Please remove 2 stars from The Vault

Kingofpopcorn Posts: 65 Match Maker
edited July 2015 in MPQ General Discussion

I was watching the last MPQ Q/A and I was wondering why is there 2 stars in the vault ?
We already can get 2 stars from pvp/simulator battles, silver/gold tokens and from pve and pvp rewards.
Just switch 2 stars from the vault for 1500 ISO, 5 HP packs or 50 HP (if it doesn't disturb MPQ economy).

I'm sick of selling 2 stars. icon_e_confused.gif


  • wymtime
    wymtime Posts: 3,757 Chairperson of the Boards
    No more health packs please. Add more 4*, add ISO, add roster slots, add a one 3* or any cover type reward. Anything but health packs. There are enough health packs in the vault as it is.
  • Cymmina
    Cymmina Posts: 413 Mover and Shaker
    If I had to choose between a 2*, health packs, or ISO as the weenie prizes, I would rather have the health packs. I just wish the bonus health packs didn't get "consumed first" so I could save them for when I really need them.
  • ngoni
    ngoni Posts: 112 Tile Toppler
    Or just remove them entirely from the vault and make it smaller. Hoarding 600 tokens over 43 weeks in order to overcome the probability gods isn't fun. Vault could be half the size it is now and still be functional.
  • DFiPL
    DFiPL Posts: 2,405 Chairperson of the Boards

    I was watching the last MPQ Q/A and I was wondering why is there 2 stars in the vault ?

    Because there are people who play the first two nodes of DDQ who can use them. DDQ isn't just for 3* and 4* transitioners, even though the devs are making efforts to keep the rewards appealing for the 3/4* folk.

    I don't like the 2* any more than you do - I have basically all of them, and fully covered, so a 2* just leads to rude gestures.

    But I know people playing who are way behind me, roster-wise, too.
  • Turbosmooth
    Turbosmooth Posts: 213
    But you do have think about people who are starting the game from scratch who do need their 2*s though. I'm 95% done covering 3*s and working on duplicates, so I could say the same about them.
    ngoni wrote:
    Or just remove them entirely from the vault and make it smaller. Hoarding 600 tokens over 43 weeks in order to overcome the probability gods isn't fun. Vault could be half the size it is now and still be functional.

    I agree with this the most. Reducing the vault to 200 items by removing 100 2*, would be awesome for us.

    I'm currently hoarding vault tokens to the 600 count because all I want/need are the top 4-5 items.

    I've been hoarding heroic tokens ever since Carnage was released. First I was waiting for him to become unvaulted, but then Thing and Ant-man came out and I was waiting for them to become unvaulted. Now with Jean Grey who I want more than any of the former needs to be unvaulted before I spend heroic tokens. I won't delay beyond that even if another 4* is released this time. Although the odds are so terrible, even with 100 Heroic tokens, I might get 1 or 2 ****. And they'll be the colors I already have 5 of.
  • Unknown
    Newer players through those just starting the 2-3* transition complain that the flooding of the game with new 4*s is driving them away.

    Longer term players complain that there's a flooding of the lower level covers.

    It seems D3 can either alienate EVERYONE or everyone can take advantage of the aspects of the game that are being tailored to their needs and let everyone else have the other pieces of the game to play with. You don't need every corner of the game geared to meet every individuals' fact, this would be either impossible, or drastically break the game.
  • Unknown
    wymtime wrote:
    No more health packs please. Add more 4*, add ISO, add roster slots, add a one 3* or any cover type reward. Anything but health packs. There are enough health packs in the vault as it is.

    Actually if you are a top 10 or top 2 pver, chances are there aren't enough health packs even then! I actually save my taco covers til I need health packs and then I roll them... Funny thing is when you want health packs you get nothing but covers, but when you want covers you get nothing but health packs..

    If you are super competitive in PVE, you will run out of health packs quite easily towards the end of a sub event or main event. Those health packs cost 200 hero points if you were to buy them outright when you are at zero!

