Longest Heroic/Event token winning and losing streaks?

Just curious as to how others are faring with their tokens. How many consecutive 3 and 4 stars have you pulled from your hoards?

Longest winning streak: Technically zero, the closest I've ever come is from the first Ultron event where I got a Hulkbuster and a Scarlet Witch by some miracle. I think I pulled a Moonstone in between.

Longest losing streak: I don't think I've pulled anything good since the Independence vault so I think about 20+ days. I think I know why Moonstone is so hated around here. I think I pulled 6 out of 7 Moonstones last week. So demoralizing.

Thank goodness for DDQ, and the occasional lucky 3 star from a standard token.


  • 4* one got two one after the other, but already had both maxed covered so that wasn't so great, Nick Fury followed by Invisible woman.

    3* if I recall correctly was four in a row but that was from a ten pack I bought a long long time ago... But that was followed by five ten packs from various sources all containing nothing but 2 stars. So haven't bought a ten pack since!
  • Linkster79
    Linkster79 Posts: 1,037 Chairperson of the Boards
    I went about 2 months with drawing a single gold token from Deadpools Daily Quest even though I was getting both tokens 9 days out of 10.
  • Xenoberyll
    Xenoberyll Posts: 647 Critical Contributor
    I don't count Taco tokens because i'm hoarding those, but my longest streak of heroic and event tokens without a 3star lasted to 50+ tokens which was very frustrating at the time, because i was desperate for ANY gold icon_e_wink.gif
  • SnagglePuss
    SnagglePuss Posts: 702 Critical Contributor
    Start of this season I opened all the tokens hoarded from the last season.
    From the 9 regular heroic tokens, first 6 were gold including a 4*... The 10 packs I opened after were a let down in comparison
  • mr_X
    mr_X Posts: 375 Mover and Shaker
    Seem to run hot for a day or two and then cold for week/s.

    Not seen gold since a couple of days before Daken s enchilada and that was a Daken dupe. Which just is an insult to injury when your on a long dry run.

    Opened so many tokens with sub wins etc. That I literally just don't get it.
  • Malcrof
    Malcrof Posts: 5,971 Chairperson of the Boards
    I track my tokens, my longest losing streak was 77 gold tokens (heroic, event, ddq) without a 3 or 4*.. i never want to endure that again.

    best streak was the first week of the vault, 10 tokens, 2 4*'s, 4 3*s, 1 Hp, 1 Iso, and only 2 duds.
  • nwman
    nwman Posts: 331 Mover and Shaker
    They should give out more tokens to alleviate some of the deviation from the average drop rate.

    That, or have a percentage boost in place after a number of silver tokens in a row, so gold drop rates increase. - ie. if you have 10 silver tokens in a row, the odds for single tokens could change to the 10 pack drop rate or something until you hit a gold.


    If you hit X amount of silver tokens in a row then it removes them entirely so you get a guaranteed gold.
  • nwman wrote:
    They should give out more tokens to alleviate some of the deviation from the average drop rate.

    That, or have a percentage boost in place after a number of silver tokens in a row, so gold drop rates increase. - ie. if you have 10 silver tokens in a row, the odds for single tokens could change to the 10 pack drop rate or something until you hit a gold.


    If you hit X amount of silver tokens in a row then it removes them entirely so you get a guaranteed gold.

    that would mess with the overall %. your personal draw rate is not "average". maybe there are people who draw one token and get one gold. i have had 10 packs that were all silvers, and a 10 pack that was 5/5. drew a gold off standard token late last night. of course that ended a long spell of nothingness.
  • rawfsu
    rawfsu Posts: 291 Mover and Shaker
    My hottest streak was the past two days. I had a total of 15 various tokens stored up, with 11 being standard, one heroic from daily reward, two tacos, and one The Hulk event token. I pulled a Patch yellowflag.png from standards, a Doom purpleflag.png (sold) from tacos, and Cage yellowflag.png from The Hulk, and Star Lord purpleflag.png (not sure what I'm going to do...) from my one heroic. This morning, I received a standard token from my alliance placement and received Beast blueflag.png . I'm preparing myself for MAJOR letdown, but haven't run DDQ yet....
  • Two Lady-Thor covers on the same day.
    I think I got two Torches in a short time frame.

    Other than that, I tend to get pretty ish luck because I almost never get the same character twice which I need in my transition.