disappointed in Jean Grey

loroku Posts: 1,014 Chairperson of the Boards
edited July 2015 in MPQ General Discussion
...on two levels:

First, MPQ had finally developed an AWESOME way to get new 4*s into the mix, and that was the Ant-Man way: run a relatively simple but challenging event that gave away the newest 4* to anyone. It seems like a better way to make money to me (obviously I know nothing about their business of course), as many more people seem like they would be willing to spend on roster slots than covers - or on killing themselves to get through another PvE. Would love to see an Ant-Man-like one-shot for Jean!

Second, the art. It's really bad. MPQ had such a great run with Kamala Khan, Squirrel Girl, Scarlet Witch... And now we're back to this. You guys got whoever drew most of your old art to do this one, it feels like: we're back to legs that can't support a human's weight, weird twisty torsos for no reason, boob-hugging magical fabric that cannot exist (also see: Storm, She Hulk, BWGS, IW, etc.), and - why is she 12? Is that part of some reboot I don't know about? Even if it is, it's REALLY creepy. So much for your run of well-drawn female characters.


  • Doc L
    Doc L Posts: 279 Mover and Shaker
    I thought she was part of the All-New X-Men, that Jean Gray? So yes, young, though not sure quite on the age. I'd argue that Squirrel Girl's art is not ideal though... Just look at that face...

    I completely agree on the release method though. I would assume more people would spend on HP for roster slots and more covers, if they could get one to start with. I'm a bit saddened by this step backwards, in my eyes at least.
  • JamieMadrox
    JamieMadrox Posts: 1,798 Chairperson of the Boards
    loroku wrote:
    First, MPQ had finally developed an AWESOME way to get new 4*s into the mix, and that was the Ant-Man way: run a relatively simple but challenging event that gave away the newest 4* to anyone. It seems like a better way to make money to me (obviously I know nothing about their business of course), as many more people seem like they would be willing to spend on roster slots than covers - or on killing themselves to get through another PvE. Would love to see an Ant-Man-like one-shot for Jean!
    I agree that they can do more to get new characters, especially 4* ones, in to players' hands. The AM event was pretty cool, but really easy. I prefer the Hulk & Sentry way of making the cover a reward in a node on the last sub of an event that can only be unloacked by clearing all other nodes in the sub. At least then you only have to play the last sub of the PVE.
    loroku wrote:
    Second, the art. It's really bad. MPQ had such a great run with Kamala Khan, Squirrel Girl, Scarlet Witch... And now we're back to this. You guys got whoever drew most of your old art to do this one, it feels like: we're back to legs that can't support a human's weight, weird twisty torsos for no reason, boob-hugging magical fabric that cannot exist (also see: Storm, She Hulk, BWGS, IW, etc.), and - why is she 12? Is that part of some reboot I don't know about? Even if it is, it's REALLY creepy. So much for your run of well-drawn female characters.
    This is young, pre-reen/young teen Jean Grey. Not Phoenix/Dark Phoenix adult Jean. Yes, this lines up with a current storyline from the comics that has been running a few years now.
    After the death of Professor X at the hands of the Phoenix Force possessed Cyclops, Beast pulls the original X-Men (Angel, Beast, Cyclops, Iceman and Jean Grey) team forward in time to the present in hopes that they will learn from the future and not make the same mistakes when they are sent back.
  • loroku
    loroku Posts: 1,014 Chairperson of the Boards
    Ok, so looking around online, I found this as a pic of "young Jean Grey". So yeah, I guess it's true to that character art? But that art is also quite awful and super creepy. (Why is a 12 year old's shirt hanging open suggestively?) Jean's only got like ~50 years of art to pick from - why pick the creepy jailbaity thing? (Although I guess to be fair, poor Jean has nearly never had an outfit that wasn't exploitative, other than the movies which featured a real human and not a sex fantasy. At least they didn't pick most of her Phoenix stuff?)

