Team Composition, Patch***



  • Also, Patch's current cap is 77 with the limited covers i have at the moment
  • Patch is a BEAST after level 100.
    Game ender/turn arounder.
    He can 1 shot nearly anything with 5 red.
    He can destroy those dps opponents with green x 5 and an opportune double +cascade.
    Keep leveling him to 100, then Work on hulk and im40.

    Current running 125 patch, 100im40 and a 64 Hulk (5black)
  • Unity wrote:
    What do you mean? as in why am i not using her? or?

    No her build should be 5/5/3 or 5/4/4. And i also think you need to pump some iso into some of your characters.
    Back in the day, 3/5/5 was Storm's best build. Her Yellow basically murdered entire teams on offense, as well as generating red AP, and you would have to kill her first when she was on defense. The debs slammed her with a nerf bat, but a lot of people still have Storms from that halcyon era.