Character -
Wolverine** (64), Daken** (60), Captain Marvel** (63)
The Big Enchilada -
Wave 1 Criterion (99), Subject (100), Empiricist (105)
Wave 2 Captain Marvel*** (112), Beast*** (111), Daredevil*** (110)
Wave 3 Control (122), Control (121), Criterion (120)
Wave 4 Invisible Woman**** (130), Black Widow*** (132), Blade*** (131)
Reward:Cyclops (Yellow)
Deadpool fun fact about Cyclops: Early in his career, Scott was lobbied against by various special interest groups to change his superhero name from Cyclops to Biclops. Also, to change his uniform to include a rainbow cape. Not wanting to take a political stance, he politely refused.*
Day Three:
Human Torch** (15), Thug (10), Thug (10)
Under The Sea -
Wave 1 Thug (20), Hitman (22), Hitman (25), Thug(28)
Wave 2 Thug (40), Hitman (42), Gamora*** (50), Thug(46)
Third Time's The Charm -
Daken*** (74), Hood*** (70), Rocket&Groot*** (71)
Dat Required Character -
Wolverine** (64), Daken** (60), Captain Marvel** (63)
The Big Enchilada -
Wave 1 Criterion (99), Subject (100), Empiricist (105)
Wave 2 Captain Marvel*** (112), Beast*** (111), Daredevil*** (110)
Wave 3 Control (122), Control (121), Criterion (120)
Wave 4 Invisible Woman**** (130), Black Widow*** (132), Blade*** (131)
Reward:Cyclops (Yellow)
Deadpool fun fact about Cyclops: Early in his career, Scott was lobbied against by various special interest groups to change his superhero name from Cyclops to Biclops. Also, to change his uniform to include a rainbow cape. Not wanting to take a political stance, he politely refused.*
That Guy From That Place -
Captain America** (15), Spy (10), Spy (10)
Under The Sea -
Wave 1 Soldier (20), Pyro (22), Lieutenant (25), Analyst (28)
Wave 2 Assassin (40), Grenadier (42), Psylocke*** (50), Pyro(46)
Third Time's The Charm -
Loki*** (74), Mystique*** (70), Spiderman*** (71)
Dat Required Character -
Bullseye** (64), Spiderman** (60), Thor** (63)
The Big Enchilada -
Wave 1 Decoy (99), Brawler (100), Decoy (105)
Wave 2 Wolverine*** (112), Human Torch*** (111), Thor*** (110)
Wave 3 Defender (122), Decoy (121), Brawler(120)
Wave 4 Doctor Doom*** (130), Elektra**** (132), Squirrel Girl*** (131)
Reward:Hood (Blue)
Deadpool fun fact about The Hood: He went window shopping various demonic entities, but ultimately went with Dormammu because, well, the outfit seemed coolest. Ashtoreth wanted him to wear a knitted cap with bobbles, Hastur was all about wooden clogs, and The Lord of the Darkest Pits of the Nether Regions gave strong hints that cheetah-print yoga pants would be required. Hmmm, that gives me an idea about my own outfit!*
Day Four:
Captain America** (15), Spy (10), Spy (10)
Under The Sea -
Wave 1 Soldier (20), Pyro (22), Lieutenant (25), Analyst (28)
Wave 2 Assassin (40), Grenadier (42), Psylocke*** (50), Pyro(46)
Third Time's The Charm -
Loki*** (74), Mystique*** (70), Spiderman*** (71)
Dat Required Character -
Bullseye** (64), Spiderman** (60), Thor** (63)
The Big Enchilada -
Wave 1 Decoy (99), Brawler (100), Decoy (105)
Wave 2 Wolverine*** (112), Human Torch*** (111), Thor*** (110)
Wave 3 Defender (122), Decoy (121), Brawler(120)
Wave 4 Doctor Doom*** (130), Elektra**** (132), Squirrel Girl*** (131)
Reward:Hood (Blue)
Deadpool fun fact about The Hood: He went window shopping various demonic entities, but ultimately went with Dormammu because, well, the outfit seemed coolest. Ashtoreth wanted him to wear a knitted cap with bobbles, Hastur was all about wooden clogs, and The Lord of the Darkest Pits of the Nether Regions gave strong hints that cheetah-print yoga pants would be required. Hmmm, that gives me an idea about my own outfit!*
That Guy From That Place -
Daken** (15), Teisatsu (10), Teisatsu (10)
Under The Sea -
Wave 1 Teisatsu (20), Teisatsu (22), Shinobi (25), Teisatsu (28)
Wave 2 Shinobi (40), Konran (42), Squirrel Girl*** (50), Shinobi(46)
Third Time's The Charm -
Daken*** (74), Falcon*** (70), Loki*** (71)
Dat Required Character -
Captain Marvel** (64), Captain America** (60), Magneto** (63)
The Big Enchilada -
Wave 1 Hitman (99), Thug (100), Hitman (105)
Wave 2 Human Torch*** (112), Ironman*** (111), Magneto*** (110)
Wave 3 Muscle (122), Hitman (121), Brawler(120)
Wave 4 Invisible Woman**** (130), Beast*** (132), Storm*** (131)
Reward:Doctor Octopus (Black)