    Edit: Thanks for the updates on storylines!
  • loroku
    loroku Posts: 1,014 Chairperson of the Boards
    The AM event was pretty cool, but really easy FOR ME
    Also, fixed that for you. icon_e_smile.gif It's clearly not that easy if there are lots of threads about people having trouble and a thread with direct advice from the devs!
  • cyineedsn
    cyineedsn Posts: 361 Mover and Shaker
    loroku wrote:
    Ok, so looking around online, I found this as a pic of "young Jean Grey". So yeah, I guess it's true to that character art? But that art is also quite awful and super creepy. (Why is a 12 year old's shirt hanging open suggestively?) Jean's only got like ~50 years of art to pick from - why pick the creepy jailbaity thing? (Although I guess to be fair, poor Jean has nearly never had an outfit that wasn't exploitative, other than the movies which featured a real human and not a sex fantasy. At least they didn't pick most of her Phoenix stuff?)

    Edit: Thanks for the updates on storylines!

    I'm confused, who/what are you questioning about why that pic? Marvel for bringing her back as a teenager? Or d3? Because this is pretty true to the current character design in the comics.

    Maybe using that was just a bad search keyword. Try searching for "all new xmen jean grey" images, there are dozens of images with jean in the green and white jump suit, that is fully zipped up with no cleavage showing and not overly sexualized (at least not any more than than comics usually are lol), and then that 1 random image with her cleavage showing, which appears to be a one-off artists rendition
  • Ruinate
    Ruinate Posts: 528 Critical Contributor
    loroku wrote:
    Ok, so looking around online, I found this as a pic of "young Jean Grey". So yeah, I guess it's true to that character art? But that art is also quite awful and super creepy. (Why is a 12 year old's shirt hanging open suggestively?) Jean's only got like ~50 years of art to pick from - why pick the creepy jailbaity thing? (Although I guess to be fair, poor Jean has nearly never had an outfit that wasn't exploitative, other than the movies which featured a real human and not a sex fantasy. At least they didn't pick most of her Phoenix stuff?)

    Edit: Thanks for the updates on storylines!

    I think it's weird you find this picture sexual, creepy and jailbaity. It's just a picture of an upset young girl to me. 12 year olds wear tank tops and it's fine. If you find that suggestive or sexual I think you are staring too hard.
  • grunth13
    grunth13 Posts: 608 Critical Contributor
    loroku wrote:
    The AM event was pretty cool, but really easy FOR ME
    Also, fixed that for you. icon_e_smile.gif It's clearly not that easy if there are lots of threads about people having trouble and a thread with direct advice from the devs!

    I don't know, I have my characters leveled to 132 and had no problem with Ant man event. Granted you have to use the same characters you would during DPQ for the waves on Ant-man. Steve Rodgers is almost a necessity for his protect tiles and stun and replenishing of red attack every 3 turns. I know some don't have him maxed, then you need either DD or Cstorm with a blue tank for her.
  • Malcrof
    Malcrof Posts: 5,971 Chairperson of the Boards
    Ruinate wrote:
    loroku wrote:
    Ok, so looking around online, I found this as a pic of "young Jean Grey". So yeah, I guess it's true to that character art? But that art is also quite awful and super creepy. (Why is a 12 year old's shirt hanging open suggestively?) Jean's only got like ~50 years of art to pick from - why pick the creepy jailbaity thing? (Although I guess to be fair, poor Jean has nearly never had an outfit that wasn't exploitative, other than the movies which featured a real human and not a sex fantasy. At least they didn't pick most of her Phoenix stuff?)

    Edit: Thanks for the updates on storylines!

    I think it's weird you find this picture sexual, creepy and jailbaity. It's just a picture of an upset young girl to me. 12 year olds wear tank tops and it's fine. If you find that suggestive or sexual I think you are staring too hard.

    Head to a waterpark in the summer... that pic is almost tame.

    That being said, KK would never be drawn like that, emo or not.
  • CrookedKnight
    CrookedKnight Posts: 2,579 Chairperson of the Boards
    The time-travel stuff is even covered in her in-game bio...
  • TheOncomingStorm
    TheOncomingStorm Posts: 489 Mover and Shaker
    loroku wrote:
    ...on two levels:

    First, MPQ had finally developed an AWESOME way to get new 4*s into the mix, and that was the Ant-Man way: run a relatively simple but challenging event that gave away the newest 4* to anyone. It seems like a better way to make money to me (obviously I know nothing about their business of course), as many more people seem like they would be willing to spend on roster slots than covers - or on killing themselves to get through another PvE. Would love to see an Ant-Man-like one-shot for Jean!