    As annoying as it is to pick out a 2*, like others have said, the DDQ isn't designed ONLY just for 3* transitioners... It's also for the 2* guys!

    Funny thing is with the vault I spend more time trying to score the hero points than anything else, they're much more useful and also a heck of a lot easier to target on the vault mini game!

    If you really want to avoid getting health packs, tap the vault as soon as you see one, about 25% of the time a second health pack would immediately appear, then just wait til it counts past it. Some times if you are lucky the second or third(final) cover it shows is something you actually want.
  • mr_X
    mr_X Posts: 375 Mover and Shaker
    Definitely prefer health packs to 2*s . Least they are potentially useful to me. But once got them when I had finished playing a tournament just before bed and therefore technically got nothing.

    Would prefer HP also but has never happened. Sigh...
  • 20three
    20three Posts: 371
    Replace them with 500 ISO, hell even 250 ISO would be better....
  • Dragon_Nexus
    Dragon_Nexus Posts: 3,701 Chairperson of the Boards
    20three wrote:
    Replace them with 500 ISO, hell even 250 ISO would be better.... already gives you 250 ISO...
  • Unknown
    edited July 2015
    I also don't have any use for the 2* covers but there are plenty of new guys and gals out there that need those covers. That being said, I never thought about using the vault to try and get those med packs in case they were needed for those crucial pushes. So I request for MORE HEALTH PACKS!!
    edit: just tried this to get more health packs, and I came up on 500hp and 5 health packs. Score!
  • 20three
    20three Posts: 371
    20three wrote:
    Replace them with 500 ISO, hell even 250 ISO would be better.... already gives you 250 ISO...

    I'm well aware, but it cuts out the 1 second it takes for me to sell the 2*. You see where I'm going with this?
  • Jam_Adams
    Jam_Adams Posts: 486 Mover and Shaker
    if the goal is to provide features that helps all players across all levels, then why don't they personalize the vault for each individual player? why does it have to be set up the same for everyone equally?

    e.g., instead of the vault we have now, which is the same for everyone (300 things, distributed the same), make the vault smaller, with rewards tailored for the stage of the game that that individual is at.

    1. a new player could have the top rewards in their vault be some 2* covers, maybe 1 or 2 *** covers.
    2. a 2-3* transitioner could have several 3* covers as the top reward, with a 4* cover or two at the very top
    3. an established 3* player could have several 4* rewards.

    that would get rid of the nonsense we have now
  • Asmodius37
    Asmodius37 Posts: 32
    Today I was trying to get more health packs for PvE..... What ended up happening was I got a crummy Elektra black cover + 5k iso. Lucky for me, my resupply gave me 3 health kits, so a bit of good news there. I mean I'm not upset or anything with what I opened (even though I would have loved the blue lady thor cover OR the yellow prof x cover (most wanted), even more.
  • Heartburn
    Heartburn Posts: 527
    I also don't have any use for the 2* covers but there are plenty of new guys and gals out there that need those covers...
    but there are other source for 2*, like random rewards or placement rewards, (i transitioned from 1* to 2* just fine without DDQ). and lets not pretend that DDQ is for everyone it is pretty bias against low level teams without the feature 3* withholding the best prizes. i agree with removing 2*s and making it smaller especially if we have to suffer with the two different tokens types.

    adding to the different token types, why can't the tokens change to general taco tokens once that week concludes, if it is a construct just to deal with the rotating events that don't have a break in between why are we left with all the negatives associated with the work around, like not being able to pool the tokens once the week completes and the purpose of the taco splitting has completed. there should be a fairly simple way to degrade the taco token types to general taco tokens (i have seen it done in other games, where event tokens become standard token after the event concludes with a short grace period to use before they switch over)that can always be used in the current vault (or both vaults)so the players don't have to have two set of tokens forever.