Deadpool fun fact about Doc Ock: After first being seen around Manhattan, Octavius got cease and desist letters from law firms representing about three dozen Japanese animation studios. Something to do with tentacles, mechanical or not. They are now on his list of things to destroy, but some of those studios have even greater defenses than one would expect.*
Day Five:
Daken** (15), Teisatsu (10), Teisatsu (10)
Under The Sea -
Wave 1 Teisatsu (20), Teisatsu (22), Shinobi (25), Teisatsu (28)
Wave 2 Shinobi (40), Konran (42), Squirrel Girl*** (50), Shinobi(46)
Third Time's The Charm -
Daken*** (74), Falcon*** (70), Loki*** (71)
Dat Required Character -
Captain Marvel** (64), Captain America** (60), Magneto** (63)
The Big Enchilada -
Wave 1 Hitman (99), Thug (100), Hitman (105)
Wave 2 Human Torch*** (112), Ironman*** (111), Magneto*** (110)
Wave 3 Muscle (122), Hitman (121), Brawler(120)
Wave 4 Invisible Woman**** (130), Beast*** (132), Storm*** (131)
Reward:Doctor Octopus (Black)
Deadpool fun fact about Doc Ock: After first being seen around Manhattan, Octavius got cease and desist letters from law firms representing about three dozen Japanese animation studios. Something to do with tentacles, mechanical or not. They are now on his list of things to destroy, but some of those studios have even greater defenses than one would expect.*
That Guy From That Place -
Hawkeye** (15), Assassin (10), Assassin (10)
Under The Sea -
Wave 1 Soldier (20), Lieutenant (22), Pyro (25), Spy (28)
Wave 2 Commander (40), Lieutenant (42), Blade*** (50), Spy(46)
Third Time's The Charm -
Black Panther*** (74), Ragnarok*** (70), Doctor Octopus*** (71)
Dat Required Character -
Wolverine** (64), Black Widow** (60), Bullseye** (63)
The Big Enchilada -
Wave 1 Empiricist (99), Criterion (100), Control (105)
Wave 2 Luke Cage*** (112), Psylocke*** (111), Magneto*** (110)
Wave 3 Control (122), Control (121), Control(120)
Wave 4 Wolverine**** (130), Deadpool*** (132), Daredevil*** (131)
Reward:Thor (Yellow)
Deadpool fun fact about Thor: OH MY GOD DID YOU KNOW THOR IS TOTALLY A WOMAN NOW? I thought he was all along anyway, so this is totally FREAKING ME OUT HERE. Ahem. Sorry, readers. Fun fact about Thor...uh...yeah, it'll come to me. Um. Oh! Right! He is avoiding paying child support on seventy six illegitimate children back in Asgard. Why do you think he spends most of his time on Earth?*
*Editorial Note: Not a single one of Deadpool's "Fun Facts" can be verified as true, and some are quite mean so calling them "facts" or even "fun" is a bit of a fib. (IE: Totally untrue.)
Hawkeye** (15), Assassin (10), Assassin (10)
Under The Sea -
Wave 1 Soldier (20), Lieutenant (22), Pyro (25), Spy (28)
Wave 2 Commander (40), Lieutenant (42), Blade*** (50), Spy(46)
Third Time's The Charm -
Black Panther*** (74), Ragnarok*** (70), Doctor Octopus*** (71)
Dat Required Character -
Wolverine** (64), Black Widow** (60), Bullseye** (63)
The Big Enchilada -
Wave 1 Empiricist (99), Criterion (100), Control (105)
Wave 2 Luke Cage*** (112), Psylocke*** (111), Magneto*** (110)
Wave 3 Control (122), Control (121), Control(120)
Wave 4 Wolverine**** (130), Deadpool*** (132), Daredevil*** (131)
Reward:Thor (Yellow)
Deadpool fun fact about Thor: OH MY GOD DID YOU KNOW THOR IS TOTALLY A WOMAN NOW? I thought he was all along anyway, so this is totally FREAKING ME OUT HERE. Ahem. Sorry, readers. Fun fact about Thor...uh...yeah, it'll come to me. Um. Oh! Right! He is avoiding paying child support on seventy six illegitimate children back in Asgard. Why do you think he spends most of his time on Earth?*
*Editorial Note: Not a single one of Deadpool's "Fun Facts" can be verified as true, and some are quite mean so calling them "facts" or even "fun" is a bit of a fib. (IE: Totally untrue.)
This is the most exciting round for me for ages.
Need all the covers, but particularly of note is my 5th Blue for Hood (had 3 for about a year before the 4th one as a fluke in PvP recently), my first Doc Oct Black and my 4th Thor Yellow.
A few more second round covers approaching (of note, my 5th Cpt Marvel Black and first KK Purple) and then a significant number of the third covers are needed, some very very much so (a whole bunch for respecing and just generally really short of 3rd powers for a lot of people), particularly as I was unable to play during their first rotation a few months ago.
