Who is the better Spiderman?

Malcrof Posts: 5,971 Chairperson of the Boards
edited July 2015 in MPQ General Discussion

Well, this article takes it from both angles, although i accept Miles Morales, and would love to see a movie with him... I grew up with Peter Parker.. going to be hard for anyone to replace him at all.



  • optimus2861
    optimus2861 Posts: 1,233 Chairperson of the Boards
    I like Miles, but Peter Parker is Spider-Man. Always has been, always will be, even if Marvel has completely stuffed up his character in the comics over the past 10 years.

    I actually like Miguel O'Hara as an alternate Spider-Man better than Miles, for that matter. Miles is basically a 'diversity' spin on the original Spidey-as-teenager concept, with the added wrinkle that (in his universe anyway) he was following in Peter's footsteps. Miguel has completely different motivations & completely different behaviours as Spider-Man and follows in nobody's footsteps.
  • GuntherBlobel
    GuntherBlobel Posts: 987 Critical Contributor
    I'd love to see something with a teen Marvel hero like Miles or Kamala over Peter.

    I don't know enough about Miles, but I'm very tired of Peter Parker. That's hard for me to say having grown up with him, but 5 movies have done that to me. The best thing about Peter, I suppose, is his supporting cast of JJJ, MJ, Gwen, and Harry. That said, I can't watch Gwen die again. I just can't do it.

    The one thing I think Marvel could do with Peter that I haven't seen yet, is set-up and introduce a very interesting MJ just like Stan Lee did. I loved Sam Raimi's movies, but he really failed to bring character to MJ (and Gwen).
  • Xenoberyll
    Xenoberyll Posts: 647 Critical Contributor
    I like Morales, he's a more modern Character. But I don't like that he's a new Spider-Man. I love my Peter Parker and i hate that they're making stronger versions of him and then replacing him. Meh...i'm old and grumpy i guess.
  • Chrono_Tata
    Chrono_Tata Posts: 719 Critical Contributor
    The whole "Miles will become the main Spider-man" is just a publicity stunt imo. The Amazing Spider-Man series will continue to run with Peter Parker headlining, and there's no way Marvel will get rid of Peter in the main continuity.

    Even in the Ultimate continuity before it was destroyed, they decided to bring Ultimate Peter back after he died, and even brought 616 Peter in to meet Miles, breaking the 2 main rules that the editors originally set for the Ultimate books (dead characters stay dead and no crossover with the main continuity ever), just so that they can parade Peter around to increase sales. Kinda shows how much faith they have in Miles to carry the series on his own.
  • ECOcrush
    ECOcrush Posts: 86 Match Maker
    edited July 2015
    I've slowly been reading the Miles Morales comics via Marvel Unlimited. I'm only like 5 or 6 issues in. So far, I love the costume. I'm absolutely cool with the new Spider-man having a more diverse background and seeing how another character and the people around him react to essentially the same changes Peter Parker went through.

    The one thing I'm on the fence about is that he has a slightly different power set than Peter Parker. I don't know if it's a good thing or a bad thing. I'm leaning more toward it being a good thing but I just wasn't expecting it and it took me off guard. I think it's funny that when people talk about Miles that the first things that come up are his race, then his costume and no one seems to be all that concerned that Spider-Man - one of the most iconic superheroes - has different powers.

    I feel if there are nay-sayers (haven't heard any), or those concerned about Marvel making changes, that changing his powers should be the most talked about thing. Again, the changes to his powers they made don't bother me that much but it concerns me way more than changing his race, costume, age, location, family life, personality or really anything. I was surprised I hadn't heard that he had different powers than Peter Parker until I actually read it in the comics.
  • Xenoberyll
    Xenoberyll Posts: 647 Critical Contributor
    I don't know enough about Miles, but I'm very tired of Peter Parker. That's hard for me to say having grown up with him, but 5 movies have done that to me. The best thing about Peter, I suppose, is his supporting cast of JJJ, MJ, Gwen, and Harry. That said, I can't watch Gwen die again. I just can't do it.

    That's because they're telling the same part over and over again and with a storyline worse than the comics ever had. I'd love some different stories too but i'm far from tired of PP.
  • Malcrof
    Malcrof Posts: 5,971 Chairperson of the Boards
    Xenoberyll wrote:
    I like Morales, he's a more modern Character. But I don't like that he's a new Spider-Man. I love my Peter Parker and i hate that they're making stronger versions of him and then replacing him. Meh...i'm old and grumpy i guess.

