Interface improvements

onthebrink Posts: 31
First off, let me say that I love the game and think you guys have done a great job with it. However, there's always room for improvement. There are a handful of interface improvements I'd like to recommend to make the game even better by reducing some of the more tedious tasks you need to do with the game.

1. I usually buy for new covers after about 25k of crystals. That's 50 times I have to press the button to recruit, the button to confirm, and then the icon for the card, and the cover image--200 taps total. Can we simply have a drop-down asking us the quantity we'd like to purchase, then confirm that amount?
2. After we purchase X number of covers, let us flip through them like you might with photos on your phone, since they are no longer being shown 1 at a time.
3. Along those lines, can we dispense with the drama of revealing the covers? Half the time, the cover image flashes on screen before I see the card rating anyway. Especially with the Deadpool daily prizes. I'd rather just be told "you won X" instead of having the illusion that when I press the screen has any real bearing on what I'm going to get. I appreciate all of the work that went into making the animations, but it's more irritating than it is exciting.
4. Make it easier to sell covers. Add a column on the left that we can check, and a button that alternates between sell checked if we've checked something, or sell all if none aware checked. That will save potentially hundreds of taps if you follow recommendations up in point 2.
5. Allow us to sort the cards by cover alphabetically, so all of the cards we might want to keep are grouped. This goes hand in hand with the last point. You could even allow sorting by star level, or make that a second order sort criteria.
6. Make it easier to increase character levels. Just change the second button to say Level Max. For instance, if I have a hero that can go up 10 levels, but I only have enough crystals to raise them 7 levels, pressing that button will bump me up 7 levels, instead of having to press & hold the level button 7 times.


  • beeatch
    beeatch Posts: 13
    I'll add to this.

    AutoSell - Set an autosell flag for level 1 or 2 covers, and just give us the iso if we know we aren't looking for either type.
  • onthebrink wrote:
    6. Make it easier to increase character levels. Just change the second button to say Level Max. For instance, if I have a hero that can go up 10 levels, but I only have enough crystals to raise them 7 levels, pressing that button will bump me up 7 levels, instead of having to press & hold the level button 7 times.

    Isn't this already the case? I was under the impression that it was...
  • Starshatter
    Starshatter Posts: 63 Match Maker
    I don't fully understand point 1 but I agree with the idea behind all points. Make things simpler. Less steps = more time spent playing.

    I will add that when we receive gifts from our friends they should pool together and we get told a list of gifts instead of tapping each gift individually to accept it.
  • Starshatter
    Starshatter Posts: 63 Match Maker
    Also, when we complete a mission we have to sit through and tap the mission award, the story/season award and the upcoming award. Make it a list as well saying...

    You Win!
    100 ISO - mission name

    2* wolverine - story/season

    UP NEXT!

    500 ISO - story/season
  • onthebrink wrote:
    6. Make it easier to increase character levels. Just change the second button to say Level Max. For instance, if I have a hero that can go up 10 levels, but I only have enough crystals to raise them 7 levels, pressing that button will bump me up 7 levels, instead of having to press & hold the level button 7 times.

    Isn't this already the case? I was under the impression that it was...

    No. You can only go one level at a time, or else max the character out, but that button doesn't work if you don't have enough ISO, unless I missed something? icon_question.gif
  • Viking Tacos
    Viking Tacos Posts: 139 Tile Toppler
    Just changing the Raise Level button to single tap instead of tap and hold would be an improvement.