Thanks to all for keeping this updated - I check it regularly.0 -
@DearblueyDeadpool fun fact about The Hood: He went window shopping various demonic entities, but ultimately went with Dormammu because, well, the outfit seemed coolest. Ashtoreth wanted him to wear a knitted cap with bobbles, Hastur was all about wooden clogs, and The Lord of the Darkest Pits of the Nether Regions gave strong hints that cheetah-print yoga pants would be required. Hmmm, that gives me an idea about my own outfit!*
wiped twice on ninja day for no reason.. came here to vent.. saw this, day immediately got better!!
You sir, are a master storyteller.. never stop!
BTW Recommended reading, anything by A. Lee Martinez.. from reading your funnies, i think you would love him, the heir apparent to Douglas Adams.. I suggest, in this order.. Gil's All Fright Diner, In the Company of Ogres, and The Nameless Witch.0 -
Malcrof wrote:wiped twice on ninja day for no reason.. came here to vent.. saw this, day immediately got better!!
You sir, are a master storyteller.. never stop!
BTW Recommended reading, anything by A. Lee Martinez.. from reading your funnies, i think you would love him, the heir apparent to Douglas Adams.. I suggest, in this order.. Gil's All Fright Diner, In the Company of Ogres, and The Nameless Witch.
Awww. Damn ninjas. And thank you. It's really just random typing, honestly though. Have you read my advice website? Hasn't been updated in a while, but oh well.
I actually own several of Martinez's books! I have Gil's All Fright Diner and Too Many Curses. I also own all of Doug Adams' work, and Terry Pratchett, and...well, okay, let's put it this way: When I moved from Australia to the USA, my shipping of possessions totalled 2 boxes of misc ****, 1 suitcase full of clothes, 1 box of DVD's and 17 boxes of books.0 -
dearbluey wrote:I actually own several of Martinez's books! I have Gil's All Fright Diner and Too Many Curses. I also own all of Doug Adams' work, and Terry Pratchett, and...well, okay, let's put it this way: When I moved from Australia to the USA, my shipping of possessions totalled 2 boxes of misc ****, 1 suitcase full of clothes, 1 box of DVD's and 17 boxes of books.
March was sad when Pratchett died. He had a 3rd home in Tampa, my wife insured it for him, i got loads of autographed paperbacks and got to meet him once.
I discovered A. Lee Martinez for myself quite by accident, was waiting on the wife's plane to arrive, it got delayed for a couple hours, so went and got a book.. wasn't looking for intense reading, just something to pass the time.. the cover of Gil's All Fright Diner grabbed me, i expected a fluff time killer, not a page turner.. boy was i surprised! So much fun packed into 1 little book.
I will check out your site later today0 -
Great Deadpool week for me as well.
Wasn't overly excited about Colossus, but I've got him, so I started my BE without having looked at the forum in a few days...
Ninja day went off with nary a hitch, which is always a small blessing.
Ended up getting a 3hor red from a Taco Token, which, after this week's 3hor yellow from the respective BE will bring him to an almost respectable 3/3/2.
Needless to say, any week with a Hood blue up for grabs is a good week.
But I think the ultimate for me is getting another Cyke yellow this morning after almost making a costly mistake and losing my cStorm.
There's just something about getting needed cards for heroes you're currently using in a PvE. Really excited to take his newly yellow buffed self for a test drive in my final 2 PvE clears later today!
All in all, lots of good stuff from DDQ this week!
DBC0 -
great week for DP. today's was fantastic!
thanks for these heads up threads.0 -
This is a really good week. Need 4 from these covers (only no hood, havent got him yet). Also picked up a red Daredevil (1/1/1 now) and a yellow 3hor (4/3/1, really need some greens). So so far a really good week, and another 3hor yellow and 3rd black doc ock still coming0
And so it was told to all, that on this day, the day 514 of the MPQ,
MY HOOD FINALLY HAS 5 FREAKING BLUE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
and there was joyous celebrations in the streets.0 -
Have all covers this week except doc ock so not the best Dead Pool cycle for me.
Hood blue has been a strange one for me. Just keep getting it over and over. Actually started a dupe hood because I am fed up binning his covers.
Now don't have that problem with IF purple but I wish I did though.
Anyway congrats on finishing your Hood0 -
What a beating I took getting that Hood cover!
The Doombots in wave 1 left wave 2 Torchie with a full tank of 30 black, after a horrible board left me at one point starved of red, yellow, and green! So Torchie comes out and blasts Inferno, Inferno, Inferno! I was chasing the damn tiles off the board all the way into wave 3. And 15 green! Hello, 3hor's Call the Storm! My own 3hor was down below 1000 HP at one point and I didn't think I was going to make it.
I got it, but man, that was rough. Hood is now 5/3/2.
This was after watching Blade eat an Adamantium Slash to the face in the last EoTS node, too, which wrecked that attempt, so I was already a bit cheesed off. Frustrating play session.0
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