An observation

IlDuderino Posts: 427 Mover and Shaker
edited July 2015 in MPQ General Discussion
I am taking a break from the game (or at least going casual) and have a thought that has been bugging me for a bit that I wanted to share with the devs in case others a similar position feel the same.

I think there is now a huge imbalance in favour of PvE players in awarding new 4*s. I have a wife and kid and a demanding job (more demanding than this game in fact) and can't play 24/7 for new covers. I played what I felt was hard for Thing and three days felt like a year with me sneaking off whenever I could to play on a weekend away with family. And this was a short PvE! I got 2 Thing covers (ok 3 with an Alliance one as I swapped for that PvE). Inevitably on a now fortnightly basis I will check out my alliance mate's rosters at the end of a PvE and see a 2/2/1 covered 4*. Well yippee I will be in the same position in 5 months from hitting 1,000 in PvP - no thanks.

If this were not the case I would be much more keen to keep playing. I am sure there will be people that will say I don't deserve these characters without the grind but I made the 3* transition pretty well with just PvP back in the day and I thought the 4* transition was supposed to be more "streamlined" or whatever expression they used.

I hope that they look at this as it has killed the sense of fun and progression for me.


  • _Ryu_
    _Ryu_ Posts: 149
    Same here! Real life is important too...
  • Unknown
    A lot of unhappy forumites feeling the same and as you said a bad business model that in untenable over time. Shiny covers make some go beyond reason by spending hours of their life to get it. Personally a PVE like Hulk with a 7 day progression reward of a Psylocke cover does not relate to a single DPQ with a 3* cover, 2 hero tokens, 4000 ISO in a mere 20 minutes. Yes you have to have the cover to get one but even without it can get 1750 and hero token fairly easily without.
  • Orion
    Orion Posts: 1,295 Chairperson of the Boards
    That's why I really liked the Growth Industry event. If I didn't want to grind for 7 days for Ant-Man, I could finish this DDQ-style event and get my 1 cover. Perfect for the casual player. I think this should happen for all of the 4* releases.
  • Unknown
    Great, rational, well-worded constructive criticism in this thread...

    Without question, DDQ and Ant-Man represent everything that makes MPQ an actual game, and PvP is there for people who want to slug it out competitively.

    The only thing I would add to the OP is that it's not just about 4*s, but 3*s as well. Without playing the game with a level of commitment commensurate to a second job, it's painfully slow going. Over 600 days in, I'm nearing completion on one 3* character (ironically?) a much newer Scarlet Witch.

    There simply must be a way for players to have more success than that, sans "playing optimally," when doing so isn't even a viable option without the right characters to begin with.

  • JordonLee
    JordonLee Posts: 161 Tile Toppler
    Honestly, coming from someone stuck at home all the time unable to work, I still agree with you. The amount of effort you have to put into this game to get anything from it at a reasonable standard is absurd. It makes it completely inaccessible to anyone that doesn't want to or can't find the time to place hours and hours of effort. PvE is ridiculous to gain a good rank for anyone that doesn't sell their soul for the duration of the event (You could argue that T100 - T150 on none-new character events - is attainable with less effort, but what use is 1 cover?), and that's how things are at the moment.

    I promise I had more of a point but my brain's gone dead lol. Just know I completely agree, even if I can sit around all day on a game to get max points why should I for a semi-usable character at the end of 7 days.
    Idk, PvE needs to change.
  • Malcrof
    Malcrof Posts: 5,971 Chairperson of the Boards
    Heck, i work a job that allows me to play while working when it is slow.. and i started a whole thread about the tinykitty 7 day PVE's for new chars...

    and the hypocrite that i am, here i sit, #1 in my bracket (probably for only a few minutes) after swearing i was NOT going to do what i did with EoTs.. oh well, off the cliff this little lemming goes.
  • SnowcaTT
    SnowcaTT Posts: 3,486 Chairperson of the Boards
    We quit PVE several seasons back (some members run it if they want to, mercing out now and then) - we were talking about it yesterday and several of us agreed that the -only- reason we are still playing is because we took away this life-sucking grind.

    I've talked to several other alliances who either have also already gotten rid of it or are consider doing it soon.

    With all the new 4*'s introduced, the "benefit" of having a shiny 2/1/1 for spending one hour out of every 8 hours for an entire week looks uglier than ever.

    It has been well past the time that PVE should be phased out - transitioned from a "vs everyone" where only a small percentage get the rewards, into more of an ant-man/ultron style event - put those 4* covers as progressions. Get rid of all scaling and all rubber-banding, so the devs know EXACTLY how many points each node will always be worth, and EXACTLY how many runs will be required to hit those progressions.
  • Unknown
    SnowcaTT wrote:
    We quit PVE several seasons back (some members run it if they want to, mercing out now and then) - we were talking about it yesterday and several of us agreed that the -only- reason we are still playing is because we took away this life-sucking grind.

    I've talked to several other alliances who either have also already gotten rid of it or are consider doing it soon.

    With all the new 4*'s introduced, the "benefit" of having a shiny 2/1/1 for spending one hour out of every 8 hours for an entire week looks uglier than ever.

    It has been well past the time that PVE should be phased out - transitioned from a "vs everyone" where only a small percentage get the rewards, into more of an ant-man/ultron style event - put those 4* covers as progressions. Get rid of all scaling and all rubber-banding, so the devs know EXACTLY how many points each node will always be worth, and EXACTLY how many runs will be required to hit those progressions.

    Our alliance was on shaky ground last night, and we lost a few AWESOME players we're currently trying to get back because of just this.

    The new commanders (with nothing but good intentions) were talking with the members about how we were going to push for T100, and our chat filled up with, "I'm quitting MPQ," and, "I'm going to leave and join a more casual alliance" comments.

    Luckily, after all was said and done, the group seems to have decided that if we happen to end up close in some future PvE, we might push a bit, but barring that, it's essentially DDQ daily for our 10ISO "alliance reward" and whatever individual members want to do.

    My hat's honestly off to folks who can somehow make their otherwise fulfilling life work around this video game, but having done it a couple dozen or so times with wildly varied success, it just never feels worth it, even when I "win."

    Really glad to be a part of a great group of like-minded folks, and as to your last point, I'm pretty sure the only reason I'm still bothering with the forum is the off chance that the devs read enough comments on how players feel about DDQ and now Ant-Man and eventually figure it out.

  • Various38
    Various38 Posts: 101
    Every game has players that sacrifice life to make the high score. PVP has become more of a grind for me even though I'm making strides to improve my roster. The 1000 should be attainable, but with shielding, I just don't see the points that some people may see. The highest point total I have seen in queue is 71, but that ended up as only 60 points after I finished the match. Usually I'm only getting 35-45 points per match. After I get passed the 600 mark, I'm a sitting duck. I make the 35-ish points and get hit for 29-40. Strangely that's okay to me because I know this is the competitive portion of the game.

    It was said the point changes made the 1000 goal more attainable, but what I've found is that hitting the 800 mark is still a challenge. A true 1 player experience may help that a bit because it allows those who aren't ready to really hit the big numbers to improve to a competitive state. I do not like that PVE is a competitive state also. I, like many others here, have a life outside of the game. I don't want to be limited to mediocrity because I chose not to sell my soul to the MPQ devil.