Deadpool Life of the Party

ErikPeter Posts: 719 Critical Contributor
Yesterday during the Daily Deadpool mission, I used (2*) Thor's Call the Storm on the enemy team (Wolverine X-Force was the target). Deadpool jumped in front of the attack (as he was recently changed to do), but instead of taking the area damage, XFW took zero damage from the attack. Noone took that extra damage.

I had just entered wave 4 so that might have been part of it... But either way XFW should have taken the smaller portion of damage.


  • A maxed 2-star Call the Storm deals 1103 team damage, and another 1103 damage to the primary target. A wave 4 Deadpool in the Big Enchilada should be level 132 if my notes are correct, so he will heal about 1.1k if his Life of the Party countdown resolves. The expected outcome for using Call the Storm on XFW would be for the entire enemy team to take 1103 damage, with an extra 1103 damage dealt to Deadpool, which he will heal from in the next turn. Are you claiming that no team damage was dealt at all, so that the enemy team effectively took zero damage from your Call the Storm?
  • ErikPeter
    ErikPeter Posts: 719 Critical Contributor
    No, only XFW took zero damage. He was at 100% health immediately after I used CTS on him and DP blocked it.

    I don't know if Deadpool took full damage or half damage... I didn't make note of it. I assume the third team member (Gorgon?) took half damage.
  • Did XFW have a Recovery tile on the board? If that resolved on the same turn as DP's Life of the Party it could explain how both DP and Gorgon only took 1.1k damage while XFW took none.
  • ErikPeter
    ErikPeter Posts: 719 Critical Contributor
    Like I said, Wolverine had full health immediately after Call the Storm. I checked his HP that same turn; In fact it was the first turn of round 4, the AI hadn't even had a chance to go yet (and I downed DP before his LoTP tile even got to pop, let alone activating Recovery and waiting for the CD to tick down). It was definitely a bug.
  • Grantilis
    Grantilis Posts: 22
    I have seen this too. I was fighting in the Shield versus match against Deadpool, Patch Wolverine, and DareDevil. I used 3* Thor's call the storm ability, with Daredevil as the front target. Deadpool jumped in front of DareDevil and set off his life of the party ability, DareDevil ended up taking no damage. This isn't the first time I have seen it, it was just the most recent.
  • BlackSheep101
    BlackSheep101 Posts: 2,025 Chairperson of the Boards
    Wouldn't shock me if they "fixed" LotP not triggering on abilities like Call the Storm and managed to introduce this bug.
  • Today I had my deadpool jump in front and place his heal CD all while stunned. It was very strange.