    if we do finally get them to pool the tokens, i think a fun feature would be the taco flavors give 2 pulls while the general (stale tacos) only give one pull so it would make you have to choose if you want to risk it and go for the double value or hoard to clean house.
  • dr tinykittylove
    dr tinykittylove Posts: 1,459 Chairperson of the Boards
    I also don't have any use for the 2* covers but there are plenty of new guys and gals out there that need those covers. That being said, I never thought about using the vault to try and get those med packs in case they were needed for those crucial pushes. So I request for MORE HEALTH PACKS!!
    edit: just tried this to get more health packs, and I came up on 500hp and 5 health packs. Score!

    When I started my new account, a daily taco really helped a lot with the transition to 2*s - daily source of 2*/hp/iso. For a new/casual player with not much time or roster to burn, 2* covers are harder to come by than one would think.
  • Unknown
    20three wrote:
    20three wrote:
    Replace them with 500 ISO, hell even 250 ISO would be better.... already gives you 250 ISO...

    I'm well aware, but it cuts out the 1 second it takes for me to sell the 2*. You see where I'm going with this?

    Well considering the Sell All button, and the fact you are getting covers from SOMEWHERE else, no I don't really see where you are going in as much as there is no actual time savings. Just sell your covers once every time they get to like 50 or so.
  • TxMoose
    TxMoose Posts: 4,319 Chairperson of the Boards
    Lerysh wrote:
    20three wrote:
    20three wrote:
    Replace them with 500 ISO, hell even 250 ISO would be better.... already gives you 250 ISO...

    I'm well aware, but it cuts out the 1 second it takes for me to sell the 2*. You see where I'm going with this?

    Well considering the Sell All button, and the fact you are getting covers from SOMEWHERE else, no I don't really see where you are going in as much as there is no actual time savings. Just sell your covers once every time they get to like 50 or so.
    you can't do that if you pve and you don't have every ** rostered. you always need to save a marvel/torch/bullseye, etc for essentials. the ** essentials made the sell all button useless for most players. also, for this reason, unless they replaced the **s with 500+ iso, just leave the **s because you might need to find one for an essential on a pve you want to rank really well on.
  • Unknown
    Considering you need a 3* to even GET half the available taco tokens (1 out of 2 per day)?

    Yeah, it's a bit frustrating to get 2*s every single day for your trouble.

    Like today for instance, two more 2*s, about a year after they were of any use to me.

    Of course, I would hope we all know why the 2*s are in there, but sure, I'll go along with pretending they're there to help the newer players... icon_e_wink.gificon_lol.gif

    What was it one smart poster said in the forum a while ago? "Play for known rewards?" Indeed.


    P.S. Honorable mention to comments about the health packs. Considering I can only hold 10, with no reserve for earned HPs? I'd just as soon never see another HP come out of my vault. Thanks in advance.
  • Punisher5784
    Punisher5784 Posts: 3,837 Chairperson of the Boards
    Considering you need a 3* to even GET half the available taco tokens (1 out of 2 per day)?

    Yeah, it's a bit frustrating to get 2*s every single day for your trouble.

    Like today for instance, two more 2*s, about a year after they were of any use to me.

    Of course, I would hope we all know why the 2*s are in there, but sure, I'll go along with pretending they're there to help the newer players... icon_e_wink.gificon_lol.gif

    Which is why there should be two types of Tacos (outside of savvy and sweet), the easy to earn Taco from the Survival Node can yield mostly 2*'s while the taco you earn for having the required 3* character should give you better odds at a 3*. That would be the easiest way for the system to decipher who is a 2* player and who is a 3* (for the most the part). Get rid of the nonsense savvy and sweet, we wouldn't horde tokens if there weren't 100 2*'s in the vault. Make it smaller, like 50-100 and you have to use those tacos that week. Plain and simple!

    I use to open 2-3 3* covers from the original tacos per week, now I'm lucky if I get one.