    ^ this.. He should have been given a unique moniker and costume. Miles character growth has been great, but there was no need to make him Spiderman, we have a whole Spider-verse, and they couldn't think of a new name to give him? Seriously? Unique name alone would have made it seem like less of a publicity stunt, and more of a "checkout this awesome new hero", and if they wanted to really make him Spiderman, then build up to it, new hero working with Peter, peter is getting older, and hands off the mantle to miles later on down the line, Allowing Peter to actually age, and maybe get a solid somewhat darker series as an older jaded ex-hero forced back into action.
  • JVReal
    JVReal Posts: 1,884 Chairperson of the Boards
    ECOcrush wrote:
    I've slowly been reading the Miles Morales comics via Marvel Unlimited. I'm only like 5 or 6 issues in. So far, I love the costume. I'm absolutely cool with the new Spider-man having a more diverse background and seeing how another character and the people around him react to essentially the same changes Peter Parker went through.

    The one thing I'm on the fence about is that he has a slightly different power set than Peter Parker. I don't know if it's a good thing or a bad thing. I'm leaning more toward it being a good thing but I just wasn't expecting it and it took me off guard. I think it's funny that when people talk about Miles that the first things that come up are his race, then his costume and no one seems to be all that concerned that Spider-Man - one of the most iconic superheroes - has different powers.

    I feel if there are nay-sayers (haven't heard any), or those concerned about Marvel making changes, that changing his powers should be the most talked about thing. Again, the changes to his powers they made don't bother me that much but it concerns me way more than changing his race, costume, age, location, family life, personality or really anything. I was surprised I hadn't heard that he had different powers than Peter Parker until I actually read it in the comics.
    Haven't read Mile's story, but if he got his powers in a different way, at a different time, etc, it makes sense that the powers are different. That is ok with me. Taking Miles and pretending Peter never existed would bother me. One person picking up the mantle of another hero that left it or died is ok by me.
  • Malcrof
    Malcrof Posts: 5,971 Chairperson of the Boards
    JVReal wrote:
    ECOcrush wrote:
    I've slowly been reading the Miles Morales comics via Marvel Unlimited. I'm only like 5 or 6 issues in. So far, I love the costume. I'm absolutely cool with the new Spider-man having a more diverse background and seeing how another character and the people around him react to essentially the same changes Peter Parker went through.

    The one thing I'm on the fence about is that he has a slightly different power set than Peter Parker. I don't know if it's a good thing or a bad thing. I'm leaning more toward it being a good thing but I just wasn't expecting it and it took me off guard. I think it's funny that when people talk about Miles that the first things that come up are his race, then his costume and no one seems to be all that concerned that Spider-Man - one of the most iconic superheroes - has different powers.

    I feel if there are nay-sayers (haven't heard any), or those concerned about Marvel making changes, that changing his powers should be the most talked about thing. Again, the changes to his powers they made don't bother me that much but it concerns me way more than changing his race, costume, age, location, family life, personality or really anything. I was surprised I hadn't heard that he had different powers than Peter Parker until I actually read it in the comics.
    Haven't read Mile's story, but if he got his powers in a different way, at a different time, etc, it makes sense that the powers are different. That is ok with me. Taking Miles and pretending Peter never existed would bother me. One person picking up the mantle of another hero that left it or died is ok by me.

    After Secret Wars, they will both exist simultaneously and in the same place.
  • optimus2861
    optimus2861 Posts: 1,233 Chairperson of the Boards
    Malcrof wrote:
    Allowing Peter to actually age, and maybe get a solid somewhat darker series as an older jaded ex-hero forced back into action.
    The concept of aging is a complete non-starter at Marvel. Has been for probably 20+ years now. Peter Parker's growth as a character effectively came to a halt sometime in the early 1990s, and several years ago they took the draconian step of having him make a deal with the devil - literally! - to end his marriage to MJ so they could undo one part of that growth.

    The last Marvel comic I read with any degree of faithfulness was Spider-Girl, because it treated Peter Parker with the respect he was due. Then Dan Slott (*spits*) had to go drop a fridge on that Peter to serve one of his mega-big-shock-EVENT stories (oh but it's OK, he pulled a cross-dimensional Uncle Ben who'd been bitten by the spider in his world, over into that world to 'replace' Peter in Spider-Girl's life icon_rolleyes.gif ). Dan's next great idea for the current Peter is to make him a globe-trotting business tycoon, some sort of stupid cross between Tony Stark & Bruce Wayne.

