Poll - how many days daily reward are you on

scism Posts: 5 Just Dropped In
edited August 2015 in MPQ Tips and Guides
Haven't seen this asked, and am interested both in what the distribution is on the forum, and how far along the longest person is. From the daily tracker it seems i am close to the top end (have tried to at least play 1 game a day, even if in foreign countries (you can get wifi), although i may have missed a day or two while in hospital), but i'm sure there are people with more, and would be interested to see what the max is, and how many are there.

Please feel free to give your days (along with the date). I have just hit day 656 on 11th August.


*Edit - meant this to be in general discussion, not tips and guides.... sorry..... please feel free to move if possible *
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