PVP - Losing more points than the notifications state

Pinko_McFly Posts: 282 Mover and Shaker
I thought the first day may have just been a fluke, but now I've seen the pattern two days in a row.
Two nights ago, I ran the simulator up past 1700 points, then went to sleep unshielded. I woke to be notified that I had lost ~179 points in the simulator, which did not seem to bad. I looked at my simulator score and it was at the low 1300s, more than double the loss I was notified about.
Last night, I took the Luke Cage PVP, past 800. During my last match I was hit so I ended around 730 points. Did not shield and went to bed. I woke up to be notified that I had lost 179 points, and my score was in the high 400s. Once again the math did not add up so I am submitting this bug ticket.
I am not certain that the notification was for 179 points each time, it was this morning, and the number seemed familiar so I expect it may have been the same both days.

I am running on Android.