2 bugs, shield not working, and enemy teamup not using ap

Last night the Hood event ended while I was online. I had set up a 3 hour shield at the 2.75 hour mark or so. When the event ended, i left a story fight, or an iron fist fight, and had a popup saying that I had lost 2 matches, for a total loss of 71 points.
I lost a top 100 spot out of this, so i lost hero points, and a cover. Hopefully my ticket with customer service gets this resolved, but I wanted it in another place as well.

That said, I encounted a new bug a bit ago. I was fighting a team with jug and 2 others on it in the Hulk Story event, and they had 7 green Ap. They used their Onslaught teamup, and still had 7 green Ap, which they used after to do jugs green move.

Just want to make sure these 2 bugs are out there.


  • Gauche wrote:
    Last night the Hood event ended while I was online. I had set up a 3 hour shield at the 2.75 hour mark or so. When the event ended, i left a story fight, or an iron fist fight, and had a popup saying that I had lost 2 matches, for a total loss of 71 points.
    Shields do not activate immediately in real time, so it is possible to be hit between the time you purchase a shield and it actually becoming effective. It has been reported anecdotally that checking your PvP rankings can force the server to acknowledge your shield purchase, so you can give that a try to avoid this problem in the future.
    Gauche wrote:
    I was fighting a team with jug and 2 others on it in the Hulk Story event, and they had 7 green Ap. They used their Onslaught teamup, and still had 7 green Ap, which they used after to do jugs green move.
    The sequence of events as described should not be possible because the AI is programmed to always use team-ups after it has used other abilities with an associated color. What likely happened is the AI used Unstoppable Crash first, earn back some green AP with cascades, then activated the Onslaught team-up in the same turn.