Retaliation nodes do not stack properly in SHIELD sim

I just lost 500 points in the SHIELD sim overnight after climbing up to get my 2k progression reward, then noticed that there was only a single retaliation node available, and that was probably one that I left behind from last night too. I don't mind donating points after getting my progression reward, but I would have liked to have the retaliation nodes stick around so I can recover some points at season's end for my alliance.

Edit 1: Adjusted title to better reflect the problem. See posts below.
Edit 2: This is on the Steam version of the game. Not sure if other platforms have the same problem.


  • slaxer723
    slaxer723 Posts: 40 Just Dropped In
    The same thing is happening to me
  • Lost another hundred points or so in the SHIELD sim and only got a single retaliation node again. I can confirm that only one attacker was available for retaliation this time.
  • I noticed that retaliation nodes in the Doctor's Orders PvP event now stack on a single node. The problem with the SHIELD simulator is that the stack is limited to only one retaliation, regardless of how many defensive losses there were. In both cases above, the single retaliation node left in the simulator simply went away after I skipped it.
  • Agamotto
    Agamotto Posts: 45 Just Dropped In
    The same thing is happening to me
  • I got this issue as well. Either i get only 1 retaliation node, or none at all
  • Deegamah
    Deegamah Posts: 18 Just Dropped In
    I am currently getting this issue in Krakadoom! PVP. I was attacked (and lost) 4-5 times, but I only have 2 retaliation nodes.
  • I am having same issue. Lost over 1000 pts in shield sim, and nowhere near the right amount of retaliations showing.
  • Me too, lost around 200 points and there was only one retaliation node, and was a from a guy who attacked me earlier, a single loss.
  • Slarow
    Slarow Posts: 204 Tile Toppler
    Same happening for me.