July video feedback

hesjingixen Posts: 215 Tile Toppler
The July video asked for some feedback on a few specific topics, so I thought I would provide it.

20 iso rewards
Two points: First, I've recently introduced 2 new friends to the game, and they were super stoked when they got to those nodes in campaign mode that CAN reward 2* Ms. Marvel, 2* Thor, and 2* Storm. However, they were significantly less stoked when they realized that they'd only get 1 cover "for free" and then they'd have to play lots and lots of 20 iso games in order to get the others. Thus, I'd like to point out that 20 iso rewards can be sort of a barrier to entry, especially for complete newbs trying to get their first functional 2* heroes. Second, 20 iso was a little more understandable in PvEs back when the node timers were 2.5 hours a piece. In a 12-24 hour sub, you'd play the nodes possibly as many as 8 or 9 times. Now with 8 hour timers and standardized sub lengths (both of which I love btw), you play an average node about 4 times (maybe more if you're grinding hard). Given that, the odds of you getting all 4 rewards are MUCH lower, and the 20 iso just seems more insulting. I'd be happy to see that go.

Ant Man PvE
I thought this was fantastic. It was crazy challenging for me (10-12 166s, and a few good 4*s), and when I finally beat the node, 1 hero had dropped, 1 was at like 400 health, and the other was at about 1000. It felt like the perfect combination of challenging and doable to me. Another friend with a similar roster had more trouble and couldn't (hasn't) done it, and another friend with many maxed 2* and only a few 3*s managed to get it, so it seems to scale decently.

The Vault
I love the IDEA of the vault, but currently it's just too big. 300 items in a vault that's only around for 5 days just isn't meaningful. However, I really liked the Independence Day vault. That was just the perfect size where I really felt like the number of the items in the vault had impact, and if I had "rolled" a better vault, I definitely would have bought some packs. As it was, I still bought the 50 hp gold every day. I'd love to see more "special event" vaults like that and having more PvEs draw from a vault would be cool too.

One button leveling
Yes, please.


  • Malcrof
    Malcrof Posts: 5,971 Chairperson of the Boards
    You missed the possible new content and an almost slip about a Spiderman based character.