My account disappeared mid game

Hey lads I really need some help - I was doing the deadpool vs mpq pve and im not entirely sure what happend but I got shut out. It told me an error had occurred. When I restart my phone and give it a go im in the tutorial and then afterwords I tru to load my account and it kept me in the starting stages! Im horrified my account got overwritten..

Please someone help me out, I just fully covered hulk and punisher, and bp, cmags, deadpool, coll. Sentru, hood, and a few more aren't far behind. If anything can be done please let me know.... hope this isnt the end to my mpq career


  • It sounds like your local save file might have been corrupted for some reason. The worst case scenario is you will have to contact customer service to reload your progress from the last save file on the server, but there should not otherwise be any permanent damage to your account. If you have done everything possible on your end, then try asking customer service for some help. You should be able to reach them through Options > Help from in game.