    Second, the art. It's really bad. MPQ had such a great run with Kamala Khan, Squirrel Girl, Scarlet Witch... And now we're back to this. You guys got whoever drew most of your old art to do this one, it feels like: we're back to legs that can't support a human's weight, weird twisty torsos for no reason, boob-hugging magical fabric that cannot exist (also see: Storm, She Hulk, BWGS, IW, etc.), and - why is she 12? Is that part of some reboot I don't know about? Even if it is, it's REALLY creepy. So much for your run of well-drawn female characters.

    My understanding is this is teen Jean Grey (you know from the comics).
  • Unknown
    She definitely isn't 12 in the comics, she's 16-17, same age as her original xmen debut in the 60's.

    Also, lol as Khamala Khan being good art. That's easily the -worst- translation I've seen of a character from the comic to MPQ, which is amazing as there's only one real incarnation of her.
  • cyineedsn
    cyineedsn Posts: 361 Mover and Shaker
    Malcrof wrote:

    I think it's weird you find this picture sexual, creepy and jailbaity. It's just a picture of an upset young girl to me. 12 year olds wear tank tops and it's fine. If you find that suggestive or sexual I think you are staring too hard.

    Head to a waterpark in the summer... that pic is almost tame.

    That being said, KK would never be drawn like that, emo or not.[/quote]

    Actually in Battleworld she's already being drawn as older and more like a sexy spy type in Attilan Rising

    https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/60 ... pfGLjh.jpg

    But it's just random battleworld renditions, so this is just a short-term one-off
  • El Satanno
    El Satanno Posts: 1,005 Chairperson of the Boards
    loroku wrote:
    Second, the art. It's really bad. MPQ had such a great run with Kamala Khan, Squirrel Girl, Scarlet Witch...

    I'm sorry, but I think you spelled "crime against comic book art" wrong there.

    Like, for real? The art for Kamala is rivaled only by Beast's "someone is giving me an anal probe at this very moment" battle-scowl in how horrifyingly bad it is, and only Bring Out the Best doesn't make my skin crawl. Squirrel Girl is a little too cartoony juxtaposed with the rest of the characters and Nuts From Above is just plain creepy. Scarlet Witch's art is pretty good, but her avatar in the roster looks like she's got a harelip. And that bothers me.
  • turul
    turul Posts: 1,622 Chairperson of the Boards
    I am also tired of the shared same boob art for most female characters in MPQ icon_e_smile.gif
    And also the lack of cleavages since MBW.
  • puppychow
    puppychow Posts: 1,453
    The AM event was pretty cool, but really easy.

    Easy you say? Tell that to the folks who are still trying to get the antman cover right now. icon_e_confused.gif
  • pizzaburger
    I also hate the art/version of Jean Grey they used.

    Jean is not my favorite X-Man anyways, glad she finally stayed dead, but DUH, the incarnation they should have used was the...


    Non-phoenix jean should have been a 3 star. Phoenix and Dark Phoenix jeans are 4 stars ALL DAY. Missed opportunity.

    Also, I wanted 90s Jean. She could have had a one-shot kill power called "firecracker vs atom bomb" reminiscent of the time she handed Sabertooth his sorry carcass in a "fight" but made that comparison to humiliate him right before she did.

    Oh well, we don't always get what we want. I'm personally not a huge fan of this new character, either.
  • Turbosmooth
    Turbosmooth Posts: 213
    Hmmm, I really like the character as-is.
    Don't worry, I believe Phoenix will be one of the first four 5*s.

    I ran into my first full 270 5/3/5 (boosted to 364) in PvP by Llohm. He/she must really like her since because they don't even have a fully covered PX @ 140.
  • Bishop
    Bishop Posts: 130 Tile Toppler
    I don't think it matters much how they clothe their villans/heroes. How they are clothed is part of their character,thier personality if you will. Take Emma Frost for example you can't fully clothe her becuase that would take part of her personality they gave her away. If she's a hoe then she's a hoe. It wouldn't make much since to me if she was modest all of a sudden.

    As far as young Jean she's fine,she doesn't look like a "fantasy" to me. Just a young girl in a jump suit.