20 ISO reward

If I receive the 20-iso reward from a mission I've done 30x as still haven't received 4/4 rewards, I'm going to freak out. This is just painful. I have more than a few missions I refuse to do (that don't have a green check) just because of this reason. Is there some criteria I'm missing in order to receive these rewards?
This is pathetic.


  • Sorry, man. You should have been here before. It was way harder to get all the rewards before they changed it. You should have a 50/50 chance of getting the reward. If you are hitting 30 times though, I'd try exitting and restarting. Maybe you got locked into a 20 ISO state or something. Couldn't hurt. If it is more like 10 or less times, that's not that unusual. It sucks but it happens.
  • But its becoming too frustrating in timed PVE events.. with enemy lvls much much higher then ours..
  • 20 iso is insultingly worthless. We should get squat for level 230 pve that require boosts? Oh wait, that can buy us 2 skips now! Wheeee! What fun!
  • RNGesus has not been kind =(