Match 5 doesn't make critical, give extra turn

dider152 Posts: 263
I just made a match 5, but instead of receiving a critical and having an extra turn, it just acted like I had made a regular match. This is the second time it has done it, the first time was a while ago, around the time when I updated to R80. But I wasn't really paying attention then, so I wasn't so sure, but this time I noticed it.


  • eShock
    eShock Posts: 42
    What characters were you using and facing (did opponent have Jean with blue?)? Were you using a turn-ending power, e.g. Hood's pistols?

    Assuming none of the above cases (or any other explanations), you should submit bug ticket.
  • dkffiv
    dkffiv Posts: 1,039 Chairperson of the Boards
    dider152 wrote:
    I just made a match 5, but instead of receiving a critical and having an extra turn, it just acted like I had made a regular match. This is the second time it has done it, the first time was a while ago, around the time when I updated to R80. But I wasn't really paying attention then, so I wasn't so sure, but this time I noticed it.

    Hood Twin Pistols and Sentry Super Nova will make a match 5 / generate critical tile but your turn will still end. Same happens if opponent has Jean Grey. If no critical tile was generated you either made a match 4 or fat fingered and made a match 3 (I see it happen more times than I would like where a vertical match is made when I make a horizontal motion).
  • dider152
    dider152 Posts: 263
    dkffiv wrote:
    dider152 wrote:
    I just made a match 5, but instead of receiving a critical and having an extra turn, it just acted like I had made a regular match. This is the second time it has done it, the first time was a while ago, around the time when I updated to R80. But I wasn't really paying attention then, so I wasn't so sure, but this time I noticed it.

    Hood Twin Pistols and Sentry Super Nova will make a match 5 / generate critical tile but your turn will still end. Same happens if opponent has Jean Grey. If no critical tile was generated you either made a match 4 or fat fingered and made a match 3 (I see it happen more times than I would like where a vertical match is made when I make a horizontal motion).
    No, it was a match 5. I made sure that I would make it and not "fat finger" it, by first clicking on the tile I wanted to switch then clicking on the other one. I'm 100% sure I did it. I don't remember who I played against or with, but it's just another bug I've noticed ever since the update to R80
  • puppychow
    puppychow Posts: 1,453
    I don't know if this is a bug, but while retaliating against a crewsader's max jean grey defense last night, the AI managed to somehow give me TWO match-5s! It was the very top row. So I got the whole shebang from jean's passive---stun/aoe/ap drain, and resigned myself to losing the match when the second of saad comes in. However, the stun wasn't added; I was very surprised to see my team stunned for only 2 rounds rather than 4. icon_lol.gif
  • LuciferianX
    LuciferianX Posts: 163 Tile Toppler
    @puppychow; that's not a bug, that's a rule (a feature, if you will). Stun cannot stack beyond the assigned limit, ie, if you have one opponent remaining, and use Reality Crush (5) they will stun out for 5 turns. If they have 2 turns remaining, and use it again, it will reset to the threshold (5 turns).

    If they are already stunned for 5, and you hit them with, say, Hypersonic Punch (5) they will not add two more turns, because 5 > 2 (not saying that to be pedantic, but for the technical purpose of explaining the mechanic). Unless you exceed the threshold (using Reality Crush after Hypersonic Punch) it will appear as though the second didn't go off when instead, it's a stacking limit.

    One I'm insanely grateful for.
  • simonsez
    simonsez Posts: 4,663 Chairperson of the Boards
    puppychow wrote:
    However, the stun wasn't added; I was very surprised to see my team stunned for only 2 rounds rather than 4. icon_lol.gif
    Stuns are never additive. You've never hit power surge on an already-stunned opponent?
  • I saw a fail match 5 happen to me a couple of days ago. Though I forget most of the context, I do distinctly remember noticing how a particular cascade was about to set up both a match 5 and a simultaneous secondary match that would include the tile that would have been transformed into the wild tile by the match 5. I think what happened next was the secondary match went off first, leaving an empty space as part of the match 5 that happened next, and when the results of that shook down, no extra turn was triggered from the match 5.

    Lately I've been having fun creating crazy cascades with a team of 3* Loki (4/5/4), 3* Magneto (1/2/3), and 4* Wolverine (1/1/1). And from that I've been seeing a lot more of crazy multimatch situations and funny little quirks with effect sequencing every so often. Not only does this kind of team set up massive cascades for me but also for my opponent so I get to see weird behavior from both sides.
  • JSP869
    JSP869 Posts: 822 Critical Contributor
    dider152 wrote:
    I just made a match 5, but instead of receiving a critical and having an extra turn, it just acted like I had made a regular match. This is the second time it has done it, the first time was a while ago, around the time when I updated to R80. But I wasn't really paying attention then, so I wasn't so sure, but this time I noticed it.

    Same here. I used Magneto's power to spawn 3 Blues and create a Critical Tile but did not get a second, bonus turn. I've not seen this nerf mentioned in any of the patch notes so it must be a bug. It's happened multiple times now, too. It's an easy bug to duplicate and verify.
  • @JSP869 If you make a match-5 with a power, it doesn't give you an extra turn, it simply remains your turn. You don't get to match and then match again, despite the 'extra turn' animation. It's always been this way.

    @herbal: "the secondary match went off first, leaving an empty space as part of the match 5 that happened next", how would that even be possible? Doesn't sound right. Or were you using a critical to do multiple matches? In that case it could have been the mid-air crit issue (eg: with espionage, etc.)
  • shatland
    shatland Posts: 42 Just Dropped In
    literally just came running to these forums as I've just experienced this "bug". i admit, i'm a huge skeptic of these "game cheating" threads but i just can't deny this one as i witnessed it with mine own eyes.

    VERY FIRST MOVE. using fury, steve and mohawk. a vertical match five in purple, just there for the taking - very first move. i took it, it cleared the column but no crit tile and the AI took the next turn. ALSO, since it was my first move, i was able to check my AP and found that I only have 4 purple and should have 5, since, you know, it was a match five. for some reason, the game counted it as a match 4.

    other things that may hint to sources of the bug is when i swapped the purple horizontally to make the match, the tile i swapped it with was yellow and also made a match with yellows above and below it. like this (ignore the blue as i'm not sure what they were):


    total AP count was 4 purple, 3 red, 2 black and SIX (6) yellow. i'm like 98% certain that no other matches occurred after the column cleared, so with the purple match, yellow match and 2 tiles above and 1 below the match 5, how am i ending up with 1 extra red, 1 extra black and 3 extra yellow? the example above, i could swap the black for a red and explain the 3 red, but then how 2 black?

    can't think of any other circumstantial details that would be of importance, but i did take screenshots.

    i don't know what else to say. do i need to submit a ticket (just for the bug's sake, not crying for compensation or anything ridiculous) or will it get read here?
  • shatland wrote:
    can't think of any other circumstantial details that would be of importance, but i did take screenshots.
    You may well be the first person with a screenshot for AP related bugs. Don't hold back now.