A plethora of issues since the latest patch

dider152 Posts: 263
Since the R80 there seems to be rampant slowdown and random crashes. The game seems to have become less stable. Anybody else notice this?


  • Dayv
    Dayv Posts: 4,449 Chairperson of the Boards
    I haven't seen any issues. What device and OS are you running it on? That information can be helpful for reports like this, in case only a subset of users are affected.
  • Magere
    Magere Posts: 50 Match Maker
    This has been a constant problem (Android kit kat on moto g). A few of the times I have seen it.....in pvp matches especially. I'll finish match and instead of going to the screen that shows my win, game crashes. So I'll reload and the pvp now has none of the characters I selected. Depending on traffic it sometimes takes a while to get back in(15-20/min). If its during that last pvp push, I need up losing a huge amount of matches, since the game doesn't remember who I had as active.