How to compete in PvP?

Simple question: best advices in PvP, to compete and achieve rank 25 (and, of course, reaching 800 points)?
It's only a matter of high level charachters, or there's also a strategy (like playing early o later, choosing your enemy, your defense squad, and so on...)?


  • dr tinykittylove
    dr tinykittylove Posts: 1,459 Chairperson of the Boards
    Strategy is most important, but it depends on your roster. Post the details?
  • Unknown
    From my experience, if you're playing for progression rewards, join early. If you're playing for ranks, join late. 800 points really is not a lot nowadays, but without knowing your roster and recent performance, it hard to say.
  • Unknown
    I got all the high tier 2* at lev 94 (with right covers).
    My 3* are:
    Doom 5/4/2
    Deadpool 2/4/4
    Torch 2/3/5
    Loki 3/1/5
    Hulk 5/3/1
    CapMarvel 4/3/2
    Magneto 3/3/3
    (All of them level 114)

    Cage 3/4/1 (lev 104)

    And Thor 3/3/2 (lev 102)
  • Unknown
    Barone wrote:
    I got all the high tier 2* at lev 94 (with right covers).
    My 3* are:
    Doom 5/4/2
    Deadpool 2/4/4
    Torch 2/3/5
    Loki 3/1/5
    Hulk 5/3/1
    CapMarvel 4/3/2
    Magneto 3/3/3
    (All of them level 114)

    Cage 3/4/1 (lev 104)

    And Thor 3/3/2 (lev 102)

    If you can score 800 with that roster, you're doing well. At your stage of roster, I would play the progression reward and not put too much effort into ranking. Take the HP and whatever you can get and not shield, unless it worth doing so.
  • wymtime
    wymtime Posts: 3,757 Chairperson of the Boards
    X23 wrote:
    Barone wrote:
    I got all the high tier 2* at lev 94 (with right covers).
    My 3* are:
    Doom 5/4/2
    Deadpool 2/4/4
    Torch 2/3/5
    Loki 3/1/5
    Hulk 5/3/1
    CapMarvel 4/3/2
    Magneto 3/3/3
    (All of them level 114)

    Cage 3/4/1 (lev 104)

    And Thor 3/3/2 (lev 102)

    If you can score 800 with that roster, you're doing well. At your stage of roster, I would play the progression reward and not put too much effort into ranking. Take the HP and whatever you can get and not shield, unless it worth doing so.
    If you can hit 800 progression in PVP use a 3hr shield. This will get you top 100 and another 3* cover. Scoring 800 consistently will really help your alliance, and if you are not in a top 100 alliance a consistent 800 score would get you in a top 100 alliance. Remember you are trading 75 HP for another 3* cover tha you need. That is a really good deal compared to 1250 to jus buy the cover.
  • Unknown
    Damn, I just reached 760 points... Then attacked and lost 97.
    How to manage the attackers? Is it possible? (Something like "if I stay under 500 points, I'll be less attacked" or else...)
  • OneenO
    OneenO Posts: 75 Match Maker
    Barone wrote:
    Damn, I just reached 760 points... Then attacked and lost 97.
    How to manage the attackers? Is it possible? (Something like "if I stay under 500 points, I'll be less attacked" or else...)

    My advice would be to float around 500 until there are less than 3 hrs left in the event. Then make a push for 800 and shield. Like mentioned above, it really is worth it to get top 100 for 75hp especially at the stage of the game ur in.
  • Unknown
    Barone wrote:
    Damn, I just reached 760 points... Then attacked and lost 97.
    How to manage the attackers? Is it possible? (Something like "if I stay under 500 points, I'll be less attacked" or else...)

    short of spending money on shields there is no way to manage attacks. More importantly, the loss of points vs. gain of points for vanquishing a loss are often unbalanced and 100% out of your control.

    Unless you're roster features a fully upgraded feature character, and fully upgraded secondarily buffed characters, preferably the 4 star ones, you're going to be a target especially if you're near the top.

    If you absolutely have to focus on a pvp, in my experience, the best bet is to play to win as long as you can until you're out of health packs, then drop an 8 hour shield. Just before that shield is done, play again til you're done ( to avoid the cool down) then drop another shield. Repeat.

    I've found that if you play for points, then shield when you are out of health packs, when you fight again, when you refresh enemies the points are higher, as well as their relative strength is lower.

    This becomes much tougher as in pvps now you have a featured buffed character, and several secondary buffed characters.

    Unless necessary, focus on DDQ and PVE until you're in the big leagues.
  • mgallop
    mgallop Posts: 120
    If you really need the placement award, join late, if you really need progression, join early. If you join late, try joining with 3 or 4 hours to go, play till your out of health packs, shield, then try to get in 1 fight right at the end. If you're going for placement, you want to find your equilibrium, it should be between 4 and 500 points given your roster, climb there, then wait. Once you have your Health Packs back, push until you start getting hit (hopefully past 800, but maybe in the 700s), once you get hit, throw up a shield, wait at least a few hours, then push as high as you can. Use ISO boosts whenever you can, don't use the all boosts until you've on your final push.
  • Huatimus
    Huatimus Posts: 115
    With your current roster, you're looking at 2 separate goals. 800 points is not going to get you top 25.
    If you want 800 points, join early so there's more points around for everybody, hit your equilibrium early at 500-600 points, then do a rush to 800 at least 5-8 hours before the end. The last 3 hours is a frenzy where everybody is rushing to get points and shield.
    If you want top 25, join late like in the last 2 hours or so, hope to get a new bracket, and just rush as many points as you can possibly get(I've gotten top 10 a few times with this strategy).

