Stockpiled Tacos

ErikPeter Posts: 719 Critical Contributor
Last week I held onto my 10 Sweet Taco Tokens because none of the featured 3*s were useful to me. This week, checking the stockpiled "post-event Taco Vault: Sweet", the characters appeared to be different so I started popping tokens.

There's no counter (e.g. "2/300 Collected"), and claiming a token doesn't put a check mark on any of the visible covers. For example one token awarded 1500 ISO, but all of the 1500 ISO rewards don't have check marks. This appears to be a bug. I didn't get any 3* rewards in 9 tokens so I can't tell whether they're from the old pool, or the apparent new one. I'm saving the last token to see if it rolls over when "Sweet" comes back.

Related to that, do stockpiled tokens not pull from the static pool any more? Are they more like heroics now? Without the check marks on earned covers, or evidence to the contrary, I don't even know if it's possible to get a good drop from a 'post-event' token.

(My math says, with 53 "good" drops--e.g. 250 HP or a 3* or better--out of 300, I had a (247^9 / 300^9) 17% chance of NOT getting one in 9 tokens, but that's just my luck (with each successive bad pull I should have slightly better chances at a good one, so it's actually a tiny bit higher than that). I am guessing it's just pulling from the old pool, but I can't tell because of the check mark thing.

What is the intended behavior here? Are players supposed to stockpile tokens for good vaults, or not? If not, then the post-event page shouldn't show the vault, since the drop chances and possible 3* and 4* rewards wouldn't line up with the old tokens.

I assumed that I could stockpile tokens (say, 30 over the course of a month and a half) and then open all of them in a 'good vault', getting to 40/300 and having a better chance of accumulating those good covers. If that isn't intended behavior, stockpiled tokens should each have their own, static post-event tab in the store (with check marks), so I don't bother holding onto them anymore.


  • Dayv
    Dayv Posts: 4,449 Chairperson of the Boards
    You can stockpile Taco tokens, but if you use them when that vault (sweet or savory) is not the current one,then each one is selected as if it were from a fresh, 0/300 vault. Wait until they show as current event tokens again if you want normal vault behavior.
  • Alternatively, you could reload the post-event vault until you receive a favorable selection of rewards, redeem one token, then rinse and repeat. Depending on what rewards you are seeking, this can be the most efficient (and extremely tedious) method to use your tokens.
  • Dayv
    Dayv Posts: 4,449 Chairperson of the Boards
    Vynyv wrote:
    Alternatively, you could reload the post-event vault until you receive a favorable selection of rewards, redeem one token, then rinse and repeat. Depending on what rewards you are seeking, this can be the most efficient (and extremely tedious) method to use your tokens.
    Interesting, I didn't realize you get different vault selections each time...
  • LuciferianX
    LuciferianX Posts: 163 Tile Toppler
    Okay, so to confirm, we can save token across 5 days (Sweet), wait 5 days (Savory), get 5 more (Sweet) and then assuming a vault has something we want, deploy all stockpiled Sweet and/or Savory tokens to our little heart's content, true? I read somewhere else someone saying they "lost" their tokens, which of course is a red flag of concern, since 250 ISO-8 > No Tokens. Just wanted to verify but couldn't find the applicable thread.
  • CrookedKnight
    CrookedKnight Posts: 2,579 Chairperson of the Boards
    Yes, it works exactly like the old non-vault taco tokens only the two stacks have different names now.
  • Malcrof
    Malcrof Posts: 5,971 Chairperson of the Boards
    tried adding hot sauce to my tacos to improve luck (and taste), all it did was smear my screen... not recommended.
  • LuciferianX
    LuciferianX Posts: 163 Tile Toppler
    That was the thing; I stockpiled old/non-vault tokens and it booted me to a 'closed vault' screen that I assumed (perhaps incorr.) that it would blip my tokens if I didn't use them. Regardless. I shall begin saving for delicious, delicious 4hor covers. Thanks.