    There's no readable version of Peter Parker being published by Marvel any more (regularly anyway; an occasional miniseries will get him right). It doesn't mean the character is played out. It means Marvel Comics has their heads too far up their **** to do anything right by Peter.
  • Malcrof
    Malcrof Posts: 5,971 Chairperson of the Boards
    Malcrof wrote:
    The concept of aging is a complete non-starter at Marvel.

    May i recommend Old Man Logan, amazing story's with a character who aged. (seriously, read them, this is the trend i want, out with the old in spectacular fashion, then bring in the new ones)
  • optimus2861
    optimus2861 Posts: 1,233 Chairperson of the Boards
    Malcrof wrote:
    May i recommend Old Man Logan, amazing story's with a character who aged. (seriously, read them, this is the trend i want, out with the old in spectacular fashion, then bring in the new ones)
    That's an alternate universe, essentially a What If?

    The 'main' Marvel Universe will never allow its characters to grow, age, die, etc. Not permanently, anyway. Although I don't entirely know if this whole 'replace legacy characters with "new & diverse!" versions' shtick will stick around. I feel like I lived that already too (Thunderstrike, US Agent, War Machine, etc).
  • Nightglider1
    Nightglider1 Posts: 707 Critical Contributor
    I loved Sam Raimi's movies, but he really failed to bring character to MJ (and Gwen).

    With the exception of Norman Osborn and Uncle Ben, he pretty much failed to bring character to anyone who wasn't portrayed by Bruce Campbell.
  • Who's the better Spider-Man?

    Who ever has the best writer/editor/artist team at the helm crafting the best stories.

    At times that's been 616 Pete. At times it's been Ultimate Pete. At times it's been Miles. It varies, because creative quality varies.

    I'm of the opinion that Slott is one of the better writers he's had in ages, because while he does do "surprise/shock" stuff, the payoff is almost always worth it. The arc of Superior Spider-Man is one of the best Spidey stories I've ever read, and it couldn't happen without the absence of Peter Parker's personality.
  • Malcrof
    Malcrof Posts: 5,971 Chairperson of the Boards
    shtick will stick around. I feel like I lived that already too (Thunderstrike, US Agent, War Machine, etc).

    Honestly, i really enjoyed Thunderstrikes reign back in the day. His solo series died due to bad storylines, but there was so much potential in it. Eric Masterson is a great example of what i was saying earlier.. a decent story to replace a character.

    It bugs me that they killed him, and no, he has not been magically resurrected (yet), with the exception of Secret Wars

  • Born2DieNPvP
    Born2DieNPvP Posts: 163
    I liked Thunderstrike too until its writing went south. One of the few enjoyable stand alone Marvel hero books in that era. In fact I'd like to reread that and see if it was as good as I remember or if im guilty of nostalgic memory.
  • Malcrof
    Malcrof Posts: 5,971 Chairperson of the Boards
    I liked Thunderstrike too until its writing went south. One of the few enjoyable stand alone Marvel hero books in that era. In fact I'd like to reread that and see if it was as good as I remember or if im guilty of nostalgic memory.

    When Odinson inscribes his gravestone.....

    Yes, it is as good as you remember!

    I saw a fanfic on Tumblr (don't judge, i may be old, but i love to laugh) which has Miles Morales and Kamala Khan older and ending up married, the writing was better than many of Miles's other storylines, and read like if Marvel were to make the Speed movies.

    The thing of notice in that writing was this, since it was from their points of view, they never called each other Spiderman or Ms. Marvel, it was only Miles and Kammie, and you know what, it helped you connect with the characters so much better.

    back to the question at hand, Miles would have had more of an impact if his superhero name was El Araña
  • 20three
    20three Posts: 371
    Peter Parker's was the only spiderman I had in my childhood, so definitely him. On an unrelated note, I absolutely hate the actor they picked to play him. I get that they wanted spiderman to be younger, but this kid is not appropriate at all. He could still be playing middle schoolers tbh...
  • GothicKratos
    GothicKratos Posts: 1,821 Chairperson of the Boards
    Bag-Man is the Superior Spider-Man.
  • Ebolamonkey84
    Ebolamonkey84 Posts: 509 Critical Contributor
    Ben Reilly