    Your 3* are not covered optimally or even max at 13, I really would not advise leveling them up any further. Especially in PVP where you get matched up with similar rosters. My max level is 104, and I am beating on 94 rosters till my equilibrium points. Your max level is 114, so you're fighting higher level guys, but with a lousier roster, in fact your 94 2* are probably better.

    For those 1K progression covers which I really want, I join as early as possible, get to about 600, wait for health packs to regen, play a bit till 800, then rest a bit, then rush to 1K during a time period when most other people are sleeping/not playing. (Make sure to check the top few guys to see that there are enough points around to even earn enough to hit 1K) Field your FASTEST PVP team for the final rush, use boosts and so on. If you take too long, your latest score will be reflected to a lot of people when they are hunting for targets, then you'll be feeding the sharks and that will be a failed attempt.
  • Unknown
    Iso boosts? What's that?
    (Maybe I use it but dunno the name...)
  • GurlBYE
    GurlBYE Posts: 1,218 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited July 2015
    mgallop wrote:
    If you really need the placement award, join late, if you really need progression, join early. If you join late, try joining with 3 or 4 hours to go, play till your out of health packs, shield, then try to get in 1 fight right at the end. If you're going for placement, you want to find your equilibrium, it should be between 4 and 500 points given your roster, climb there, then wait. Once you have your Health Packs back, push until you start getting hit (hopefully past 800, but maybe in the 700s), once you get hit, throw up a shield, wait at least a few hours, then push as high as you can. Use ISO boosts whenever you can, don't use the all boosts until you've on your final push.

    The issue is others can still get past them well they are shielded.

    Like when you have a great roster already sure, but its actually really silly that I have to go up against people with late 3 and early 4 star rosters, while I'm aiming for getting more covers for my 3 stars (like trying to pick up some hood covers, the character everyone recommends but I've no idea how to actually get hands on besides trying my luck or waiting for some from DDQ) I got into 100 ( like 70's) shielded to get 2 healthpacks and was in 200 by the time I was ready to go again, and everyone worth decent points was too hard to take on, and this is in a bracket where i pretty much started at 240-ish when entering.

    I'd say its based on strategy but theres no guarentees. The board itself can be an enemy, the characters covers you were lucky enough to get, if you have boosted people leveled.
  • GurlBYE
    GurlBYE Posts: 1,218 Chairperson of the Boards
    Barone wrote:
    Iso boosts? What's that?
    (Maybe I use it but dunno the name...)
    doing more damage for matches and starting with 2 ap in a color etc. those boosts.
  • Unknown
    GurlBYE wrote:
    Barone wrote:
    Iso boosts? What's that?
    (Maybe I use it but dunno the name...)
    doing more damage for matches and starting with 2 ap in a color etc. those boosts.

    Aaaah! Understood!!
  • Huatimus
    Huatimus Posts: 115
    There is a boost to all AP but that costs Hero Points to buy. I only use that during my final rush to 1K progression. Don't think that it is a waste to use this boost, as there is a max limit of 30, and you get them every now and then from event rewards anyway. Boost all match damage by 20% also costs Hero Points to buy.
  • GurlBYE
    GurlBYE Posts: 1,218 Chairperson of the Boards
    Huatimus wrote:
    There is a boost to all AP but that costs Hero Points to buy. I only use that during my final rush to 1K progression. Don't think that it is a waste to use this boost, as there is a max limit of 30, and you get them every now and then from event rewards anyway. Boost all match damage by 20% also costs Hero Points to buy.

    Boost all match damage lasts the whole game and can go up to 100% and with the use of the other boosts can hit 160% (or 130% forget atm but its over 100).

    Ap costs HP can can only go up to 2. The value proposition is horribly skewed.
  • Unknown
    Huatimus wrote:
    If you take too long, your latest score will be reflected to a lot of people when they are hunting for targets, then you'll be feeding the sharks and that will be a failed attempt.

    What do you mean? Reflected???
  • Huatimus
    Huatimus Posts: 115
    For example, we are in the same PVP bracket. When you see me right now at a score of 600, I am worth 15 points to you. If I rush to 800 within the next 15 mins or so, you won't see that I am worth more to you, unless you keep cycling through your possible targets by throwing ISO at it. Maybe by the time you see that I am worth 40 points to you, I'd have already hit my target of 800 and cannot be bothered with the PVP anymore. But you on the other hand, for example, take your own time to play, will show other people that you are worth more points. If for example you take half an hour to go from 600 to 700, people can see your latest score and that you are worth more points to them and start hitting you. Then you'll be stuck in an endless yo-yo bouncing from 500-700. The worst part is, if multiple people saw you were at 700, and all start hitting you at the same time, you'll still be taking hits from them even though you may have already dropped to 500 and are not even worth the points to them anymore.

    Oh, another tip is if you're not hoarding your deadpool daily tacos, open them just before the final rush to get some extra health packs to play with.
  • Unknown
    Undestood. Thank you!!