Suggestions/Feedback for Vault (DDQ Vault)

Hiyo, I wanted to provide feedback + suggestions to the Vault system (DDQ). I've been using the thing for 2 months, so I hope you give this a read.


The Vault system is at a decent state for DDQ, but it could be improved on.


- Large range of prizes to obtain.
Over 300! Enough to make sure you know it's random, but within bounds to have a chance to get something good.

- Prizes are good.
You have a large variety of stuff to obtain, and all are generally useful. Health Packs/ISO/HP are a welcome addition, especially given the increasing roster numbers in game.

- Token drops are consistent.
You're always going to get 2 a day whenever you do a full clear of DDQ.

- 2 different 'cycles' to run through as rotation.
No need to 'reset' the Vault, as it resets automatically every 5 days.

- Content generally changes per cycle. (in terms of 4* prizes and a 3* content)


- Discrepancy between how many tokens earned per cycle vs. number of prizes.
Per cycle, you only get 10 tokens. On that end, a player only gets 10 'chances' to see if they get anything from a 300 prize Vault. While their odds do increase per pull, it's not enough to feel impactful within that cycle.

- Number of prizes is way too large to obtain a decent amount in a timely manner
By 'timely' I mean within 1-2 months of F2P. Given that the Vault changes every 5 days, it's hard to stock up on them over the course of a month. In a 30 day cycle, you will only have 30 tokens of each 'Vault' as opposed to 60 on one.

- Vaults reset per cycle.
While a player's chances increase with each pull from the Vault, progress is negated after the 5 day 'cycle' completes. This creates dissatisfaction and the feeling of any serious investment into the Vault becomes 'useless' unless they have a large (50+) stock of tokens.

- Scrolling through the prize list is painful.
More of a personal gripe. Scrolling through a list of 300 prizes is difficult to track. Additionally, It doesn't help when the covers for the randomized (2*, 3* excess) content are disorganized.

- "Best" prizes are too few. There is 300 total prizes in the Vault for a cycle. Some numbers:
The odds of getting the 4* prize is 3/300 (1%).
ISO/HP 'best' prizes is 4/300 (1.33%).
Featured covers are 25/300 (8.33%)
3* covers in general are 34/300 (11.33%)
250 HP is 12/300 (4%)
1.5k ISO is 30/300 (10%)
5 Health Packs are 39/300 (13%)
2* Covers are 174/300 (58%)

This is a generalization, but if there is 174 'bottom' prizes to obtain, it isn't nice to scroll through. It hammers in the feeling that even attempting the Vault seems partially useless in itself. You're heavily inclined to get a 2* cover more than anything else, and any tokens spent in the Vault will be erased after the 5 day cycle is over.

Some Suggestions/Ideas to improve the system

- Reduce the number of prizes in the DDQ Vault.
Realtively speaking, the number of prizes heavily outweighs the number of tokens a player can 'obtain' and spend in a cycle. By reducing the prize numbers, Players have less to scroll through in the Vault, and have a higher chance of getting good prizes.

- Increase opportunties to gain DDQ Vault Tokens per day.
The number of tokens gained vs. the number of prizes in the Vault is vastly lopsided. Increasing the number of tokens gained would help bridge the gap and increase the odds of winning a desired prize. Additionally, it would help alleviate the issue where any progress 'lost' after a cycle ends can be partially redeemed via more tokens (additional 1-2 tokens a day would be a great help).

- Have some way to 'Lock' a Vault.
This is to help ensure that players can actually invest resources into a Vault if they like the prizes in there. By opting to 'lock' a Vault, players can continue to invest in the prizes they might want while not losing any progress (I understand the Vault cycles to add in a new roster, but if there was a way to 'save' progress in the Vault while swapping out the 3* prizes with the next 3* set, that would be ideal). Possibly spending some ISO (maybe 1-2k?) to lock it would be a good start.

- Increase prizes on the 'best' end.
Given the state of 4* entering the market, and the high number of prizes in the Vault, I'd like to suggest swapping out 6-12 of the 2* cover prizes and increase the 'best' section a bit more, to make it more enticing:
- Increase number of 4* cover prizes to 5-6.
- Add in 1-2 additional Vault token packs of that Vault (ex, 1 10 pack, 1 40 pack).
- Add additional HP and ISO 'high' rewards (10k ISO, another 1k HP, 5k ISO).

- Cut out the 'random' 3* prizes.
The DDQ Vault is intended specifically for DDQ content (Featured 3* consistency). Personally, I don't see a reason to have random 3* in the mix and it's a bit off-putting when you're aiming for at least one of the featured prizes, and get something random instead. I'd much rather trade those 3* prizes for ISO/HP.

- Organize the list of prizes.
If there was a way to organize the list into something more condensed, that would be highly appreciated.
(Example: Organize the randomized 2* and 3* covers so that they're in proper cover order by character, as opposed to being random.
Example 2: condense list so it lists by prize x amount of prize, i.e. 1500 ISO x 5, Bulleye 2* x 9,
Example 3: Remove obtained prizes from the primary list and shift them to a section of 'obtained prizes' for that cycle)

Final Notes:
As said before, I like that the Vault was added. It is a definite improvement over the previous system. However, in order for players to invest into the system and feel rewarded (outside of blowing cash and/or lots of time), it still needs to be improved upon. I hope you can make use of this!


  • Personally, I hate this vault roulette. So many wasted dp tokens on 2 star covers that I've already owned and maxed. It's one of the reasons why I barely interact with this game anymore.
  • -Jint- wrote:
    2* Covers are 174/300 (58%)

    You say this like it's a bad thing. I think it's much better than the 72.8% chance of pulling a 2* from heroics.
  • Heartburn
    Heartburn Posts: 527
    smaller vault, less/no 2*s, yes free spins. no random 3* agreed

    vault locking... how about each week when you first log in to DDQ for the new week a pop up comes up and asks you if you want to reset the vault, it should let you look at your remaining vault and also have a list of the upcoming's vaults featured 3*s. keep it if you want to continue to chip away at it, no to reroll a fresh vault
  • How about having the ability to choose a vault?

    They can make 3 vaults:
    1* to 2*. (Ton of 2*, less 4* that they won't be able to use for a long time, less ISO)
    2* to 3*. (Increased chance of 3*, still has 2* but has more hp)
    3* to 4*. (Increased chance of 4* and ISO)